
Secret Dark Love

Everyone wishes for that purely heavenly romantic love story in their life. Siyun is no odd for that. All she wishes is for a dream love. Siyun is a brown skinned girl. She wears a power glass. She loves small circle of people around her. She is soft spoken, doesn't dance much, doesn't talk much. She doesn't do makeup or dresses up much. Fate puts her in situations and transforms her. A story of how she transforms and amazes people, who thought she was hopeless. Fortunately or Unfortunately she even earns Four loves. Whom she loved? Which one was true? How did she transform? Is multiple loves common? Will she find the true one? Watch out for Secret Dark Love to unwind these curiosity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ With Love, AuthorTK Instagram @ dr.sivabakya

AuthorTK · Teen
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8 Chs


"Whatever Big or Small, You are You After all"

Days went by. Everyday looked hard and hit me. I longed to see him. But I know, everything was over - Even I lost my one last chance. "I don't have his number". Those days when whatsapp was not there (Even if it was there, I dint have his number anyways..), Instagram was not there.

How could I contact him? Should I send pigeons? Or some old trick that was used to contact lovers. Suddenly a light bulb turned on in my brain. FACEBOOK. Yes! Those days, the only way of contacting was Orkut or Facebook. As Orkut was loosing it's popularity, Facebook came into limelight.

So, somehow I managed to think of a plan and started to execute it. Went straight to Dad and said "I think the Universities are starting with their admissions, Dad I think we need to put up internet connections, to stay updated". My Dad paused for a moment and nodded. With no clue of his reactions, I continued "Dad I think I should do a little search on what course to take up". He gave a blank look at me.

That's it dude, Time for Plan B. "We all know, the only place where we can get anything we ask for is Mom". So, started my conversation with mom "Ma, I want to become a doctor, But not sure which field to choose". I paused for a second, just a space to notice my mother's reaction. She began to keenly listen to me. "Why don't you put up internet connections, so that I can do a little research about colleges".

Ultimately, my plan was highly successful. The next day I got my new Broadband connection, wih high speed internet. "Another Chance. Another opportunity", my mind kept reminding me. I tried to very quickly fill in the details and open a Facebook account.

Once all the procedures was done, I started to search his name in the engine. Checking out all possible names, all possible photo resemblances, finally I managed to find him. Yes! That was him, his pictures, his informations and his ever charming attractive face. The face I wished, to be mine forever.

Tried to workout my long plan. I quickly grabbed my camera and checked up the photos, which I took on the farewell day. There he was, in that bright beautiful red shirt. Grabbed my USB, connected it to the camera and to the PC (Felt I was good in Computers, may be I should become an engineer).

In the photos I captured, was my man receiving the farewell gift. For a minute I lost myself looking at the photo. Turning on my conscious waves, with no further delay, I quickly uploaded his photo on my news feed, tagged him and gave a friend request.

Excitement filled me up, I was bit nervous too. I wished he accept my friend request and comment something on the photo I tagged. As I was about to close my laptop, mom called me over for dinner.

The whole night, keeping him in my mind, wishing to get in touch with him, I went to sleep. Only the universe knew the love I had for him. Because my love for him was limitless, Just like the Universe with no boundaries.


With Love
