
Second Life of An 'Ordinary' Magician

Humankind was on the brink of extinction after Demon Lord decided to invade human world and bring destruction upon it. Humankind believed that one day they would end the disasters that fall upon them and their world would see peace once more. Against of all odds, a group of skilled magicians finally slay Demon Lord Zarth and beat his army. Just when they certain they survived the battle, they faced an explosion magic that killed them. Ren Milford, one of the survivors believe that he died from the explosion, but went back to his early days when he studied at prestigious magic academy. With this second chance, Ren determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and comrades he once lost. With the knowledge of the future, can Ren makes a difference and prevent the fall of humanity or humankind will face the same terrible destiny again?

Nain_37 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Elite Ten Council (1)

Two weeks has already passed since the day when Ren took the Rank Test. After that day, his life went on as usual. There's no drastic change on his school life after he was crowned as 1st Rank for his batch.

The only thing that slightly changed was Elena's attitude towards him. Before this, she always gave Ren cold shoulder whenever they met. But, nowadays, her sentiment change 180 degrees.

Almost every day, she would bothered and bombarding Ren with questions. Even right now, she was sitting across from him, in the class, where they were having a heated conversation. The lesson already finished long ago and other students were already going home.

"The fact that you can cast ice magic means that you already have access on both water and wind magic," explained Ren. "That's because ice magic is formed from the combination of those two magic. You should explore and learn more spells of those two elements instead focus on your ice magic only."

"I could cast a little bit of wind spell but I had never cast water magic before." Elena argued. Her face was serious.

"That's because you never try it before. I'm not saying it is bad to rely on one element but you do have ability to master more than one. Every elements do have their own perks that other elements don't have. If you can exploit that, you can make it as advantage over your opponent."

Elena's shoulder slumped as she took it all in. She was deep in thought as she collected her thoughts. "I see, that's why you choose to become generalist and learned all in once."

"Well, you can say that."

Elena grew silent, and she reflected over what they had discussed. Ren was right. If she had variety of spell under her arsenal, she could have more option orchestrated her offense and defense. Her attacks would be less predictable compared to if she used only ice magic. Then, she focused her gaze back on Ren and asked him.

"What about Aura? When I can start learning it?" Ren grinned after listening her question. That was not the first time she had asked Ren. After Ren told her the reason Professor Siegfried could 'see' him during entrance exam because he was using Aura, Elena was so eager to learn Aura as soon as possible.

She said learning how to use Aura was the most important matter for her right now. That's why she urged Ren to teach her sooner. She never stated the reason when Ren asked her.

"For that.."

"Ren will tell you later, my dear sister." Ryna spoke, interrupting the conversation. Elena and Ren was shocked with the unexpected appearance of the student council's president inside that class.

"Big Sis, what are you doing here," asked Elena, curiously.

"I should the one asking you that. What do you guys doing here? Your class already ended an hour ago."

"She asked me how to make her stronger. So, I just pointed out some of her weakness and advise her here and there. I don't realised our discussion took this long." Ren explained it to Ryna.

"But seriously, Big Sis. Why are you here."

"I am searching for Ren. I came across your classmate, Vesto in front school's entrance just now. He told me you both still here, that's why I came."

"Searching for me? What for?" asked Ren. He furrowed his brows.

"I am gonna introduce you to the rest of student council today as you would officiallybecome one next week." Ryna answered gleefully. She shifted her face to Elena, who sitting across to Ren. "So dear Elena, I am going to borrow your Ren for the rest of the day."

"My Ren? What are you talking about?" Elena tilted her head slightly.

"Oh, It's not? Looking at how you clinging to him everytime, I thought you two are dating." Ryna pretended to be shocked. She put her hand on her mouth.

"Wh..WHAT?!" Elena shrieked. "Who's gonna date this man." She continued while pointing her finger at Ren who she referred as 'this man'. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"But.. there are rumors swirling around regarding you and 'this man'." Ryna still not stopped teasing Elena.

"Then.. I would kill whoever spread the rumors. Even if it was you." Elena's gaze changed into murderous stare. Ryna felt a chill in her spine when she heard that. She could also a cold air emitted from Elena.

Ryna dismissed Elena's stare with a wave of hand. "I am just kidding, Elena. You are so serious for God's sake."

She then grabbed Ren's hand but her eyes still focused on Elena. "We really need to go now. I will see you at home, Elena. Bye-bye." As she spoke her words, she dragged Ren with her and left Elena in that class alone.


