
Second Life Second Chance: Reborn For Revenge and Success

Betrayed and murdered by his girlfriend Vanessa and her lover Richard, Ethan Carter is reborn as a teenager with memories intact. Seizing this second chance, he seeks revenge and builds an entertainment empire. With future knowledge, he overcomes challenges, dismantles Richard’s life, and finds love and fulfillment with his secretary, Emma.

Jullie_Ferdie · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter Twelve: Meeting Lily Thompson

Ethan woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. He stretched, feeling the familiar yet oddly foreign sensation of his teenage body.

He had been given an incredible gift—a second chance—and he was determined not to squander it.

Today, he would begin to establish a new mindset, one that would guide him to success and help him leverage the future knowledge he possessed.

He was back in his teenage years, with all the knowledge and memories of his past life intact. Today, he would make a vow that would shape the rest of his new life.

He sat up in bed, staring at the familiar posters on the wall. They seemed like relics from another era, a time when his worries were trivial and his dreams were boundless.

Now, those dreams had a sharper edge, fueled by the pain and betrayal he had suffered. His mind drifted back to Vanessa and Richard, the memories of their betrayal still fresh and raw.

"Never again," he whispered to himself, clenching his fists. "I won't let anyone use me, hurt me, or take advantage of me again."

The betrayal by Vanessa had cut deep, but it was Richard's actions that had ultimately ended his life. Ethan's heart filled with anger and determination. He would make them pay, but he knew he needed to be smart about it. Rash actions could ruin his chance for revenge and change. He needed a plan, a way to build power and influence so that he could strike when the time was right.

He got out of bed and went to his desk, pulling out a notebook. He wrote down everything he could remember about his past life, focusing on key events and people. He noted the opportunities he had missed and the mistakes he had made. His future depended on learning from his past.

"I have a second chance," he muttered, jotting down his thoughts. "I won't waste it."

The first step was to gather resources. The World Cup bets had given him a small but significant start, but he needed more. He had to be strategic about building his wealth and influence. Ethan knew the entertainment industry would be a goldmine, just as it had been in his past life. He could use his knowledge of future trends to get ahead of the competition.

He thought of Victor Bennett, the mentor who had guided him in his previous life. Victor's wisdom and experience had been invaluable, and Ethan wanted to find him again. He hoped that reconnecting with Victor could help him navigate the complexities of the entertainment world.

"Victor," Ethan whispered to himself. "I need to find you."

As the days passed, Ethan worked tirelessly to lay the groundwork for his future. He carefully placed more bets on sporting events he knew the outcomes of, steadily increasing his capital. He began researching the entertainment industry, identifying key players and potential opportunities. He knew he had to be patient, to build his empire step by step.

Ethan also started reaching out to people he remembered from his past life, trying to reconnect with those who could be valuable allies. He had to be careful not to reveal too much, but he needed to start building a network of support.

One evening, as he sat at his desk, Ethan felt a surge of determination. He took a deep breath and made a vow to himself, a promise that would guide his every action from that day forward.

"I will change my fate," he declared, his voice steady and resolute. "I will not be a victim. I will build a life of success and happiness. And I will make those who betrayed me pay."

He closed his notebook and leaned back in his chair, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. The path ahead was daunting, but he was ready to face it. He had the knowledge, the drive, and the determination to succeed.

As he lay in bed that night, Ethan thought about the future. He envisioned the empire he would build, the people he would help, and the justice he would seek. His heart swelled with anticipation, and a faint smile played on his lips.

"This time," he thought, "I'll get it right."

The following days were a whirlwind of activity. Ethan juggled his schoolwork with his growing business ventures, carefully balancing his time and energy. 

Ethan's mind was always racing, always planning. He couldn't afford to waste a single moment. He knew that every decision, every action, could bring him closer to his goals. The memories of his past life served as both a guide and a warning, reminding him of the stakes.

One afternoon, while walking home from school, Ethan spotted a familiar face. It was Lily Thompson, a girl who would become a superstar in his past life. She was sitting alone on a park bench, sketching in a notebook. Ethan's heart skipped a beat. This was his chance to make a connection early, to bring her into his fold before anyone else.

He approached her cautiously, not wanting to startle her. "Hey, Lily, right?" he said, offering a friendly smile.

She looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. "Yeah, that's me. Do I know you?"

Ethan shook his head. "Not yet, but I've seen you around. I'm Ethan. Mind if I sit?"

She nodded, and he sat down beside her. They chatted for a while, Ethan carefully steering the conversation towards her interests and dreams. He could see the potential in her, the spark of talent that would one day shine brightly.

"You know," he said after a while, "I think you have a lot of potential. Have you ever thought about modeling or acting?"

Lily blushed, looking down at her sketches. "I don't know. It's just a dream."

Ethan smiled, his mind already working on how to nurture that dream. "Dreams can become reality if you work hard and have the right opportunities. Maybe I can help you with that."

As they continued to talk, Ethan felt a sense of satisfaction. He was taking the first steps toward building his future, and it felt right. He knew he had to be careful, to play his cards close to his chest, but the path was becoming clearer.

That night, as he lay in bed, Ethan thought about his encounter with Lily and the plans he was putting into motion. He felt a surge of determination, a fierce resolve to succeed. He knew the road ahead would be challenging, filled with obstacles and dangers, but he was ready.

"I will succeed," he whispered into the darkness. "I will build a life worth living. And I will have my revenge."

His thoughts drifted to Vanessa and Richard, the pain of their betrayal still a raw wound. He would make them pay, but he had to be patient. He had to build his power and influence first, to strike when the time was right.

As he closed his eyes, a sense of anticipation filled him. The future was a blank slate, waiting for him to write his story. He had the knowledge, the drive, and the determination to make it a story of success and justice.

"This is just the beginning," he thought, feeling the weight of his vow. "I will change my fate. I will seek my revenge. And I will succeed."

Ethan drifted off to sleep, his mind filled with plans and possibilities. The path ahead was long and uncertain, but he was ready to face it. He had a second chance, and he was determined to make the most of it.

The days turned into weeks, and Ethan's plans began to take shape. He continued to build his wealth, carefully investing in opportunities he knew would pay off. He worked hard at school, maintaining his grades while secretly laying the foundation for his future empire. He reached out to potential allies, slowly building a network of support.

But even as he made progress, the memory of Vanessa and Richard lingered in his mind. He thought of the pain they had caused, the betrayal that had led to his death. His vow to seek revenge burned brightly within him, driving him forward.

One evening, as he sat at his desk, Ethan felt a surge of determination. He knew the time would come when he would have to confront his past, to face those who had wronged him. But for now, he needed to focus on building his strength, to prepare for the battles ahead.

"I will be ready," he vowed to himself, his eyes burning with resolve. "When the time comes, I will make them pay."

He closed his notebook, feeling a sense of purpose and clarity. The journey was just beginning, but he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He had a second chance, and he was determined to make it count.

As the night deepened, Ethan looked out at the stars, feeling a sense of connection to the vast universe. He was just one person, but he had the power to change his fate, to seek justice, and to build a life of meaning and purpose.

"This is my story," he thought, a smile playing on his lips. "And I will write it on my terms."