
Second Life Second Chance: Reborn For Revenge and Success

Betrayed and murdered by his girlfriend Vanessa and her lover Richard, Ethan Carter is reborn as a teenager with memories intact. Seizing this second chance, he seeks revenge and builds an entertainment empire. With future knowledge, he overcomes challenges, dismantles Richard’s life, and finds love and fulfillment with his secretary, Emma.

Jullie_Ferdie · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One: Overcoming Skepticism

Ethan sat in his office, tapping his pen against the desk as he reviewed the resume of their next interviewee. Lily Thompson, a rising star in the modeling world, was scheduled to come in that afternoon. Her reputation for being discerning and hard to impress preceded her.

Rachel poked her head into the office. "Lily's here."

Ethan nodded. "Send her in."

Lily walked in with a confident stride, her eyes scanning the room before settling on Ethan. They exchanged pleasantries, and Ethan motioned for her to sit.

"So, Lily," Ethan began, "I've seen your work. Impressive portfolio."

Lily smiled politely. "Thank you. But I have to admit, I'm a bit skeptical. Your agency is relatively new, and I've had offers from more established names."

Ethan leaned forward. "I understand. Let me tell you why we're different. Here, you're not just another model. We invest in our talent, help them grow, and ensure they're part of a supportive community. We're building something unique, and we want you to be a part of it."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "That sounds nice, but how do I know it's not just talk?"

Ethan smiled. "Fair question. How about you meet some of our team and see for yourself?"

Ethan led Lily to the conference room, where several models and staff members were gathered. The room buzzed with energy as they prepared for an upcoming campaign. Rachel greeted Lily warmly.

"Lily, this is our team," Ethan said. "Everyone, this is Lily Thompson."

The team welcomed her, and Ethan could see Lily's skepticism begin to wane. They spent the next hour discussing projects, sharing ideas, and showing Lily the agency's vibrant culture.

As they wrapped up, Lily looked thoughtful. "I have to admit, this feels different from the other places I've been to. There's a sense of camaraderie here."

Ethan nodded. "That's what we strive for. We want you to feel valued and part of something bigger."

Lily smiled. "Alright, I'll give it a shot. Let's see where this goes."

With Lily on board, the agency's credibility began to rise. However, Ethan knew they needed more talented individuals to truly establish themselves. He decided to host a talent scouting event, inviting aspiring models, actors, and entertainers to showcase their skills.

The event was held at a chic downtown venue, decorated to reflect the agency's modern and innovative vibe. As people began to arrive, Ethan felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. This was their chance to shine.

Rachel approached him with a clipboard. "We've got a great turnout, Ethan. A lot of promising talent."

Ethan nodded. "Let's make sure everyone feels welcome and sees the potential we offer."

As the event progressed, Ethan and his team mingled with the attendees, offering advice and encouragement. They watched performances, reviewed portfolios, and conducted impromptu interviews.

One performance stood out—a young singer named Jenna Davis, who captivated the audience with her powerful voice and stage presence. After her performance, Ethan approached her.

"Jenna, that was incredible," Ethan said, genuinely impressed. "Have you considered signing with an agency?"

Jenna looked a bit nervous. "I have, but I've had some bad experiences in the past. I'm cautious about who I work with."

Ethan nodded. "I understand. Let me assure you, we're different. We prioritize our talent's well-being and career growth. How about we sit down and discuss what you're looking for?"

Jenna agreed, and they spent the next hour talking about her goals and aspirations. By the end of the conversation, Jenna seemed more relaxed.

"I like your vision, Ethan," Jenna said. "I think this could be a good fit."

Ethan smiled. "I think so too. Welcome to the team."

As more talent joined the agency, Ethan faced the ongoing challenge of building trust and overcoming skepticism. Each new recruit brought their own set of concerns and expectations.

One day, Ethan received a call from a well-known actor, Michael Harper, who was interested in meeting with him. Michael was notoriously difficult to impress and had a reputation for being demanding.

Ethan agreed to the meeting, preparing himself for a tough conversation. When Michael arrived, he wasted no time getting to the point.

"Ethan, I've heard good things about your agency, but I need to know if you can handle my career," Michael said bluntly.

Ethan met his gaze steadily. "Michael, we're not just looking to manage careers; we're looking to elevate them. I believe in a personalized approach. What are your concerns?"

Michael leaned back, scrutinizing Ethan. "I've had managers who didn't understand my vision, who tried to mold me into something I'm not. I need someone who gets me."

Ethan nodded. "I get that. I'm not here to change who you are. I'm here to support your vision and help you achieve your goals. We'll work together, and I'll always be upfront with you."

Michael seemed to consider this. "Alright, Ethan. I'll give you a chance. Let's see what you can do."

Despite their growing roster of talent, the agency still faced numerous challenges. Competitors tried to poach their clients, and industry veterans looked down on them. Ethan and his team had to constantly prove themselves.

One evening, as they were preparing for a major campaign, Ethan received a troubling call from Rachel. "Ethan, we just got word that another agency is trying to steal our concept for the campaign."

Ethan felt a surge of anger. "What the heck? How did they find out?"

Rachel sighed. "I'm not sure, but we need to act fast. We can't let them beat us to the punch."

Ethan rallied the team. "Alright, everyone. We need to step up our game. Let's refine our concept, make it even better, and ensure we're the first to launch."

They worked through the night, fine-tuning their campaign and preparing for the launch. The atmosphere was tense but filled with determination.

he day of the campaign launch arrived, and Ethan felt a mix of nerves and excitement. They had managed to keep their plans under wraps, and now it was time to reveal their work to the world.

As the campaign went live, the response was overwhelming. Social media buzzed with positive feedback, and industry insiders praised their innovative approach. Ethan's phone rang non-stop with calls from potential clients and media outlets.

Rachel entered his office, beaming. "Ethan, we did it. The campaign is a huge success."

Ethan smiled, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I knew we could do it. This is just the beginning."

As the team celebrated their victory, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that more challenges were on the horizon. He knew that success in the entertainment industry was fleeting, and they had to stay vigilant.

Late that night, Ethan sat in his office, looking over their future plans. The phone rang, and he answered it cautiously.

"Ethan, this is Michael. I just heard some rumors about another agency planning to undermine us. Be careful."

Ethan's heart raced. "Thanks for the heads-up, Michael. We'll be ready."