
Second Sight (The Admiral's Elite #1)

Rebecca Sauter is a proud military police officer with a secret; she’s clairvoyant. Her ex-Marine father can’t understand why she won’t try harder for a commission but for Becca, hiding among the greater mass of enlisted men and women is safer. One night on a run she encounters a terrifying man and his beastly dogs. In her attempts to defend herself she hits her head and passes out. When she wakes up in the hospital she’s being collected by a handsome but rude officer. Humans are fragile. That has been Captain Michael Rossi’s mantra since his first days as a vampire in 1944. Now Admiral Black has given a post within his elite unit to a human woman solely because she has “the sight”. Michael’s fears that she will bring harm to his men are soon eclipsed by his realization that it is her who might suffer should the admiral decide she is a poor fit. *Strong female lead, vampires, werewolves, alpha characters, military.

Heather_Savage_7019 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter 31

After what felt like the longest moment of her life, Becca finally heard that cold voice creep down her spine. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and her vision began to dance. As much as she didn't want to do it again, Becca didn't want to be blind should there be a battle for Danny's life.

As soon as she jumped, Becca heard Danny's gasp. She blinked to acclimate herself to the change in perspective.

"What are you doing?" Danny panted. "That isn't possible."

She saw movement on both ends of the hall out of her periphery. Gabrielle was still in her wolf form and approaching slowly. Ryan's human bulk came from the other side, equally intimidating.

"Rebecca, I am pleased to see you well enough to function. Might I point out, however, our computer whiz is attempting to secure the safety of our entire society and you are distracting him. Do I need to handle this situation myself?"

"No!" Becca nearly shouted and finally forced herself to face not Danny, but Michael.

The look on his face combined with the mix of feelings she sensed from him served as a bitch slap of guilt. He could feel something happening, though she didn't think he understood what exactly she was doing. "No, Sir. My old partner was on duty tonight and we were talking. He was just leaving."

"I don't think things are so simple. It sounds to me like he has some information about you that interests me." The obsidian eyes regarded Danny flatly as he loomed tall and green in the lighting. The bulb over he and Michael hummed and flickered, the only sound breaking the silence of the suddenly crowded corridor.

Becca stared at Black for a long moment, trying to figure out a way to explain her jump without making it seem like she was a psychic spy in Michael's head. She squared her shoulders, facing him straight on. "Since Michael has," she paused flustered to say it out loud, "helped me heal," Danny gave a choking cough, "I've been able to kind of 'jump' into you and use your eyes." Unsure why she felt the need, Becca kept the jump to Ryan quiet. Black might not like to think she could get into anyone's head. Michael gave her blood, they'd had sex, who knew the whys of it all, but that was the one she'd admit to.

She lifted her face to put her narrow field of vision on him and watched his blue eyes flickering back and forth from light to dark blue before settling at midnight. Becca clung to the fact that they were not yet black. Good. He wasn't completely furious though she could sense a pretty strong vibe of anger with maybe a hint of fear. His tone was becoming more difficult to read as he flattened out his voice, hiding himself away. In order to better predict her partner's safety, Becca maintained her connection to her lover, feeling all the while she was intruding upon his privacy when he surely wanted it.

Black chuckled, distracting her from Michael's tumultuous reaction. Michael followed the sound and Becca could see his thin colorless lips pulled tight into a smile. But instead of looking at her, he was scrutinizing Danny.

The first time Danny saw Black, his face went ashen. It didn't take preternatural abilities to see how the admiral could scare someone absolutely witless.

Michael took control of the situation. "Sir, this is Petty Officer Second Class Danny Yamamoto. He served as Becca's partner for the last year and a half. He has preternatural abilities as well. Danny can read auras."

The admiral's flat black gaze bored into Danny. "It seems we have an unforeseen complication." He spoke to the others without removing his focus from their trio.

"Ryan, please look in on Kyle. See that he does not need anything. Gabrielle, go get changed please. I will make certain there are no further distractions out here."

The wolves, one actually still a wolf, followed their orders. Black stepped closer to the remaining three.

Michael watched the admiral approach, his mind spinning. Becca could be in his head. What did that mean exactly? Could she use more than his eyes? Could she hear his thoughts? Was that why his head buzzed sometimes? Was it her? He wished they could discuss this in private. He didn't want Black knowing any of this. What if it meant she could connect with Black through his bond with Michael? There was no telling how Black would take that. He could see it as fortuitous or he could see it as dangerous. If that were the case, the outlook for Becca's future was grim.

