
secret crush secret love

crush..... something I have will he notice me never well I will never know maybe he will. this story about a girl having a secret crush a popular girl also has the same crush crush the popular girl ends up leaves and she secretly dates crush. will they be exposed? will people find out?..... Guys should I go into murder crime stories I've been feeling it lately. I might write a story on it just like how this one is written structure wise the short chapters. Give me your thoughts in the comments of my last chapter. I've been gone a long time but I'm back and better than ever (mini chapter for secret crush coming soon) The more comments I get on my last post the quicker you'll get it even maybe 2 mini chapter's. Instagram @webnovelstory_

pixiesanddust · Urban
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30 Chs

19. Crumble then fix

<p>I felt our relationship was about crumble and there was no way I could stop it.<br/>Rumours were being spread everywhere and this I wanted to secret because once out in the open you get all these questions questions I didn't but the one thing I certainly didn't want was for us to break up because of rumours about our relationship.<br/>So I texted Brent saying that I ended the conversation bad and that we should talk and we met up at the bench at the end of our road and we decided we weren't going to let some people affect our relationship but this taught us to be more careful when dating especially at school and near the school premises because you never who could be looking.<br/>When school started the next day I was surprised to see the talk about us had died down and we were no longer the centre of gossip.<br/>School was a breeze no one asked me if I was dating him and I finally felt like everything was going back to normal.<br/><br/>ps. sorry I've been inactive with my writing I just took a bit of time of to think and gather myself together I'll be back on track soon slowly but surely XX my fans</p>