
Second World

He was about to join the beta test on the newest VR games, Second World. But an anomaly threw him into a world with familiar rules, a rule he usually only experienced in a game. Now he must use his past gaming experience in this new world. It was no longer a game, it was survival! A strive to reach the highest level possible. Equipped with dual-class of melee and magic user, Jack was set on the path to become the strongest character in this brave new world.

UnrivaledArcaner · Games
Not enough ratings
2006 Chs

Chapter 703. The Oasis

The orc team continued staying on the move as Four Winds was thinking of a plan. They stopped once in a while as Disco Rain performed her incorporeal state sensing.

"That's weird," Disco Rain said as she opened her eyes. "That human team is still tailing us."

Disco Rain had found out about Red Death and the others during her previous sessions. Four Winds then instructed them to change direction since he had not thought of a suitable plan. But every time they did, the human team adjusted their directions.

"They probably had a skill that can track us," Water Lily said.

"Like the Track Monster skill but on a person?" Disco Rain asked. She had the Track Monster skill, but she was oblivious about the Track Person skill.

"I think that is a high probability," Water Lily said.

"That means he was tracking one of us?" Violent Blizzard said.

"If that is true, then Disco Rain is most likely the one that they track," Four Winds said.