
second marriage/ wan

Marrying your own sister's husband is an unthinkable and reasonable thing suggested by your own father, mother and older brother. Why is that ? Marry your sister's husband, and give your husband to your sister." Like falling over the ruins of Joy hearing Lina's mother's words, am I dreaming that mother told me to divorce my husband and marry my own brother-in-law .. "Mother.. are you aware of everything you said? Mother told Joya to give Joya's husband to her own sister Joya and take brother-in-law as Joya's husband? Asked Joy confused. Lina looked at Joya with a straight face. "Mother is aware, you and Windy will change partners. Tomorrow I will call the prince to marry you off. Leo will marry Windy and Irwan will marry you.”

Wan_Lung · Urban
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44 Chs

Go and Promise

Joya stared at the old house in front of her with a frightened face. After he and Irwan left Iza's family home, Irwan invited him to live in an old house built on the inherited land that Irwan would get.

Initially, the lawyers did not allow the old house to be used. Because according to his grandfather's will, the land would fall into Irwan's hands after his marriage was three months old.

However, Irwan urged the lawyers to occupy the house now. With a little coercion. In the end, the lawyer allowed them to stay there.

"This house is a bit scary, because it's an old building. But this house is solid and safe. It's more comfortable living here than having to look for a rented house," said Irwan when he realized the fear on his wife's face.

Joya understood what Irwan meant. He knew neither he nor Irwan had the money to pay the rent. Joya also strengthened her heart to live in the old house.

"Maybe we can fix the headlights so it's not too dark," said Joya. " Taillights too. And the living room lights are also replaced with bigger ones. I'm afraid of the dark," continued Joya as she pressed her body close to Irwan.

"Tomorrow I will buy a new lamp. You stay here first, I want to check the state of the room, "said Irwan. Then he walked into a room with a wooden door that also looked scary.

Joya had goosebumps after Irwan's departure. He's scared. But, Joya tries to get rid of her fear. This house will be his home and he should feel at home living there.

Joya walked into the living room where she was. There are several photos hanging on the walls of the house. The photo looks blurry, either because of the poor lighting or because Joya's eyes are getting sleepy, but the face in the photo is not visible. Joya looked at her watch which showed 11:13 p.m.


There was a loud sound of something falling. Joya immediately ran into the room. He saw Irwan who was curled up on the floor, wincing in pain. Joy approached her husband. "Why did it fall like this?"

Irwan pointed at the stairs located beside him. "The ladder is shaking."

Joya winced looking at the stairs and her husband's body. It must have hurt to fall from seven meters of stairs. Joya's attention turned to the lamp shell above the nightstand and the small lamp former that Irwan was holding.

"Why change the lights at night? We can do it tomorrow again," asked Joya as she helped her husband stand up.

Joya saw bruises on her husband's elbows, Irwan's feet were also injured because of the way Irwan was walking with a slight limp.

" You said you're afraid of the dark, so I changed the light. Could you help carry this ladder out?" Irwan lifted the folding ladder he used earlier.

Joya immediately helped Irwan by lifting the other side of the stairs. They took the ladder out through the bedroom door which directly connected to the courtyard. After the ladder was placed outside, they went back into the room and locked the door from the inside.

"You just rest. I'll take the things first!" he said as he left the room.

Joya smiled as she looked at Irwan's back who disappeared behind the door. Apparently, Irwan's attitude is not as cold as it seems. Despite his seemingly indifferent demeanor, in reality he is a sensitive and caring person.


Irwan entered the room carrying two suitcases in his hands. " Why have not you fallen asleep yet?" he asked.

"I'm confused about where to sleep," answered Joya. Irwan knit his brows. I mean, we're already married. But I doubt whether our marriage is legal or not."

Irwan frowned. You mean?" After a divorce, a woman must wait for the Iddah period to determine whether she is pregnant or not. But you married me regardless of that. So, I doubt whether our marriage is valid or not," explained Joya while playing with her ring finger.

"Are you making excuses because you don't want me to touch you?" accused Irwan.

Joy's body tensed. She had expected her husband to think all kinds of things. However, a marriage must be carried out correctly, taking into account the religious laws that have been set. Not carelessly as father ordered.

"That's not it, I just want our marriage to be valid both religiously and legally," answered Joya

"Then what do you want?

Joya looked at Irwan with fear. "Could you wait for 40 days or about two months? Then we remarried after that?"

Joya bit her lip, her heart was beating fast waiting for her husband's answer. Irwan's reaction was really difficult to calculate. His face was straight, without anger or annoyance in it. Joya's heart was pounding even more when Irwan approached her.

"Give me your hand!" he asked. Joy frowned. " What for?"

Instead of answering, Irwan pulled his wife's hand. Joya was stunned when Irwan opened the necklace she was wearing, then put a ring on her ring finger.

"I can't give you a proper dowry for our wedding today. But I will try my best for our wedding in two months. It's my late mom's ring, think of it as an engagement ring. Please don't get rid of it," he said.

Joya was moved to hear her husband's words. The ring that Irwan gave was not as expensive as the wedding ring from Leo. But Irwan's attitude and words made the ring feel more valuable than the ring that Joya had before.

" Thank you!" only two words that can represent gratitude to her husband.

The next day, Agus, Lina, Windy and Leo, had just arrived home. The reception ended at midnight, so they decided not to go home all night. Because they were tired, they sat down and relaxed in the living room.

Lina put the paper bag she brought on the table. He brought the rest of the souvenirs to give to Joya and Irwan.

"ijahhhhh!" call Lina. As soon as she heard her name being called, the middle-aged woman who was called Ijah immediately ran to her employer. "Yes, madam!" He said with a gasping breath.

"Make a drink," said Lina. Ijah nodded and turned to go back to the kitchen. "Ohh yes..call Joya and her husband first!"

Ijah turned her body while linking her eyebrows. Miss Joya and God Irwan, ma'am?" asked Ijah confirming her master's order.

"Yes, Joya and Irwan. Call them right now," Lina replied as she sat herself down on the couch near her husband.

"Why are you still silent? Quickly call them!" snapped Agus, who was starting to get annoyed with his servant's slow attitude

Ija was shocked. "But sir, madam. Miss Joya and God Irwan have left the house."

" WHAT? They go?" cried Windy. Leo, Lina and Agus were shocked to hear of their departure

Ijah nodded. "Yes miss. Last night they left with suitcases."

" Mah .. check all our valuables. Who knows they'll go away with our stuff," Windy said in a panic.

"Yeah you're right. They could just steal things in this house," said Lina, panicking. "Pah! Try to check into Joya's room. What did he bring from his room? Mom wants to check mom's jewelry first," Lina asked her husband.

"Okay ma!" said Agus

Windy, Lina and Agus left the living room.

It's really sad for the Joya family to go too far. It wasn't that they were worried about Joya's condition. They even accuse things that are not true

Leo rubbed his chest which felt pounding. There is a feeling of worry about his ex-wife. "Joya, where are you going?"