
Chapter 518. Maxius Family

After adding Florence to his Friend list and inviting her into the guild. Jack left their coordinations to Jeanny and John. He walked out of the place and asked Sinful to continue bringing him to the city hall.

The city hall was indeed hard to miss. It was a gargantuan building similar to the real world's cathedral. The fact that a Vampire's administration place was copying the previous world's house of God worship was an irony.

When he wanted to enter, the soldiers barred the way.

"Commoners are not allowed here," the soldiers said.

Jack produced his Themisphere kingdom faction nobility badge and showed it to the soldiers. "My name is Storm Wind. I am a Viscount of Themisphere. I'm here for an official visit under the order of Prince Alonzo, the third prince of Themisphere, to meet with Caleb Lucien and deliver my prince's message."