"Sir, if I may," Michael began. He fully intended to spin this new element of their dynamic to the positive both for Becca's safety, and also Danny's. He could see what her friend meant to her. "Becca and Danny both have impeccable service records." He ignored the curious look Danny gave him; Becca didn't appear surprised to hear he'd researched her partner. "And Becca has already proven to be of great value to our unit. I would imagine Danny's unique talent would give us the advantage of seeing living from undead from a greater distance. His ability used in conjunction with Becca's would significantly enhance our capabilities in the field." He forgot to pretend to breathe.

Admiral Black pondered his suggestion, remaining as still as death and focusing straight ahead. Michael, for all his concerns that Black would see their personal relationship deepening, couldn't prevent his hand from seeking Becca's. Her small, warm fingers slid between his readily.

Smelling her fear, though not as well as Danny's, Michael forced his feelings down and hushed the vampire inside of him. It wouldn't help to escalate anyone's emotions right now. Black needed to see their ability to remain calm in the face of danger.

He couldn't profess an undying love or loyalty to the commander. His was deeper than that, a blood bond that could be broken only by the death of one of the two. That being said, he did know him probably better than anyone living or undead. He was the humans' best bet for survival.

This new turn of Becca's had Michael shaken. He hadn't anticipated such a thing. What was it and what could she sense through it? The pluses and minuses were numerous and he wasn't entirely sure which side was greater. The thought that she might discover how tightly he was bound to the admiral frankly scared him. She wouldn't use it against him, he knew that. However, it might cause her to question his motivations with her. Michael would have to find out how extensive her access might be and soon.

Black spoke again, interrupting his thoughts. He felt Becca start and stroked the back of her hand with his thumb, feeling her relax. Danny was practically vibrating next to him

but there was nothing he could do there. Influencing a preternatural was always a fifty- fifty shot assuming, if by some off chance, he had an opportunity to do so without being caught by Black. To take the liberty of influencing the man in front of the admiral would be the equivalent of giving an order in front of an outranking officer. His most recent punishment was still fresh in his memory. Instead, Michael could only hope the man would be smart. There hadn't been much precedence of that.

"I like your line of thinking, Michael. However, we do not have the same option for promising Petty Officer Yamamoto's loyalty."

Inwardly, Michael cringed though he kept his face smooth. He heard Becca catch her breath. The fact that the statement continued to affect her bothered him more than he let on. Honesty was something he hadn't practiced for a long time and he was surprised by how important it was that she believed him that he hadn't slept with her at Black's urging.

Becca interceded, pleading for Danny. "Admiral, I will guarantee Danny's loyalty if you'll spare him." Her desperation was clear in her voice.

Danny finally spoke up for himself. "What if I don't want to work with you? I don't want any part of this business." His disgust was biting.

Michael's touch having cleared her own sight, Becca was back in her own head. Jumping so much was nauseating. She'd have to wear some sort of Dramamine patch if this was going to be a thing. "Danny," Becca began, as she renewed her grip on Michael's hand, seeking his calming influence. "I think you should hear me out. If you knew what we do, I think you would actually want to work with us." She willed him to listen.

Glancing only sparingly at Admiral Black who had stopped a few feet from him, Danny looked back at Becca and gave a decidedly hesitant nod.

"This group is made up of special individuals," she was careful not to call them people, "but they're the good guys. We catch the bad ones."

A quick glance at Black tempered Danny's open sarcasm. "And what, send them to the brig? They'd break out as soon as you lock them in. Not exactly a big threat there."

She shook her head. "No, there are places, strong enough to hold anything. And if they're really bad guys, they don't make it that far." Her voice wavered on the last part, her discomfort clear.

"No vampire is going to take down his own for the sake of a human."

Becca caught sight of a black-clad Gabrielle emerging from the janitor's closet. She held up a finger for her to wait. She had an idea, even if the thought of torturing someone ate

at her. It could guarantee Danny walking out of here. "Why don't you wait and see for yourself? Sir," she faced Black, "I wonder if we could bring Vanessa in here?"

Willing to give her run, Black's lips spread in a thin smile before he gave the one word command. "Gabrielle."

Michael nodded his agreement. "We need to question her anyway. Soon if Kyle doesn't crack the program."

Gabrielle accepted the command, her face fixed in its usual sour grimace. While she was gone they heard a whoop from the office where Kyle was still hard at work.

