
Secret Kingdom into the Outside World

An princess waiting for her knight and shining armor. From an hidden Kingdom that no one no humans anyways knows. With her older sister getting married off and her brother being the heir to the throne she doesn't know her place. After reading about the outside world a world beyond the fog she wishes to explore. She will be needing her best friends help. An her personal guard to help her escape. Her guard and her sneak out when an party is going on escaping by water. Going to the unknown meeting good and bad people on the way. But will happen to the kingdom when she is away? We will see soon....

Awkward_Shadow · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch.1 Childhood Dream

"Jupiter! Where are you princess," maiden yelled as walks down to hallways. Boo!, I chuckled as I pop out of the curtains. "Princess your mother is looking for you," she sighed as she leads her to the ballroom. "Oh Jupiter," my mother said with a smile slightly kneeling down as I ran into her arms. I really love my mother she really is the best mother in the world. Honestly probably all kids think that. My mother with her brown hair and blue eyes is my pride and joy. I then heard a loud thump on the table coming from the throne room. My mother looks at the throne room as she turns away. "Come on Jupiter you should play outside," she said pulling my away. I wander what was going on. As we when outside my mother and I had sometime together making flower crowns and watering the garden. It was fun as it lasted until she had some duties to attend to. As I was left outside alone I just sat down on the grass looking at the sky. I could of played with my older sister Starburst but she wouldn't you know sisters when they're older. And then there's my younger brother Rocket who haven't even learned to walked yet. I sighed as I looked at the sky. I heard footsteps as I turned around curiosity. It was a boy with dark brown hair with golden eyes. His hair glistened in the sunlight with his golden eyes glowing. My eyes widened curiously as he looked my way. "Oh hey," he said as he sat next to me awkwardly. What business do you have here, I asked curiously. "My father is having a meeting here he's trying to teach me "things", he answered. I chuckled softly saying, Welcome to Wingscale I hope this place has been welcoming. He chuckles saying, "It has and you are?" I answered introducing myself, Jupiter, Jupiter Yukinouta and you? "I'm Dylan Arita," he replied with a slight smile. It's a pleasure to meet you, I said happily. He chuckled slightly, "Same goes to you princess." Hehe well would you like to come play with me, I said as I got up. "Sure why not," he said as he got up onto his feet. We run around the hallways as I showed him around. It was fun and I really had a good time with Dylan. It turns out that we are the same age well he's older then me but it's nice to have someone around the same age as you. From that day on we would always be with one another when our father's had a "meeting". Until I turned 8 he had to stop visiting I been playing with him for 2 years. I was quite sad these days. On his last day he promised that he wouldn't forget me. I really hope he doesn't. After a couple months the past as I sat alone in my room. A girl walks in bowing, "Hello princess Jupiter," she said as I looked up and down at her confused. She had brown hair with some pink light and dark headlights and red scarlet eyes. The Head Guard walks in saying, "Princess this will your personal guard Sakura Saito my daughter." I smiled as I walked to her. It's nice to meet you Sakura I hope we become good friends, I said welcoming her as I stood in front of her. She nodded with a smile. We did she would always listen,play, and talk with me. As I did princess lesson she did her knight training I was jealous I have to admit that. Years past as we grew up. Sakura finally finished her training teaching me some of the moves since I begged her. Not my best moment at the time but I really wanted to try it. Sometimes I would sneak down into the city to see all the people with Sakura of course. She is really a good friend helping and protecting me. Well now that I'm all grown up looking back I always think back to Dylan. It's been 8 years and at this point I'm now 16 it been a heck time. I still remember all the times with Dylan. I wander if he remembers me after all I haven't seen him 10 years. I wander what will happen now...