"Err.. I think you should release my hand now." Ren told Ryna, hesitantly.

"Oops, sorry." Ryna released Ren's hand from her grab. Her eyes still focused on the path in front.

"Where are we going?"asked Ren while walking beside Ryna, following her to the destination that he didn't even know.

"To the office of student council. As I said before, I will like to introduce you to other members. And, also to give you the uniform."

"I see.." Ren nodded in response. He went silent after that as he continued following Ryna until they stopped in front of a door. Ren looked at the door and read the plate on it. 'Student Council'. It seemed they were already arrived at Student Council's office. Ryna turned the knob to open the door before both of them stepped inside the office.

Ren noticed there were not alone in that room. Six different individuals were already inside, where all of them doing their own business. There is a man who was leaning on the bookshelf and reading a book, a man who was crunching on a snack happily, and a twin -- a boy and a girl who were playing some kind of game on the table.

But the weirdest was a man who was on all fours and his face was stepped by a lady as she sitting on the nearby couch. Ren couldn't believed the comical view he was seeing right now. But, the moment Ren and Ryna stepped inside, all of them stopped what they were doing and turned their focus towards Ren.

The man was stepped on his face was vanishing out of blue and appeared back in front of Ryna. His arms was wide open as if he was trying to hug her.


With a wave of Ryna's hand, that man was frozen from head to toe in an instant before he could reached Ryna. She then walked to the desk at the end of the room and Ren followed her. The others began to come and gathered in front of Ren and Ryna.

"Sorry for the late, guys. Now, I am going to introduce you our new member, Ren Milford. He was currently holding the 1st Rank for first-years."

"So, this is our new 10th Seat." A man in glasses spoke. He was the same man who was reading a book before.

Elite Ten Council was the other name for student council which was more popular among Varion's students. That's because all of the members were elite mages that were considered as the strongest among the students.

The members had been given 'Seat Number' to determine rank where the 1st Seat is the strongest among them. Currently, Ryna Elsgard is the bestowed with 1st Seat as she was the strongest among them.

However, the 10th Seat was the special privilege that been given towards the top first-year student. So, other students, usually second and third-year student would try to challenge for this seat as they believed they were more powerful and deserved to that title.

That was one of the reason why Ren rejected to become 10th Seat before. Ren couldn't apprehend the reason why Varion made this kind of system. He sure many students would try to challenge him sooner and thinking about them already made him exhausted.

"I really hope Elena-chan would become the 10th Seat." Someone spoke, dragging Ren from his thoughts. It was the same man who was froze by Ryna before. But he was fine as if he being froze by Ryna was not really happened.

"Shut up, Romeo. I would not let you harrassing my sister." Ryna chided that man when he mentioned her sister.

Romeo grinned as his response. "Are you jealous that if Elena-chan here, you wold be neglected by me. Don't worry Ryna-chan, I will not abandon.." Romeo could not finished his sentence as he was froze by Ryna, once again.

"May I know what is your magic circle?" asked a lady. She was the one who stepped on the face of the man from before. She was really gorgeous. She exuded a mature vibe like 'an older sister that one could depend on' vibe.

"I am on my 2nd circle." answered Ren.

"For a 2nd circle mage to become 1st Rank when there are two 3rd circle mage in your batch, it's quite impressive. And, you even beat Ryna's sister personally." said the man in glasses.

"No, no, no.." Ryna interrupted. "He was not even 2nd circle when he beat Elena."

"WHAT?!!" They all yelled in suprised at the same time.

"So, are you saying that he beat Elena-chan when he just a 1st circle mage?!" asked Romeo.

Ren was surprised at Romeo. Ren couldn't noticed when did Romeo unfroze himself from Ryna's ice magic. 'What kind of magic he used'. Ren kept mulling it over his mind.

"That means you are really strong!" The male twin in front of Ren attracted his attention as he now looking at the male twin. Before Ren could answer the inquiry, the twin continued to speak. "Let's fight, then."

The female twin then raised her voice, scolding her twin brother. "You cannot ask a fight to someone you meeting for the first time."

Ren observed the bickering of those twins. By their appearances, it was difficult to believe they were indeed his seniors as they were obviously looked younger than Ren.

Ryna then clapped her hand a few times, gaining attention from others. "Now, I asked you to gather here so that Ren could get know you guys. So, stop dawdle and introduce yourselves to Ren. Let's start with Romeo."

Romeo grinned when Ryna called his name. "Okay, Ryna-chan."

Then, he changed his expression into something more serious before opening his mouth.