

"All because of Mr. Ridwan, if he had not come, I would have got the money and Mrs. Erlina did not insult me. Mr. Ridwan destroyed everything."

Joya blames Ridwan for everything that happened to her. He could not accept himself being humiliated and losing his severance pay.

"Imagine if I get the severance pay. We can open a business and next month we can celebrate our wedding. CK! Mr. Ridwan is really annoying," he cursed.

Irwan laughed at his wife's complaint. He had been worried that his wife would cry all night, but it turned out that Joya was cranky and cursed at her boss.

Thirty minutes ago, they arrived home. Even though along the way Joya didn't stop crying, when she got home, Joya's crying subsided. After cleaning up, Joya invited Irwan to sit down and relax in the living room. And now, Joya is telling about what happened to her.