
Second Youngest Son (Swordmaster’s Youngest Son Fanfiction)

Magnus Runcandel The twin brother of Jin Runcandel a reincarnator with no memories get thrown into the world of the Swordmaster’s Youngest Son with a system lets see what he does . (A lot of people are mad that I wrote a reincarnator who lost his memories I don't understand what pisses you guys so much . it not like his old memories will help him much . He is in a Fantasy world with a SYSTEM . All his memories will accomplish is to tell you guys whether he is a orphan or he has family and that he misses them . Which is boring for me so I just made him forget his memories that's all ) Lol the explanation is bigger then the synopsis

Mr_Moringstar · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 9 : Sister Luna

It's been half a year since I met Murkan and Nova

My very own dragon.... well I have to say it twice, well because you know it is a freaking dragon !!

Cough cough.... Anyway that aside many things changed since then like nebula my pet pheniox has grown to the half my size and was introduced to everyone in the castle , needless to say everyone like her who wouldn't right ??

no no no everyone loved her , even Natasha who never show her cute side liked nebula in her own way.....

My brothers tonna left the castle as they are ten now .

I started to train with Jin in something called the secret library the place I met Murkan.

What else what else....Nova is learning the dragon stuff from Murkan and is learning in a fast pace as Murkan said

I on the otherside didn't have much progress on space control skill i got a as a reward.

The skill consums way too much of my mana .

It takes all my mana just to move a object up from one place to another and that is like space control 101.

Well I can't do anything about it so i just practice daily .

And most importantly today is my birthday but I got a sudden suprise.

Eldest sister Luna is coming to visit me

It came to a suprise to me as no family members comes to meet us ever but now she is .

There is only one reason for that no denying it.....

It is because of my extreme cuteness , no one can escape from it hahahaha!

Sigh being cute is so hard .

--Flash back--

In a huge room full of servants two kids in nices dress could be seen surrounded as a cake was infront of them .

"Thank you everyone"

"Gilly please distribute the cake to everyone"

"But i didn't have a piece yet ??"

"You can't have one young master it is bad for you" Natasha

" Come on one piece can't hurt!! "

" I am sorry young master you can't"

" Boo you are so mean !!"

(intense stare from Natasha)

" Fine I don't want the stupid cake "

Jin just shook his head at his brother's behaviour

At that moment Khan entered in a hurry

"Sorry to interrupt you young master"

"What happened Khan ?" Jin

"It is informed that mistresses Luna is going to visit the young masters"

"What ?" Jin

"Wffa(what)?" Magnus said as he has a cake in his mouths as everyone turned to see him

---flash back end---

Both Magnus and Jin were walking towards the entrance to meet with there elder sister with Gilly following them

"Hey Jin what do you think she is going to be like ?"

"I don't know much about her " Jin said with his poker face on .

"Well Natasha said she is the strongest one in all our siblings"

"And she removed herself from something called the succession war whatever that is "

"And that she is called the white whale , which i think is cool what do you think ? "

" I would say Natasha is good at gathering information "

As both of them discussing A long white haired woman entered the room with a giant sword behind her .

Both Jin and Magnus noticed her

"Sister ??" Magnus

"Sister Luna...." Jin

"Hello little ones.... It is nice to see you both "

"We would have gotten dressed properly if we would know you are arriving"

"What do you mean more properly , we are already dressed for our birthday"

Jin just glared at Magnus which made him quite .

"Hahaha both of you are cute "

She placed her hands on both of them . As she smiled at them .

Magnus liked that someone was praising him but he still felt weird that he is theoretically same age as her

But unlike him Jin was uncomfortable by his sister's actions after all she was too cold and distant in his past life so much so that there relationship could be described as strangers more than siblings.

Luna how noticed Jin's discomfort asked him

"What is youngest are you feeling under whether??" Luna

"Oh... No.... It's just that I am nervous to see you like this upclose for the first time "

Luna realised what was happening as she fell into a deep thought.

' it is the Runcandel family tradition to keep the siblings in check, steal from them and tramp them.... Does Jin think i am her to keep him check or ?.... '

Luna kneeled down to both kissed there hands as she spoke.

