
second marriage/ wan

Marrying your own sister's husband is an unthinkable and reasonable thing suggested by your own father, mother and older brother. Why is that ? Marry your sister's husband, and give your husband to your sister." Like falling over the ruins of Joy hearing Lina's mother's words, am I dreaming that mother told me to divorce my husband and marry my own brother-in-law .. "Mother.. are you aware of everything you said? Mother told Joya to give Joya's husband to her own sister Joya and take brother-in-law as Joya's husband? Asked Joy confused. Lina looked at Joya with a straight face. "Mother is aware, you and Windy will change partners. Tomorrow I will call the prince to marry you off. Leo will marry Windy and Irwan will marry you.”

Wan_Lung · Urban
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44 Chs

Hold on to Promises

A few minutes earlier, after Ridwan came out of the ER.

Ridwan clutched his cell phone which kept on vibrating. Feeling guilty towards his wife. Ridwan doesn't want to continue to lie to Joya by hiding his identity. However, Ridwan was confused about where to start honestly. Joya is very sincere to him, Ridwan is afraid, Joya's heart is hurt because of his dishonesty.

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Joy's call came back. He is determined to tell Joya about himself. Ridwan swiped the icon with the phone symbol on his cellphone screen.

"Irwan, I'm Joya."_ Joya

"Joy I-"

" Can you take me to the hospital? I fainted and am in the hospital now. Sorry, I just gave you the news."- Joya

"Joy I-"

" Sob.. I want to go home. Can you pick me up? Sob!"- Joya

" You cry?" Ridwan stepped to enter the ER. However, remembering his appearance, he is still Ridwan. "Joya-"

"I want to go home, Irwan. Please pick me up! Huu huu huu!"

Ridwan was stunned to hear Joya's crying, which was getting louder and louder. His hand hung on the doorknob.

"I'll be there soon. Wait for me!"

Ridwan turned off his phone, then ran to the parking lot. Maybe now is not the right time to be honest. Ridwan doesn't want Joya's condition to get worse because of his honesty.

Gio approached Joya who buried her face in her knees. He was worried to see Joya who suddenly started crying.

"Joya... What are you doing?"

Joya shook her head while still hiding her face. "Please leave me alone!"

Gio hesitates to comply with his brother-in-law's request. He stood still, staring at Joy's trembling shoulders. Gio was about to touch his shoulder, but Joya's voice came back.

"I need some time to myself. Please!" asked Joya firmly.

Gio clenched his fist that almost touched Joya's shoulder. "All right! I'll be waiting in front. If anything happens, you just call."

Gio goes out according to his brother-in-law's wishes. He turned the door handle and closed it slowly. As soon as he left, he heard Joya's sobbing louder and louder. sounds heartbreaking.

Apparently, Joya raised her face and stared at the cell phone in her hand with a dazed look.

45 minutes later...

Irwan ran to the ER. Because Irwan went to the hospital by Gio's car, he was forced to find clothes first.

"Why here? What about Joya?" Irwan was surprised to see Gio standing in front of the emergency room.

"Joya asked me to come out. Come in! She was crying earlier," answered Gio.

Irwan turned the door handle. He saw Joy sitting up and looking at him. Irwan walked over to his wife.

" How are you?" asked Irwin. He stared at Joya's face, which looked puffy but was no longer crying. " Why are you crying?" Irwan bent down to wipe away the remaining tears on his wife's face. For a moment, their gazes met. Irwan stared at Joya's brown beads and vice versa.

Joya took Irwan's hand which was on his cheek, then pulled his body to bend more. Joya hugged Irwan tightly.

"I want to go home," he pleaded hoarsely.

Irwan rubbed Joya's head. Even though Joya had stopped crying, hearing her voice almost disappear, Irwan's heart felt squeezing. He was sure, Joya cried long enough.

"All right! We're going home," said Irwan.

After completing administrative payments. Joya and Irwan go home with Gio. along the way, they didn't talk much. Joya rested her head on Irwan's chest while holding her husband's hand tightly.

Irwan put his arm around Joya's shoulder while occasionally peeking at Joya's face through the rearview mirror in front of him. Even though Joya's eyes were closed, Irwan knew that Joya was not sleeping. Joya's hand squeeze was so strong that Irwan felt numb.

