
Second life Sword prodigy

My first novel Chapters will be of varying lengths and updates will be relatively consistent Gyun Sung is nicknamed the modern swordsman, gaining the title of world kendo champion 7 years running and as well the fencing world champion. But he is not satisfied with his life, he spent his whole life perfecting his martial arts, but now that he’s reached a peak he regrets not taking more time to enjoy his life. After announcing his retirement he decides to go on an introspective trip. What happens after is the beginning of a legend

ForerunnerOfSky · Action
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2 Chs


Gyun was desperately kicking the window in an effort to break it. But it had no effect since he lacked the ability to focus his power on a single point to break the window and lacked the strength to break it. But after a few minutes he hear the window crack.

Chul Jang came out of the bathroom relieved. He was elated with the fact that within an few minutes 1 billion won would be in his account. And all he had to do was kill some guy who had no backing. Chul even got a gun from the black market for 60 million won for extra insurance since this guy was a high level martial artist supposedly. It only was a small revolver but it would do the job if it came down to it.

He exited the small convenience store and walked across the street to the alley where he parked his car. He figured he could knife the guy while he was sleeping and dump him in a river. As he rounded a corner he saw his car with a broken window and a man crawling out of it.

Gyun had finally broken through and began to crawl out the window when he heard a click. Gyun had never been around or seen a gun but he recognized the sound from plenty of movies. 'Shit' he thought, he thought he should resist since there was almost a certainty that he would die if this man took him. 'It's due or die then, huh the ultimate test for a martial artist is fighting with your life on the line, it's a shame that there's such a large disadvantage' He thought but then scoffed at the thought since when did that matter. The man behind him kept shouting at him not to move but Gyun didn't hear it , he sensed that these would be his last moment , and so he chose to fight with everything he had.

2 minutes later


As Gyun lay bleeding out surrounded by people and finding it hard to breathe. He came to terms that his career as a swordsman was over and so was his life. He didn't have any sentimental thoughts or regrets only some disappointment that the martial arts that allowed him to reach the pinnacle of the international stage failed him so miserably. As Gyuns consciousness began to fade as did his life surounded by the clamor of the crowd and paramedics who arrived. His last pervading thought was 'Just one last swing, just one last slash'