
Chapter 219

Cecil saw the infuriated yet fatigued expression on Xue's face, and she took a step forward before hesitating.

She knew what Xue went through.

She knew his struggles.

However, she couldn't say that she could relate to the suffering he felt.

Nevertheless, at least right by her side, she did not want to make Xue feel this way.

Cecil walked towards him, taking his hand and holding it gently. The tortured expression on Xue's face eased slightly upon feeling her warm touch, and he gazed down at her with a fond look.

"Xue, you aren't alone anymore," Cecil said with a smile. "No matter what it is, for you, I'll never hesitate."


Xue inhaled deeply, closing his eyes.

The air carried a hint of the raven-haired woman beside him, the smell of herbs and flowers.

"Thank you."

Cecil widened her smile.

"I apologise for the inappropriate timing but..." Yun cleared his throat, glancing down with a contemptuous look. "The trash is starting to awaken."