
Do you want to be a flower widower?

On Sunday, Irwan invited Joya to exercise. Early in the morning, Joya and Irwan came out of the house wearing their shoes and after their workout.

Even though Joya half-heartedly agreed to her husband's invitation. But seeing Irwan who was excited, he finally took a step, ran towards the garden.

Arriving at the park, looks the atmosphere is still quiet. There were only a few people doing skipping and a few other people running around the park.

Joya was disappointed when she could not find a food seller. "I told you, it's still too early for sports," Joya grumbled while looking at the watch on his hand which still showed 04.55.

Occasionally, Joya yawned as she stretched her body. He wanted to go back home and curl up under his covers.

"Run around the park three laps or up the stairs?" asked Irwan who was doing a warm-up movement.

"Don't want both. I'm tired, just want to sit down," answered Joya as she landed her buttocks on a park bench.