"Little ones , i am here to talk to you so can I dismiss you nanny and your guardian knight, so that we can talk in private ."

"Sure sister!!"

Magnus was first to respond with a smile although Jin was conflicted at first he saw the look on Luna's face which didn't even have a hint of malicious so he agreed

"Yes sister "


Inside a room

Three of them were sitting as Luna started to speak.

"Little ones the reason I came to speak to you is to tell you something "

" What would that be ?... " Jin

' what else but my amazing cuteness which she couldn't resist, way to go magnus '

"When father came to visit you last time your behaviour attracted the attention of other siblings"

"That means the moment you leave the Storm castle all the siblings will keep a strong watch on you "

'what that means my amazing cuteness wasn't the reason for her to come here..... well atleast i am well noted among the other siblings , that is good right ??'

" But little one i don't want you to lose you happiness by being dragged into this meaningless fight "

"Well I am not really interested in the so called succession fight sister "


Luna looked a little embarrassed as she said

"Little one i was talking about youngest here.... Your behaviour.... Well how to put it"

"Send you to the last person to ever get a change to participate in the fight "

"What !!?, How can that be possible??"

Hearing his brother's doubt Jin decided to answer him

"Not to be judgey but you did kind of our right said you don't accept father and you did made him so angry that he showed his killing Intent "

" That kind behaviour can only be said foolish, dumb , thoughtless and stupid "

Each word from his mouth attached Magnus like a arrow making him fall down dramatically and turning into stone .

Luna just picked him up and placed him on her lap as she continued to speak.

" Well Jin in this case our siblings take you as a huge threat and think Magnus may support you but they are not worried about him "

" So i just wanted to you lay low and have a happy life....."

"I just wanted you to know i am not doing this because I feel that you are a threat... "

" I know sister Luna.... "

" But I can't move away from fight as both of us were already tried to be Assassinated before "

" We were ? "

Magnus was confused by what Jin was saying but then he remembered that one day when was a sleeping he got a notification saying

[Curse was nullified, using the mana of the curse to strengthen the body ]

'so that was the reason i got that notification '

Magnus understood the reason and calm down but unlike him Luna started release a scary aura and he was the first to feel it cause he is in her lap.

"Who dared to try and kill you in the Storm castle ?!!"

"Which sibling even tried it !!"

" Tell me Jin which Sibling tried to kill you !! "

'man her Aura is crazy , this reminds me of the time when I irritated Natasha to her limit ' Magnus

Even thinking about that sent a shiver down his spine .

"Sister calm down , see both of us fine right ?"

Magnus tried to calm her down

Luna got back to her senses as she held back her aura

"Magnus is right sister , both of us are fine and i can't disclose that information.... I mean i don't even who did it so....."

Luna was in a deep thought but she got out it as she hugged both of them.

" I am sorry little ones it seems i am little late from stopping the dirty war from reaching you..... "

" Come on sister Luna don't be sad , it is not that bad right "

" I mean there are our siblings all we have to do is beat some sense into them even if it means using violence right ?? "

Luna and Jin looked at Magnus a little surprised But soon it turned into Luna laughing

"Hahahahaha yes magnus you are right , i shouldn't be this sad today as we are celebrating a joyous occasion after all today is your birthday, come on let's go "


They spent rest of there day happily like a ordinary family

As the day came to an end and the time for Luna's departure arrived

"Aaa I forgot I bought gifts for both of you here you go "

She gave a long box to Jin and a smaller one to Magnus

And both them opened it as Jin got a necklace with blue gem and Magnus got a ring with a black one .

"These are very special gift for both of you , when you can't deal with someone just break the stone and wherever i am i will come to your rescue ok ? "

" I can summon you ?!!! That is awesome!! "

" Haha yes exactly like that "

" Now i have to go but before I go i will tell you one thing "

" Whatever may happen in this world but the only the ones with power will get respect and freedom , this is more accurate if you are a Runcandel so get stronger my brothers for yourselves and for the people you want to protect ok "

She hugged them one last time as she left the mansion leaving behind confused Magnus

" Become strong, haa " Magnus muttered.

Then he heard a new notifications.