
Chapter 56

Alric glanced around, panicking and panting lightly as he ran. He could hear them behind him, the yells, the barks and the threats. The crowd avoiding him like the plague, fear flashed in their eyes, just like Alric.

Their footsteps were so loud.

Their weapons were almost nicking at his arms and legs.

I'm scared! I'm scared! I want to switch!

Fortunately, this body wasn't his previous body, or he would have been captured due to the lack of stamina. However, he still couldn't shake his pursuers off, giving him no chance to switch back to Xue.

If he stopped even for a second, his body would be impaled mercilessly. Even if Xue were to survive by some miracle, this wasn't a safe area to be in.

Kai: "Alric, you need to shake them off somehow! Or fight back!"

Alric: "I can't! I can't, I can't, I can't!"

Xue: "Use my spear."

Alric fumbled his hands about on his back, he touched nothing but empty air, panicking even more.

Xue: "Summon it."