
Chapter 214

Haru and the others reached the other side of the cave in time. They would have asked Yun to carry them here with his wind, but it would be a waste of his elemental energy. Hence, when they arrived, they witnessed the scene of a full-scale battle.

They could see winged figures fighting against Xue and the others, while Jehan was still motionless on the ground. Since they have already witnessed K'xug with wings beforehand, they weren't all that surprised.

Meanwhile, they decided to drag Ephert over by his legs. His feminine face kissing the ground the entire time was quite a sorry sight to see.

"Huh, what? What?" Haru blinked, looking around in shock. "We were too late--"

"Hahaha!" Ryo roared out, jumping into the fray without hesitation. "Here I come!"

"Ryo! Tch, that brute with no brains!" Kiyae hollered out, joining the battle as well.

Haru shrugged, dropping Ephert onto the ground and joining the others.