


Everyone is woken up by a loud ringing noise. They jump to cover their ears and the woman laughs. " Where are we?" Dana asks, and the woman smiles. " Somewhere safe." she smiles; Tara hated that smile. Theo shakes his head. " Why are we here?" he exclaims, and Tara steps in. " Theo, shh. You don't want to make her angry" She says and the lady nods in agreement. " Now Tara, what did we talk about?" she asks, sitting on the stairs, crossing one leg over the other. Tara felt a chill run through her body. How did she know her name? She never told her and Tara wasn't even carrying her real id on her. " She wants us to

re-create her prom night" Tara gulps.

Zach raises an eyebrow, " how the hell are we supposed to do that? I haven't even been to a real prom." he asks, " Is this some twisted acting gig?" he adds on, making the others giggle. " You're going to do what I say," the woman says, looking around at them, weirdly. " I've been watching you four for quite a while… and I finally decided that you are the perfect teenagers to remake my prom night," she explains. They all look at each other, with the same expression. " I've chosen who are and you will refer to each other as those names until you're done making my night, perfectly…if you mess up, by disrespecting me or my orders… Just know that I know you better than you know yourself. And I will kill you in the worst way possible." she says and clears her throat, smiling again. " Dana, you will be Hannah…my best friend. Zach, you will be Ryan, Hannah's boyfriend. Theo, you will be Austin, my boyfriend, and Tara, You will be Heather…me"

" But those are our parents' names?" Tara says, creeped out. " I know," Heather says before leaving the room. The teens run to comfort each other. " We're gonna get out of here, okay?" Theo says, hugging Tara; tightly. Tara shakes her head, " I don't know guys, maybe we should play by her rules." she says and Theo raises his eyebrow. " She's right, I mean…remaking someone else's prom? Sounds fun." Zach agrees. " And I don't wanna die okay? So could we just follow her rules and play it safe?" She asks and everyone nods, except Theo. " She's not going to let us go after we've seen her face, be realistic Tara," he says, and everyone stays silent as they watch Heather come back down the staircase.

" I'm sure you all have questions," she announces. " Yeah, no shit." Theo scoffs and Heather rolls her eyes before clearing her throat. " The night of Prom…I didn't exactly have the best night" she starts off, catching everyone's attention. " Everything was going great for me. I looked beautiful, I had a limo, a handsome boyfriend. But once we got there, things started going horrible. Someone had on the same thing as me, my parents found out I had been drinking and canceled my limo. And my boyfriend? He won prom king with the girl he was cheating on me with. So I want you all to remake it, I want to see how the night would be if it was how I planned it… And if you don't there will be consequences. And although you guys are the designated group… I won't hesitate to replace you."

" Why did you choose us anyways?" Tara asks. " I chose you, and you just so happened to have the perfect amount of friends," Heather responds. " What's so special about me?" Tara chuckles, and Heather smiles. " Don't you get it, Tara? We're exactly alike" she says, and everyone becomes confused. " Tara doesn't kidnap people!" Dana exclaims, making Heather angry. She ignored the comment and continued on. " You are a mirror image of the teenage me," Heather says and Tara shakes her head. " I know what your father did to your mother, my dad did the same thing…it's like we're clones," Heather says, caressing Tara's face. Tara spits at her, " I'm nothing like you!" she screams and Heather jumps away; wiping the spit from her face. " I'm going to allow that" she scoffs.

" You're fucking crazy, just let us go. It's not our fault your life was miserable" Dana spits and heather turns to face her. " What'd you just say?" she yells, storming towards her. " I said let us g-" Dana begins to yell but gets slapped across the face by Heather, making the others gasp. " I'm sorry!" Dana cries, and Heather shakes her head, " You've had three chances…you're done!" she yells, and grabs dana by her hair, pulling her to the stairs. " Where are you taking her?" Zach exclaims but Heather ignores him, dragging dana up the stairs and slamming the door. " Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit," Theo says, pacing back and forth. " This is why you all should've listened to me!" Tara yells. " Now she's gonna do something to Dana!"

Heather ties dana up to a chair, in the warehouse that she took her to. " What are you gonna do to me?" Dana cries, " I'm sorry, I take it back… I didn't mean it" she adds on. Heather ignores everything coming out of the girl's mouth." You're allergic to bees, right? " Heather asks, walking to the other side of the darkroom. " Why? " dana asks as heather walks back over to her with a box, a massive box. " What's in there? " she asks, her voice shaking. Heather smiles, " Oh, this box? there's bees… over a thousand of them." she says and Dana starts to scream, " no, i'm sorry!" she yells as Heather shakes the box back and forth. The small buzzing sound starts roaring. Dana crosses her fingers and closes her eyes, praying. Heather then leaves the room and Dana takes a sigh of relief. Then she watches as a string moves along the ground and the box opens up. Soon, all you can hear from the outside of the room is her screams.