
Second World

He was about to join the beta test on the newest VR games, Second World. But an anomaly threw him into a world with familiar rules, a rule he usually only experienced in a game. Now he must use his past gaming experience in this new world. It was no longer a game, it was survival! A strive to reach the highest level possible. Equipped with dual-class of melee and magic user, Jack was set on the path to become the strongest character in this brave new world.

UnrivaledArcaner · Games
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1972 Chs

Chapter 425. Shadows

'Damn!' He cursed within. So he still couldn't avoid misfortune. He thought about running the other way from where the red dots were coming, but what if there were even more hostiles that way. After a brief pondering, he decided to meet with the current enemy first. He needed to see how dangerous these hostiles were first before deciding. The movements on his radar were not particularly fast. If he decided to run away, he should still be able to do so after catching sight of them.

Problem was, in this foggy area, they would be rather close already when he caught sight of them.

Jack didn't waste time on hesitation, he rushed out to meet them. He paid attention to his radar and made sure he engaged the enemy by their sides. He didn't want to engage them in their center and ended up being circumvented by them and getting trapped inside their formation.