
Secret Doors

Billionaire Levi Everett is a well known businessman who kissed Portia Zira on a masquerade party. That one sinful passionate kiss turns into a blooming affair, An affair behind close doors where no one should know but the two of them. How will Levi Everett sacrifice everything for the woman he adores and how will Portia Zira do everything to meet the standards of Levi's world.

Scarlet_Chrome · Urban
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206 Chs

Saturday Date

Narrator's P.O.V:

Levi wakes up at sharply five in the morning. He still wanted to rest but it was his body type telling him to wake up. He sat at the bedside post and look at the surrounding down to Portia whose still in her dreamland. He leans closer to Portia's face and appreciates every inch of her. "I miss you." He murmured while looking at her. He can't hide the smile on his face at her cute reactions when sleeping.

Levi kisses Portia's forehead and gets up from bed. He goes straight to the bathroom and does his morning routine. Levi then opens the curtains for some light, he also fixes Portia's blanket and goes downstairs to cook breakfast for them. He called his secretary to buy him new clothes while cooking. He reads the data analysis for his business while he's also cleaning. Levi is used to this kind of situation where he multi-tasks everything.