
Her Shattered Peace

Today the sun shine brightly with some easygoing soft cloud float slowly. It's was the same and normal days at my High School. Currently I'm at the second year like my twin brother. Our 17 years went by with normally as a teenage life could be. Like right now...

I stared at my older twin brother who had grown up nicely for 17 years into a pervert that now giggling like an old man while peeking at the kendo girls changing rooms along with that two horrible influence near him.

I release a sigh as I walked towards that idiot of a brother that I have. His action remind me of that old man who used to teach my old best friend. Who was very proud to be a super pervert. My twin brother also grown to be a man with stubbornness and stupidity or recklessness that rival my past life best friend. And too think that the mix between the two, was a disaster that I can felt now.

Now, that I think of it my twin is an exact copy of my past life best friend and his teacher both in personality and behaviour. I wonder how exactly he grow up like that. I always by his side when he was young and teach him the necessary life skill that I manage to found. Even so, I'm still proud to have Hyoudou Issei as my brother.

Even if he was infamously known as The Pervert Trio Ise and proud of that title.

"Nii-san what are you doing?" I said in my usual emotionless apathy tone. He jump in surprise and turn around to look at me. He release a sigh thinking that he wasn't found by the girls "Oh, it's you. You surprised me Iva. I thought that those girl is going to beat me up." He said while grinning.

"You know that what you did is wrong right? You should really stop being friends with those two." I ask him with a frown. Ise then yelled at me "Looking at a woman breasts is not a sin! Beside Matsuda and Motohama are my best friend! Stop being such a busybody!"

Then they hear yelling the girls in the changing rooms rush out and chased the said two best friend of Ise after they left him all alone in front that peeping hole to accept the beating.

"Did a friend left another to save their own skin? That's why I told you to stop be a friend with them. They're not worthy to be yours, since you're so kind and they only use you as a shield or sacrifice for the girls." I told Ise the cold reality that he always tried to ignored as he believed in the two so called friends that left him alone for a beating and this is not the first time they did it. I who able to feel people hidden emotions since a long time ago has known that those two using my brother kind heart from the start. That's why I don't agree for my naive brother to became friend with them. Those two really the scum of society.

Brother just remind silence as he listen to my words. "Nii-san, let's get out from this place. Those girls must have already caught those two. We have to leave this place before they sold you out." I said in indifferent tone as I continue to wear this emotionless mask.

I drag my unusually silent and very obedience brother away from the changing room till we have move away from that place. In the middle of the way he stopped.

"What's it Nii-san? We need to go." I ask and stop dragging him. When I face him face to face. He looks like being conflicted with something, my empathy ability screaming his doubt, uncertainty, and inferiority complex he feels towards me.

I have once felt the same feelings and it comes from my past life twin brother. It also got worse after he found about the truth that my big brother used to hide from him. So, I let him gather his thoughts. Then I felt being stared by him.

With his admire and proud feeling while gazing at my body. I know he assessing my looks as my hair slowly turn white from the bottom to the root as I grow up. I have to part away with my pitch black hair again this time at least thanks to the purple accessory that I wear my hair aging slowed.

I wish I can part away with this cursed eyes. But it's seems the blood of our clan stubbornly clinging to me even after I died. That's why I rarely open my eyes because people become unnerve to easily after looking at my eyes. My pitch black eyes, so deep like a black hole that threatened to consume everything that in the way.

"Am-" Ise about to said something but his question was cut by the crowd of angry kendo girls yelling his name. "There you're Hyoudou Issei! Let us punish you for peeking at us!" Said one of them who run to Ise about to beat him. Forgetting one person that standing beside him. Who is me.

I immediately move in front my brother and block that shinai with my left hand, I then kick the girl right leg that make her fall to the ground. "Stop right there! What my brother did that make you suddenly attack him!?" I said in cold tone that make the girl and the rest move back.

They all know who is Hyoudou Iva. In my 17 years old life I had many title people give to me after what I done. The World Champion in almost all sport existing, The Genius that create new technology and cure for many fatal sickness, and The Cold Queen of Kuoh. I was famous in being cold to anyone except my family even the most vicious yakuza afraid of me.

"It's Hyoudou Iva-sama!" One of them finally recognise me and scream in surprise. They start to murmured among themselves and one of them is brave enough to face me.

Through being know as unapproachable person, I also known to be a very mature and fair as long they're right. I won't become unreasonable. That is the reason why the Kuoh called me a Queen.

"Iva-sama that brother of yours and his pervert gang has peek us again!" Said the brave girl.

My answer only a short sharp word "Oh, did you see him peek at you today?" The kendo girls become silent as none of them really saw Ise peeked them.

I sigh "So, because you see Nii-san everyday hang out with those two, you all presume that Nii-san also with them today? How immature, Nii-san have been with me today. Now scram." I finish my word by giving them the famous glare from my clan with my pitch black eyes open that always unnerved people who see them.

The girls immediately went away from the place as they fear pissing me off. I already give record sending numerous people to the hospital. There is no person alive want to cross with me and fortunately my achievement make the government shut up about my high violence tendency.

"Why did you lie sister?" Ise suddenly ask, his uneasiness become even stronger now. He was afraid of me being able to tell people to do what I want to do.

So, I reply "I don't tell a lie. Today you weren't hanging out with them and you are with me just not all day." I then turn to face him "Remember well Nii-san that people are a liar they bent the truth to their own convenience. There will be always a hidden meaning behind words they speak. That's why you must decided what you what to do carefully after knowing all the necessary information. But always remember to choose what you want to with your own free will and be prepare for all the consequences that will fall from that choice."