Black disappeared back into the office before Becca saw him move. Michael and Becca exchanged glances and hurriedly followed him inside. She heard footsteps following close behind them.

The small office was crowded with so many bodies. Danny was the last one in and preferred to stand with his back pressed tightly to the door. There was only room for Black and Ryan behind Kyle at the computer.

"Well?" Becca asked her brother expectantly.

Positively beaming, Kyle was pointing at the screen as if they all could understand what they were seeing. It was just a bunch of screens with names, rank, addresses; it could be a mailing list for all Becca understood. "I found it. Whoever she used is pretty good." His voice faded, they all knew that person was long gone. Vanessa wouldn't have left a witness alive. Subdued, he started again. "The tickler was so simple I missed it at first. It just grabbed every file with a tag on it and built a list. It hid itself in the email piece of the program."

"Can you remove it?" Black wanted to know.

Kyle nodded absentmindedly, his eyes glued to the monitor. He'd never stopped typing and clicking around.

Michael didn't miss the hesitation in his pace, the tensing of the shoulders.

Nor did Becca. "What's wrong, Kyle? Can't you take it off?"

"It isn't that. The program was set to send once it had compiled all the data and, if I'm not mistaken, it sent." His dismay was palpable as well as genuine. He wasn't helping solely because of Black. His dedication and now his disappointment gave Michael an idea for when this was over. If they weren't too busy running from the government they were sworn to protect, that is.

"An email?" Admiral Black's chilling question caused everyone in the room to stiffen. "To whom?"

"Um, I'm trying to figure that out." Kyle's brow wrinkled as his fingers flew over the keyboard doing who knew what.

A knock reverberated on the door and Danny jumped forward, bumping into Michael. The human recoiled immediately.

Gabrielle stuck her head in. "I have the prisoner, Sir. Should I put her next door?"

"Yes, I'll be right in," Black told her. He spent only another few seconds watching the screen jump as Kyle flipped between who knew how many programs. Finally, he moved in front of the door. Michael slid out of the way and Danny stepped aside to allow him passage.

Danny followed the stream of observers who followed Black, curiously extending his neck to scope for this mystery prisoner.

Vanessa was being dragged to her destination. Gabrielle held her wrists in her hands and hauled her unceremoniously through the neighboring office's door. Black was on Vanessa's heels, Michael and the humans followed close behind.

When they were inside, the incapacitated body propped in a chair, the admiral gave a quick nod at Gabrielle and her hand flashed down, twisting and removing the fence post Becca had stuck there. As soon as it was removed, Vanessa's eyes blinked and her hands flew to the hole already starting to close.

Danny made strange noises. Michael chose to ignore him. His attention was focused on Vanessa. No longer paralyzed, hungry from her wound, she was a threat to the humans and if the glare she was aiming at Becca standing beside him was any sort of indicator, she wouldn't hesitate to attack.

Admiral Black got her attention. "Welcome back, Vanessa." The small smile he gave was more a show of fang than pleasantry. Black clearly saw the threat she posed, he was giving her the full force of his monstrous nature. Michael had yet to see it fail.

It didn't now. She shrank from Black's show of power, remaining silent as she let Admiral Black lead the conversation.

"This program of yours is a threat to our kind as well as the other non-humans who have found safe haven among our ranks. The penalty for your treachery is death. It is your choice now whether it is lingering or brief." He paused to let his words sink in. "Who else is working with you?"

Astonishingly, Vanessa pushed back. "You assume I will give up the identity of my employer?" Shaking her head, Vanessa flashed a seductive smile at Admiral Black. "Even your fearsome reputation can not convince me to give him up, Admiral."

The admiral held out his hands, bowing sardonically. "I appreciate the compliment to my skills." His face hardened. "Give him to me. I will make your end quick."

Michael watched the shudder run through her as she refused. "Nothing you could do to me would be as great as his punishment." For a moment he considered whether Vanessa could be blood tied to her employer, as he was the admiral. Were that the case there was nothing they could do to get her to speak. He kept himself from touching Becca, thinking their touch would let her see into his mind.

Black moved fast. His hand lashed out, long white fingers tightened in a fist as they struck her shoulder with an audible crack. The bones shattered and her arm drooped, useless.

The female didn't make a noise. The humans whitened.

"All you must give me is his name. In death you have nothing to fear." He let his long,

thin fangs extend halfway to his chin. "Even we can only die twice."

"He can follow you down to the very depths of Hell. Death is no safe refuge from him."

