
Chapter 607. Daddy is Back

At the wall outside Heavenly Citadel, Supervisor Killmonger and Assistant Manager Ironhand looked at the broken gate. "Forwarrddd…!!!" They both shouted at the same time.

They left the battering ram behind. It was a one-time-use item in a siege battle. It couldn't be transformed back into its initial miniature size. In its current state, it had become an item type that could not be stored inside the player's inventory bag.

The battering ram was also not in a good condition anymore. Once it appeared, the Eagle Rider Hunters above started focusing their arrows on it. But there were only ten of the eagle riders. The battering ram had high defense and high HP, their attacks were not enough to deal meaningful damage within a short time.

Everyone rushed in with a fiery spirit. They were very close to victory. As they rushed in, they didn't notice the strange shadows on the ground.