With that I left Ise alone and went to my own gym class that I supposed to participate even if I don't need it. But before I did that the unusual power that I get from the light in the darkness flash in front of me in a form of a light blue screen that said.

[New Mission]

Help Hyoudou Issei survive his date.

I who look at this new mission start to freeze from shock before that feeling being wash away by the calm feeling one of the skill that this ability give me.

I immediately hide behind the shadow of the school building after making sure that no one saw and spied at me. I make my own empty dimensions so that nobody can disturb me. I immediately took out the cube from body.

No matter how many time I see it I still can't believe it this shining cube that flying around me and finally stopped at my hand is one source of the mysterious power that voice give me. This tiny gold cube that seems to shine even brighter then the first time I found it.

I called this Exodus Cube because I begin a new journey in this world because this power was entrusted to me by the voice. Well, this cube somehow make a simple way to calculate the power I have in a static number.

Name: Hyoudou Iva

Race: Human

Rank: S+

The cube describe power level according to a rank that go from EX, SSS, SS, S, A, B, C, D, E, and F as the lowest rank that usually belong to human. The also (+) that describe the upper tier of the rank and (-) the lower tier. The higher the person rank the stronger they are. Those from the lower rank can't hope to defeat those from upper even with better equipment.

Other than that this cube have ability to look at others status and create many pocket dimensions. From that pocket dimensions I able to create an area for me to fight and train myself. To put everything simply my power is like a game that I used to play together with my brother when he still young. That's also the reason I know the hidden world that humans ignored. I get out from this dungeon and glare at two person.

The first one is the fallen angel who disguise into a human girl acting like a sweet innocent girl while her feeling screaming the opposite her expression outside. Truly the true example of a liar.

Name: Raynare (Amano Yuuma)

Race: Fallen Angel

Rank: B-

One of the Fallen Angels of Grigori that currently work for the Angel of the Stars, Kokabiel. Right now by his order she was told to kill Issei the user of mysterious Sacred Gear that previous ordered by Azazel is to observed. She hate human and belittle them as a pest.

Luckily, her status told me of the current situation just a bit and it somehow connected to my brother mysterious power. But my problem with her is because her target is my brother. She dare to use my brother innocence and honesty to lure him. Even from me I can tell her emotions clashing with what she express. The benefit of being an Empathetic person.

The second is one of the resident devils that somehow flocking in this Kuoh town. I don't particular care if they spy on me but they also spy on my brother. Devils always known as mischief and liars. Who knows what they will do to my brother if I don't stay close to him. Those devils always schemes for their own advantage. But among them I wary of Rias Gremory group they have been hovering over us for the moment we step in this school.

Name: Rias Gremory

Race: Pureblood Devil

Rank: A-

The Heiress of the Gremory Clan and the sister of current Lucifer. She is known as the Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess because the blood of Bael running on her vein that give her the Power of Destruction. Currently thinking making Issei as her Devil underling after she save him from being killed by the Fallen Angel and secure his loyalty.

I turn away from then and shrugged the problems.

'No matters if they wish to involved themselves with what is mine. I will crush them.' With that I went back home today lesson is over.

~~~~~~~~~~ Times Skip ~~~~~~~~~~

At home I cook for dinner as nobody in our household is able to cook as good as me. Having sensitive taste bud I can determine what ingredients was used to make the food and if the taste balance slightly wrong I notice. This make me very picky with food and often find that others can't create the criteria I want. Being a former assassin make many things suspicious including food poisoning. I tried to beat up this habit out but it's seems to ingrained in my body to forget.

So, the solutions I make my own food that suit my taste. My family happily eat my food so there's no problem with me being the cook in my own house. Being a former noble also making me very picky person.

Then as predicted "WHAAAAT!!!" I can hear my parents shout as my brother drop the bomb that he's going to go to a date. Well, this my chance to beat up some common human instinct to him.

"Nii-san do you really think she loves you?" I ask. After I said that he immediately yell back at me "Of course I do! She come from other school just to meet me and confess! She said that she hear about me and want to go to a date with me." with that my brother make stupid face. I can bet that he currently imagining about his so called 'girlfriend'.

"Ho, then from which school she come? The nearest school to our Kuoh Academy is twenty kilometre away. When and how she can hear about you? Unless she have been stalking you from the start. Besides if she did indeed heard about you, she would heard about your infamous reputation as a residential pervert. Do you really think that a girl like her can't choose a better person with a good reputation? Face reality Nii-san, not many people know your good point. She have a ulterior motive to date with you." I reason.

Hearing my reasoning my parents start to rise up from their shock and starts to worry about my brother who is still somehow very innocent in this subject. And they also support me to be wary of this 'girlfriend' of his, as I predicted.

As I speak my reasoning I can see a bud of distrust grow inside him, but this is my brother and stubbornness run in this Hyoudou family vein. "No way! Yuuma-chan is not that kind of person you said! I will show you! This time I will prove you that your so called intuition is wrong! I will success this date!" He yell at me pointing his finger at me then storm up to his room.

Silent then descent on our dinning room. "Iva..." My mother look at me with worried face. I give her a nod "I will follow him tomorrow. Don't worry, I won't let any harm come to him. I will protect my Nii-san."

The Power Rank System:

Normal human = F

Olympic human = E

New Reincarnated being = D

Low Rank Devil = C

Med Rank Devil = B

High Rank Devil = A

Maou Rank = S

Super Devil/ God = SS-SSS

RED/Ophis = EX

There some exceptions but this is the guide line.

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