
Second Lead Syndrome: A Second Chance

Why didn't you choose the second male lead instead?! He treats you better?! They are called the second male leads because they don't get the main female lead. But wait... I just got transmigrated as the villainess?! I am bullying the female lead... and everyone hates me?! Well, screw you female lead and male lead.. I don't need both of you! *Looks around* Where is my second male lead? Is it you, you or you? AHH.. just choose the cutest one! This is a story about a Lena who has transmigrated to a new body and a parallel like world. Her fate is bounded to be the villainess of the story. How can she make herself loveable and find her second male lead when every move she makes, she is fated to cause trouble? The world is a different place when everything is not made to go correctly. Will she defy her fate or follow it? Will there be love awaiting her in the end? ---------------- Sneak Peek but edited to hide the guy's name for no spoiling. She hiccuped. "It's f**ken ugly!" He stared down her head. Lena raised her arm and put her hand in front of it. "Can I touch?" Without even approving, Lena touched it. First, she poked on it like it was some exotic species, then she gently placed her entire hand on it. He could feel her warm hand on his cold body. It sent a warm tingle throughout his body. "Does it hurt?" Lena asked. "No. Pain is just an emotion in the brain. I might feel it at first, but I already learned how to avoid the pain, hiding it away." Lena stood up, standing in front of him. "Sorry I was rude. You can see mine too." "What? I don't want --" Lena lifted her shirt up a bit but he grabbed her hands to stop and pulled the shirt back down. "I don't need to see it." "But, mine's pretty. You need to see it!" "I really don't want to see it." "Are you calling it ugly too?! No it's pretty, I promise!" —————— The picture is from Pinterest... something I just grabbed for covers.

qKira · Urban
Not enough ratings
328 Chs

I can see bodies!

The crowd gasped at the sudden turn of events. They all looked at each other and back to the men who were bickering back and forth.

"What reason does Eva --"

*Bang Bang*

Everyone suddenly jerked up from their seats from the sound of the loud bangs.

"Is… is that gunshots?"

"What? HERE?!"

A few women screamed as the gunshot continued to be heard from a distance. Kris automatically signaled his security team to do crowd control.

"Everyone calm down! Please take a seat. We will handle this." One of the security men addressed the crowd.

Everyone sat back down with some shivers and chatters. They could see that the Yang security and Li security were checking the surrounding area. They should not be afraid.

Keso came back inside the event area to report to Kris.

"What is the situation?" Kris asked.

"There are two dead bodies in the back entrance. Seemed like a gunfight broke out."

"How did this happen?!" Kris was a bit irritated that it happened here and tonight. "What are your men doing, sleeping?! Useless things."

Kris stepped out of the room to assess the situation himself. He arrived at the back entrance where there were two bloody bodies and lots of shell casings. Glass shards are seen on the parkway and some by the entrance windows that got shattered.

"Do you know what happened here?"

Kye didn't respond and just lowered his head.

"Tsk." Kris was about to walk back in but he saw a few concerning people walking with lightning speed toward him. His men blocked them before they could reach the crime scene. Kris walked to meet them.

"What happened here?" Andy was the first to ask.

"CEO Li!" Henry called his name. "Miss. Shen used the back entrance to leave." Henry was concerned about the whereabouts and safety of Lena, the entire Shen family was.

"Oh my gosh!! I can see bodies! Who died?!" Hazel screamed.

"SHUT UP!" Kris yelled at the noisy woman. Hazel quickly stopped shaking. "I am going to go look at the cameras. You guys can come along, but she can stay." Kris pointed at Hazel.

"But I ---" Before Hazel could complain, Andy shot her a don't-you-dare look.

Hazel stood in the hallway and watched them walked away. She quickly grabbed out her phone to dialed Lena. It rang but no one picked up. She called a few times before calling Gary. Same results. She couldn't do anything so she returned to where everyone else was.

Kris arrived at the control room and head directly to the supervising screen and did his own search. If people cannot work the way you want them to, you just do it yourself.

When Kris searched for the videos, none of them existed for the back entrance nor any of the entrance for three hours.

"What does this mean?" Andy asked. "There are still no signs of Eva."

"Keso." Kris called for him. "Run the recovery process using the backup system."

Kris always used high-end cameras for all his security. If the camera itself was never broken and still live to record, the record may not have reached the main database but they had a hidden backup database installed.

Most people don't know about this and only block the pathway from the live recording to the main database. It will take about a few hours to recover the videos.

"Can you check the cameras for the bathroom hallways?" Henry asked.

Kris quickly searched and open up the file database that stored that area. "I have them here."

"Lena left around 6:10 p.m."

Another more keystrokes and mouse clicking and Kris pulled up the timeframe. He skimmed a bit until they saw Lena entered the bathroom. They all closely looked at the screen, without blinking. Lena went in and exit the bathroom after 12 minutes. She headed out to the back entrance and they followed her steps until it reached the point where the cameras were shut off.

"The shooting was heard around 6:50, Lena would have been far gone by then, I hope." Henry spoke, but he was still unable to contact her or her guards.

"What about Eva? Go back to the bathroom hallway." Andy persisted.

Kris went back. Soon after Lena left, Eva entered the bathroom. However, the situation was different with her. A few men with masks entered the bathroom and shortly exited carrying Eva out unconscious. The group of men split up. Four went back out to the back entrance while the other two, who has Eva, went toward the west exit.

Kris moved through the cameras again to find Eva but lost her again when they hit another roadblock where the cameras were cut off.

"Hold on. Go back a bit." Henry spoke. Kris went back a few slides. "Pause."

Henry's heart rate dropped. "Lena…" He mumbled under his breath.

Kris zoomed in and recognized the man in the hallway. "Isn't that… one of her guards?" He asked.

The time stamp was 6:45 and it looked like James was heading towards the bathroom. They continue to look at the video and see that shortly after when the shooting was heard, James ran back to the scene.

"Sh*t!" Henry swore. "I have to go back." Henry quickly left them.

He does not know much about Lena's security but CEO Shen had all access to them. All he remembered was that Lena said she was only going to call James, but CEO Shen called another one. If he recalled correctly, Lena had three bodyguards. They might have contacted the third person.

As Henry head back to the event room, Andy and Kris were still in the control room.

"This is your fault, CEO Li." Andy snapped.

Kris stood up and raised an eyebrow. He smirked at the man who was only a few centimeters shorter than him. "My fault? I remember that it was the YANG family who requested their personal security instead of the ones I could have provided. YOUR family even highly requested that I lessen my security tonight to not scare away your guests."

"Tsk… It's you and your stupid security. I swear that if anything happens to Eva, I will sue your entire empire." Andy threatened him then went his own way.

"Keso." Kris called out.

"Yes, boss."

"Work with Lay. I want a full report on why this happened. No one should have broken through our database unless it was an inside job."

"Yes, boss. What will you be doing then?"

Kris took off his outer jacket and unbuttoned his sleeves. "To make sure I don't get sued."

"By the Yang company?" Keso was confused. That little threat should have not scared his boss, much less scratch him. Kris Li had many scarier threats than that before.

Kris grinned. "Not at all. But for sure a little rogue tigress would."