Again Black's fist flew, over and again. Each connection brought forth the sound of breaking bones, the last a wet smack of tearing flesh. With it came the strong scent of sulfur. It burned Michael's eyes and nose. He snorted. Nothing would make her speak again. Defeated, Admiral Black held out his hand and Gabrielle placed the stake on his palm. Spinning it deftly to bring the pointed end forward, he slid it into her body through the same opening left in her clothing by its previous residence.

When she went still, Black leaned in and whispered in her ear so that the humans couldn't hear. Michael did.

"I know what you are working for, I smell him in your blood. When I find him, I will tell him you betrayed him. Wait for him in Hell, Vanessa." He straightened, glanced up at Gabrielle and ordered, "Take her out to the desert and leave her to the sun. In her state a few hours will be sufficient." He looked out the window, seeing the sun's rays becoming more pronounced as full dawn approached. "Be sure no one sees. We already have our fill of humans as it is."

Giving a quick nod, Gabrielle picked up the limp vampire and dragged her by the arm, making a point of touching her as little as possible. Vanessa made not a sound as she was carried unceremoniously to face her end.

Black straightened his jacket and turned to face him. "Ryan, take the humans back to the estate. Michael and I have some tracking to do."

His decision to bring them to the estate either spoke to the admiral's acceptance of them or meant he didn't intend for them to live beyond his uses. Becca felt her vision trying to flare. Michael stood perfectly still at her side, carefully avoiding her touch.

"What's going on? What estate? I'm not going anywhere but home." Danny frantically scanned the faces around him. He landed on Becca.

She saw the break looming in his eyes as they grew wild. Guilt lent her the bravery to gulp down her own fears and speak up. "Why do we have to go back to the estate? I thought you brought me in to help." Ignoring the warning look in Ryan's eyes she stared at the admiral's chest, fighting the tangible compulsion to close her mouth and obey.

Admiral Black waited what seemed an eternity, the whole of which Becca imagined one of those bony white fists the size of both of hers together smashing in to her like he had done to Vanessa. Stoically she waited, not letting him see her cringing inside. All of her faith was behind the clear vision with which she continued to stare at the rows of color on navy covering his chest.

The officer's jacket in front of her turned sideways and left the office. Only the banging of the door in its frame could be heard at his departure.

A pale hand reached out to touch the side of her face and stopped, falling back to his side. Becca forced herself to meet his eyes and wrapped her arms around herself at the sight of his cold exterior.

"Becca." Michael's words were hushed, wanting to keep his warning private. Other than Ryan, it was. "Please trust me, what we are after is something far too dangerous for you to hunt." He kept his eyes above her head, hiding from her.

"No Michael, I can't just wait while you guys hunt down whatever evil thing is responsible for all of this." Her sigh was ragged. He was right; she wasn't ready. Odessa had been luck and Vanessa had proven that wasn't always enough. Before she went back in the field after one of them Becca need more specialized training. There was no way she was admitting that to him.

Keeping his chin up, eyes straight at the wall he answered. "No." He didn't raise his voice while his stern tone left no room for argument. "And stay out of my head," he added brusquely.

She bristled at his abruptness, bowing to his seniority. Again she wished she could have explained what she'd done in private where she would have had a chance to tell him she used the jump to keep herself clear, not to spy. She wouldn't use it to keep tabs on him

or find out anything that wasn't related to someone's safety. She prayed she would have an opportunity to explain herself.

"Ryan," he called out a little louder. Stepping back and spinning on his heel, Michael treaded lightly out. The door banged shut again.

Left alone with the humans, Ryan barked out authoritatively, "Humans, front and center."

Taken aback by his volume, Becca was staring at him when she heard Kyle come out of the office. Danny and she stood shoulder to shoulder at attention in front of Ryan. Kyle rambled up beside her.

Ryan surveyed his mortal unit and broke into a grin. "Come on humans, let's get you out of here for safe keeping."

"But I'm getting close on tracing the server," Kyle objected.

Rolling his eyes, Ryan chuckled. "Wait til you see the computer you'll be working on. It makes this thing look like an Etch a Sketch."

The smile on Kyle's face was positively glowing. He practically vibrated with anticipation, the gravity of his task forgotten in his excitement for new technology.

Shooting a sideways glance at Danny, Becca noted the tight lines of his face and his pallor with a twinge. She couldn't help feeling responsible for his being there. She should have remembered their habit of coming back and filling out reports at the end of their shift. Routines of her life from less than a week ago were fading fast in the face of her new life.