
Second Life of An 'Ordinary' Magician

Humankind was on the brink of extinction after Demon Lord decided to invade human world and bring destruction upon it. Humankind believed that one day they would end the disasters that fall upon them and their world would see peace once more. Against of all odds, a group of skilled magicians finally slay Demon Lord Zarth and beat his army. Just when they certain they survived the battle, they faced an explosion magic that killed them. Ren Milford, one of the survivors believe that he died from the explosion, but went back to his early days when he studied at prestigious magic academy. With this second chance, Ren determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and comrades he once lost. With the knowledge of the future, can Ren makes a difference and prevent the fall of humanity or humankind will face the same terrible destiny again?

Nain_37 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Rank Test Battle Royale (2)

A platform was placed at the middle of the room and dozens of wire connected it with computers that were placed near it.

Ren entered the room with careful steps. This was the first time he saw a machine like that.

"That's a Virtual Space Teleporter, which also known as VST. It is the new technology from Cobalt Industries. This is the thing that will send you to the Virtual World later." Ryna explained.

Cobalt Industries was the biggest company in Elsgard Kingdom. It was specialized in technology development and also artifact building. Its founder, Amadeus Cobalt was a genius man that triggered the revolution of technology in Elsgard Kingdom.

He already created many new technologies and modern artifacts that would help Elsgard Kingdom. It seems he had succeed creating a new technology that can send people to a virtual world.

Amadeus Cobalt also was the member of the Elsgard Council, like Siegfried and Maximilian. Gavin Cobalt, one of the S class students, was his nephew and he treated his nephew as his own child. That's because he never got married and never intended to do so in the future.

"So, how do I enter this so called 'Virtual World'?" Ren asked curiously.

"You just need to stand there, at the center of this VST. I would put the input data of your location on this computer. If you are ready, I would send you there."

"Okay!" Ren showed the signal 'ok' with his fingers and went to the place that Ryna pointed before.

Ryna went to the computers and started typing something on one of them. After a few moments, Ryna told Ren to get ready to enter the 'Virtual World'. Ren once again showed his fingers with an 'ok' sign to Ryna.

"I will send you now. Good luck."

Ryna pushed the button 'enter' on the computer. Ren felt a surge of mana suddenly appeared around him and in the blink of eye, the view in front of him changed to a new, unfamiliar one. He looked around him and it seems he was in the some sort of jungle.

There were many trees, with various kind of shape surrounding him, birds chirped noisily around him, and he could smell a soothing fall scent drifted from the fallen leaves. After a few minutes, Ren heard a voice suddenly emerged out of nowhere.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that all of the participants already entered the testing ground. All of this students would battle among themselves to become the strongest freshman for Varion Academy. The format of the test for this year is 'Last Man Standing Battle Royale'. That's mean that this test will not end until only one person remain.

Ren guessed it was the voice of the commentator of this test. He also heard the sound of applause after that. That's means the test were broadcasted in the arena right now.

"Without delaying any more time," the host continued. "Let's start the test now."

Ren looked around, but couldn't see any other participants. It seems all the seven participants had all started in the different locations.

Ren climbed on one of the trees there and started making a strategy. As he was focused on his thoughts, a beast suddenly appeared from behind him and attacked with its claw. Fortunately, Ren sensed its presence and ducked just in time, as the claw went over his head and hit the tree near him. Ren quickly distanced himself from the beast.

"Lucky that I found you quickly."

Ren turned his attention to the voice and saw Hani Harrison emerged from behind of one of the tress there.

Ren arched an eyebrow in response. "Why you think so?"

"So that I can defeat you sooner." The beast that attacked Ren just now jumped over Ren and the. stood beside Hani.

The beast was Eurasian Gray Wolf. No wonder Hani can found Ren quickly. This wolf was one of the best beast used for hunting. Eurasian Gray Wolf was also a skilled predator, running up to 62 kilometers per hour and it could easily hunt for small to medium target.

However, to able to summon Eurasian Gray Wolf and made it as a familiar, the summoner supposed to reach 4th circle first. That's mean Hani was very exceptional summoner if she could summoned this wolf when she just 2nd circle summoner.

"Attack." The wolf started moving forward and tried to attack Ren, following the command of its owner. In response, Ren began casting his own spell. A pulse of magical energy radiated from his hand as magic formula appeared before him.

[Flame Shot]

Ren fired a Flame Shot, a 1st circle flame spell that shot a lump of fire towards the opponent. Ren used this spell and released it directly towards the wolf.

But the wolf high agility made the shot missed its target. The wolf dodged it to the left side and dashed to its prey. The attack hit the ground as Ren's quickly took a step back before it reached him.

But the wolf wasn't done attacking yet.

The wolf blitzed towards Ren with an increasing speed. Ren quickly casted a new spell to block its attack.

[Stone Wall]

The stone wall was not able to stop the attack as the wolf started using a barrage of attack at the wall, causing it to shatternlike a sheet of glass. However, it was enough for Ren to prepare his counterattack.

A magic formula appeared on the air above Ren. A small orb of water began to form from it and with a wave of Ren, he directed it towards his opponent, not the Eurasian Wolf, but towards the summoner.

[Aqua Bullet]

A major weakness of summoners was their inability to protect themselves. Usually, summoners tend to focus on their summoning spell and let their familiar to protect them. Using this knowledge, he separated Hani from her familiar first and then used a long ranged magic to attack Hani.

That's mean that the Eurasian Wolf had no time to go to its owner and protect her. Even if the wolf still be able to reach and protected her, Ren sure the attacks could stunned the wolf in a moment. At that time, Ren would struck another attack towards Hani. All of this was within his calculations.

However, the probability of another foe appeared was not on his calculation. Just before the [Aqua Bullet] could hit Hani, a huge steel was thrown from above and blocked the attacks in time.

A muscular figure came from above and landed exactly behind the huge steel, in between Hani and Ren. The impact of landing made the dust from the ground flew around the muscular figure and made it harder for Ren to recognize who was it.

Ren finally figured the newcomer was Gavin Cobalt after the dust dispersed. Gavin was holding another steel on his right hand and rested it on his right shoulder.

"That's why I said not to act reckless. You would have lose if I don't help you just now." Gavin scolded Hani with a loud voice.

"As if. He just caught me off guard. There's no way weak spell like Aqua Bullet could make me lose." Hani denied. Aqua Bullet was a 1st circle water spell. The damage it gave was not that hurt. It was like being punched by ordinary human. It could not forced her to be ejected from the test.

"No, you could have lose. Take a look at this steel." Gavin spoke in stern voice.

Hani gasped in shocked when she saw the huge steel had a big dent on it, exactly where Ren's magic hit it. It seems the damage was like not being punched by a human, but a giant instead.

"H..how??!" Hani stuttered.

Gavin stared at Ren with a menacing look. Then, he opened his mouth. "Magic Overlap, right?"

Ren just smiled. Hani's face already became pale.

"I thought only Marcus can do that?!" Hani still could not believed what she had heard.

"It seems this bastard can do that too."

"Whoa, whoa.. Hold on." Ren interrupted the conversation. He opened both of his palm and help up towards them. "Whether I could do that or not, I would leave that to your imagination. But you should look at your feet first."

Gavin and Hani looked at their feet. Two magic circle were formed exactly under their feet. They quickly leaped backward to get away from the incoming magic. They saw water was coming from the magic circle and splashed upward before falling to the ground.

'That's it?'

Both Gavin and Hani flabbergasted with the scene before them. There was an awkward silent in a few seconds before Hani began screaming angrily, after she noticed Ren had disappeared from there and both of them had been fooled by him.

"That Bastard!!!"