Gio stared at the road and focused on driving. Occasionally, his eyes met Irwan's when he happened to stare at the rearview mirror in front of him.

" Drop us off at the intersection," Joya asked hoarsely.

"Crossroads?" repeated Irwan and Gio together.

Joya wakes up from her husband's arms. He looked at Ivan with a smile. "I need fresh air. I want to walk."

Irwan glanced at his watch, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. "but it's already late, Joya. You're also not feeling well."

Joya squeezed Irwan's hand while looking at him with teary eyes. Ask Irwan to comply with his wishes.

Irwan took a deep breath. "All right," he said.

A smile appeared on Joya's face.

"Please drop us off at the front intersection. Thank you for driving us," said Irwan to Gio.

"No problem. I'm happy to help you," said Gio, then stopped the car.

Irwan got out of the car first, then helped Joya out. He took Joya's bag and carried it in her hand. Because it was almost midnight, the streets looked deserted. there are only a few roadside stalls still open and a few vehicles passing by. the streets look deserted.

" Let us go home!" asked Joya while walking. Her right hand link is not separated from her husband's left hand.

" Wait!"

Joya turned. Irwan suddenly let go of his hand. Joya's heart felt lost. A second later, Joya was surprised when Irwan put a jacket on her body. This incident reminds Joya of the first night they spent on the streets.

"Next time, I'll bring a coat for you," said Irwan as he pulled his jacket zipper and folded the long sleeves of his jacket in Joya's hands.

"Next time," Joya snorted in a low voice.

Irwan stared at Joya's face which looked somber. " Why?"

Joya shook her head. "Lately, I hear the word next time too often."

" Is it true?" Irwin frowned.

"Sorry! But I promise to bring a coat every time I pick you up."

Joya didn't answer, she held Irwan's hand again and started walking. Silence ensued. Only the sound of footsteps and the sound of passing vehicles could be heard. The closer to the house, the atmosphere of the night is getting quieter.

Irwan turned his head, looked at Joya's face which was looking straight ahead. He wanted to break the silence, but didn't know what to say. Irwan is not a man who speaks well.

Sensing that he was being watched, Joy turned around. She smiled sweetly at her husband. The smile on Ivan's lips widened. his chest fluttered because of the smile that Joya gave.

Joya returned to her gaze. "How long have we been married?"

Finally Joya's question broke the silence of the night.

"Twelve days," Irwan answered quickly.

Joya turned. "You counted it?"

"Of course," replied Ivan. Then, he glanced at his watch. "Ten minutes to the thirteenth day," said Irwan, smiling faintly.

Joy held her breath. Irwan's smile always causes a strange shiver in his chest.

"Haah! Why doesn't time go fast. I want to get through the next month soon." Joy sighed. "I want it passed quickly. I'm afraid it will take too long."

Irwin frowned. " What are you afraid of? No matter what happens, we will still be married. Now we are husband and wife and that will last forever. 48 days will not change anything."

"A lot of things can happen in 48 days. What if we both have doubts about continuing our marriage? Or maybe one of us has doubts. Nobody knows what will happen in the future," said Joya in a low voice.

Irwan stopped his steps, then pulled Joya to face him. They have an eyelock.

"We never know what will happen in the future. And doubts may arise between us. But Joya, haven't we pledged our loyalty to each other? If doubts arise, then we must stick to the promises we have made."

"Irwan..." Joya whispered. he was stunned. Her tears welled up again.

Irwan turned his face while catching his breath. muffle the overflow of emotions because of the words of his wife. After calming down enough, Irwan stepped up and placed his palm on Joya's forehead.

"You have a fever. No wonder you talk nonsense," said Irwan in an annoyed tone. "Get on my back! I don't want the night air to contaminate your mind even more."

Irwan crouched down and pulled Joya's body so that he climbed onto his back. Joya had struggled, but Irwan's strength was stronger. It feels like his wife's position is comfortable. Irwan continued his journey.

"Next time, if you need fresh air. Wait until morning comes. Don't force yourself to breathe the night air," grumbled Irwan as he quickened his pace.