

"Evan ..sometimes i feel like you are making distance between us"rose said while sitting beside me .her head was on my shoulder. I smiled and said there is nothing like that."then its ok"rose said with a big smile.i dont know how can she smile like that.its irritate me so much.this is the first time i feel like this.i stand up from sitting. "Suddenly what happened?where are you going?" Nothing;going to toilet..


I look at my self at the mirror.i cant go on like this.i need to do somting.what are you doing?(Suddenly rose come and hug me from my back).i missed you.*rose said* its been 4 or 5 minutes since i came to washroom and you are missing me already!? What if oneday you needed to live alone! What will you do ? * i asked with a little smile * why do i need to live without you! Ill be always with you .

I dont think that will happend.the fact is i am never going to let it happend.did you say anything?*rose asked*no..nothing...

Then ill order somting delicious to eat.what do you want to eat ?anything is fine * i said *


*Its my time for to take revenge*

To be continue.....