
Second Life of an Inferior

The different moments of life as a drug addict man who faces so many lows, separated from himself. Even though they are part of this society, people don't like them or they just look at them with bad eyes, and they are treated badly, hated, hit, rejected etc.. But one day, everything changed. He meets a man named Arthur who will lead him to the fantasy world of Artha.

IsseiVeskitos · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 23 - Black Market

Marlone stood in front of the entrance to the black market, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He had heard of this place before, in games and novels, of course.

Now, with the mask on his face, he felt a little more confident.

He pushed open the door and entered a dark and dusty room, filled with shelves and tables covered in strange objects. Skulls, vials, potions, jewelry, and weapons of all kinds were on display. Marlone felt both amazed and a little scared by everything he saw.

A hooded man approached him. "What are you looking for here?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

Marlone quickly recovered from his surprise and answered firmly, "I'm looking for artifacts. Ancient and mysterious objects that can't be found anywhere else."

The man nodded and began to show him the different items. There were amulets meant to offer supernatural protection, potions to cure various diseases or curses, and even magical weapons that seemed straight out of a fairy tale.

Marlone was immediately drawn to a black steel sword, adorned with strange symbols engraved on the blade. "This looks really powerful," he said.

The hooded man smiled. "This sword is indeed very special. It was forged by the dark elves several centuries ago, and it is said to have the power to control demonic spirits and use their demonic powers, but it can control the mind of the user, so I had to lower its price and even like that no one wants to buy it out of fear of losing their mind. But, you're brave aren't you? I'll give it to you for half price."

Marlone examined the demonic sword with his skill, and what he saw shocked him.

[Sixth Sword of Baal]

[S (Normally Sealed EX)]

[Owner: None (Lost by Baal)]


[Control of demonic spirits and abominations: Allows the user to control the spirits of abominations and demons. By controlling them, the user can use a part of their powers.]

[Physical Transformation: The user endowed with this power is able to change his physical form at will. He can take on the appearance of any living being or object, allowing him to camouflage or deceive his enemies. He can also increase his size and physical strength, allowing him to destroy everything in his path. (Sealed)]

[Material Transformation: The user can change the form of the sword and increase its weight at will without any side effects, just a high mana cost.]

[Control of the mind of the wrong user: The sword chooses its user, and if he is not qualified, the sword takes control of his body. No one but the user can use the sword.]

Marlone hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should spend all his money on this item. Finally, he decided it was worth it and negotiated the price with the merchant.

"I'll take it," he declared finally.

The man nodded and handed the sword to Marlone. "I'm sure you'll take good care of it. Take this cloth and don't touch the sword until you're in a safe place, otherwise it could take control of you. You must control it and make it yours. Good luck," he said in a friendly tone.

Marlone nodded and left the black market, his heart still beating as fast. He had found something truly special and was ready to take control of Baal's sword.

Arriving at the inn, he had a meal and headed to his room.

When he finally got his hands on the sword, he felt an intense energy emanating from the object. He knew he had to be careful because the sword had a will of its own. But Marlone was convinced that he was strong enough To control the sword and make it his weapon.

He had started practicing with the sword, but quickly realized that the sword had incredible power. He could feel that something was wrong, as if the sword was trying to take control of his body. He had fought against the demonic energy of the sword, but it had been difficult. The demonic energy entered Marlone's body and began to change him, giving him the properties of an abomination.

His nails turned into claws before transforming back into human nails, two black wings tore through his armor from behind and sprouted, then disappeared into Marlone's body as if they never existed.

Marlone's wounds healed directly, like an abomination in the legends of this world.

Marlone felt excruciating pain coming. Unable to scream, he rolled on the ground several times, spitting out black substances.

Baal's sword had almost taken control of Marlone, which had forced him to abandon his attempt to control it. He had been forced to place it on the ground and step back a few paces to catch his breath.

For a moment, he had thought that the sword was too powerful for him. But Marlone was determined. He had a strong spirit and would not let the sword control him.

He had taken the sword back into his hands, closing his eyes and focusing all his energy on the object. He had felt the demonic energy of the sword trying to invade him, but he had maintained his strong spirit and repelled the demonic influence.

Finally, after a fierce struggle, Marlone had managed to take control of Baal's Sword. He had felt the energy of the sword calm down and submit to his will.

Marlone had smiled as he looked at the sword in his hands. He had succeeded where many had failed. He had proved that he was stronger than the demonic power of the sword.

Baal's Sword had a new owner, and Marlone was ready to use it for great things. He was ready to do whatever it takes to protect the beings he cared for, even if it meant facing the most powerful of demons.

[Sixth Sword of Baal]

[A (Sealed due to the strength of the user, normally EX)]

[Owner: Veskitos Marlone]


[Control of demonic spirits and abominations: Allows the user to control the spirits of abominations and demons, by controlling them the user can use a part of their powers.]

[Physical transformation: The user with this power is able to change their physical form at will. They can take the appearance of any living being or object, allowing them to camouflage or deceive their enemies. They can also increase their size and physical strength, allowing them to destroy anything in their path. (Sealed)]

[Material transformation: The user can change the form of the sword and increase its weight at will without any side effects, just a large amount of mana used.]

[Physical transformation of the user: By using the sword, the user gradually becomes a high-ranked abomination thanks to the blood of Baal inserted into the sword during its creation.]

Marlone decided to check his status window, knowing that something had changed within his body.