
second prince consort is my wife

Luna having been just found by Xu family on the streets as their long lost daughter strived to learn everything she could , made a career for herself as the top idol of the country. Then after getting hit by a car she found herself in the body of Third miss Ye in an era unknown to her because she slept through the history class. Androgynous Luna after waking up in a plump body in all the right places with a red cinnabar mark in between her eyebrows......*clutching her heart* AAAAAAHHHHH BODY DYSMORPHIA HITTING ME HARD RIGHT NOW WHO THE F*** IS THIS BEAUTY AND WHY AM I DRESSED IN THESE AWFUL RESTRICTING CLOTHES UGHHHHHH! Needless to say it took her months to adapt to this world and she got married (against her wishes ofcourse) and find herself face to face with the lotus like first wife and she was.....plotting how to steal the wife and divorce the scum of a second prince.

pixie99 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Suya returned and told Luna that the old matriarch was calling for her. Luna got up and tripped at the hem of her robe.



*sigh* "...lets get this over with..."

Luna wobbled again at the end of door.


She gathered her skirt up and started to walk. Suya was left dumbstruck thinking what went of the etiquette lessons. She was so worried for her master.

Luna tripping several times managed to reach the main hall.Her boobs were bouncing everytime she wanted to walk faster and she was endlessly irritated. In her last life she had an androgynous look and non existing boobs that she cherished to no end, everything was so easier when you have smaller tits(as what fleabag said that sometimes she thinks she wouldn't be such a feminist if she had bigger tits).

There was a strict old lady sitting frowning and sipping her tea. As soon as she saw Luna she lightened up and her face softened as she gently called Wan'er . Luna instinctively had tears in her eyes as she ran up to the old lady and hugged her. To the real Ye Wanwan she was the sole motherly figure. Luna was smart enough to show respect and act spoiled as well as serve her.

She started massaging the old lady's shoulders and started speaking in a grieving tone "grandmaaaa you wont believe what happened wooo~~~~"

Old lady hushed her saying that she knew everything and Luna doesn't need to worry. She definitely will get her justice . For now Luna just need to focus on recuperating and having fun. Luna hugged her grandma again, she really found the old lady sweet.

Luna haven't seen the whole mansion herself yet but she had memories so she wasn't very keen exploring her new home. Reading all those webnovels the thought of going back didn't even crossed her mind. As Ye Wanwan was really shy, she rarely went out so Luna was more excited for exploring outside.

She grabbed her money pouch and hopped outside. Being the global idol she had so many restrictions on her, especially what to eat. Here she could eat whatever, however and how much she wanted. She decided to go eat this era's food. She walked and asked around and reached the top restaurant of the capital city. She reached in and the waiter took her to a room. The room had a very beautiful view of the lake with water lilies growing and cherry blossom petals floating. Luna was instantly peaceful in her heart about her current circumstances.

The waiter could see that the little young miss was from an affluent family based on her mannerisms and her dressing, so he was careful serving her.

Suddenly there was a commotion at the gate of the restaurant and there were scolding voices coming.Luna paid no heed and she continued savouring the scenery. The waiter had yet to take her order when he slid in sweating and asking shakily if she was comfortable dining with other guests as all the rooms were full and the guests were important. Luna was chill and she thought company might be nice and she won't be bored sitting alone so she said yes. Waiter bowed to her and thanked her again and again.

That's when it all happened. A group of girls walked in following the lady in the front. Luna felt her mind haywiring at the site of her. The lady in front was lotus like beautiful with skin fair as snow and sword like eyebrows and phoenix eyes. She was wearing intricate ornaments on her head as her raven hairs fell to her back swinging at her every movement of her head. She had a little natural blush on her cheeks and her little nose's tip was slightly pink. Luna's world slowed down and everything else blurred as her sight fell on her cherry red lips laughing showing her pearly white teeth. She felt her breathing become erratic as she saw the softness of the beauty standing in front of her wearing a beautiful light pink robe with butterflies that looked like they would fly out any minute and her waist bells tinkling as she talked.

Luna literally felt her body numb out and her heart hammering hard. She wondered if this was what falling in love at first sight felt. It has never happened to her before. She knew about her fluid sexuality so she didn't resist the attraction. From her memory she recalled that the bright person in front of her was third minister's daughter Si Meiying and was known for her humbleness and absolute beauty.

pls love at first sight was like that for me too

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