
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Who is the mother?

"Hi?" Ling Xue was stunned, what the hell, he doesn't even have a girlfriend yet? Where did the child come from? . . . . .

As if hearing the doubt in Ling Xue's tone, Fengjian Youxiang said lightly: "The girl in your arms is your daughter, right?"

"En." Ling Xue nodded, "En" . But he still couldn't figure it out. Does this have anything to do with the child's mother?

The big brother is really dull enough, Kazami Yuka was really speechless, she said everything so clearly.

"So let me ask you, your daughter, who is her mother?" Kazami Yuka said the key points, this time Ling Xue finally understood.

"Ask Yui's mother. She doesn't have a mother." Ling Xue rubbed Yui's hair and said.

"Was it killed by a monster or..." Fengjian Youxiang turned around, looked at Yui in Lingxue's arms, although her tone was still indifferent, there was a flash of pity in her eyes.

"No, I can't say the source of Yui for the time being, but all you need to know is that although Yui is not my own daughter, she is better than my own daughter." Ling Xue tightened Yui in her arms and smiled.

"Then big brother is not married, right?" Kazami Youxiang's eyes became calm again.

"I don't even have a girlfriend, where did I get married?" Ling Xue couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry. He would like to find a wife, but whom? Eri? Hehe, Ling Xue said that the girl she has a crush on is in another time and space.

"Ah? Let's talk about who. Suddenly there is such a murderous look. So it's Meihong and Youxiang."

A gap with bows tied at both ends suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a teasing voice came from inside the gap Passed out. As the voice came out, one was wearing a purple dress with white lace at the end, and a white beret lotus hat with a thin red ribbon tied on it, forming a bow in front of the hat. Wearing a head of bright golden hair, wearing white stockings and purple high-heeled shoes, she looks like a princess walking out of a phone call, with a noble temperament all over her body.

"It's you, Zi." Feng Jianyouxiang said without looking back.

"Zi, are you also here to demolish my house?" Fujiwara Meihong said angrily. What's going on today? These two guys in front of me are usually rare to see, why are they all here today, and Kazami Yuka actually knows Ling Xue, it seems that they have a good relationship.

"We don't have that idleness, we just come to care about you." Yakumo Zi took out a purple folding fan with cherry blossoms on the fan, covered her chin and smiled. However, when his eyes glanced at the figure on the bed, Zi's smile froze there, and the fan fell from his hand with a "click". Isn't the figure in front of me the one that I would recall before going to sleep for thousands of years, for fear of forgetting it? Yakumo Zi asked timidly, but also looking forward to it: "Yes... Is that the big brother?"

"Yeah, Zi, long time no see." Lingxue got out of bed, put on the straw sandals, picked up Yui, Slightly smiled.

"Father, who is she? How could she come out of the crack?" Yui looked at Yakumo Zi who came out of the gap suspiciously, and asked Ling Xue.

"Father?" Well, Zi's reaction was exactly the same as Youxiang's reaction just now, with a broken smile, he smiled and said: "Ah, we didn't expect that you already have a daughter, big brother. You are so cute." , who is her mother?"

"Jiku!" In fact, hearing Yui's question, Lingxue already felt that something was wrong, but seeing Zi's broken smile at this time, she shuddered all over. Trembling, he hastily explained. At this time, Kazami Yuka was watching indifferently (with great interest), without any intention of going forward to help explain. It would be wrong to come forward and explain.

After explaining, seeing Zi who had recovered, Lingxue let out a long breath.

"Yui, let me introduce you. You know me, Mei Hong, so I won't talk about it. And these two are my father's friends. The one with long blonde hair is Zi, whose full name is Yakumo Zi. The one with light green hair is called Youxiang, Kazami Yuka." When Ling Xue introduced, she pointed to the corresponding two people, but when introducing Youxiang, Yui's hand unconsciously grabbed Ling Xue's clothes, and her eyes There was a flash of fear, as if he still had lingering fears about the murderous intent just now. Lingxue naturally felt it, gently stroking Yuyi's long hair, and comfortingly said: "Yieyi, don't look at Youxiang's appearance, in fact, she has a kind heart. Simply put, she has a cold face and a warm heart." In order to appease Yui, Ling Xue said "good" words "against her heart". Kazami Yuka is really kind. . . spread. . .

After hearing Ling Xue's words, Yui looked at Youxiang with trembling eyes. At this time, You Xiang's eyes didn't even have the usual coldness, only full of kindness. Maybe it's because she believed Ling Xue's words, or maybe it was because Yuxiang's natural aura made Yui very comfortable. Yui raised her hand and said hello timidly: "Hello, Hua Ma, Zi Ma."

"Ji Ku !" Hearing these two addressings, Ling Xue let out a groan, and then sweated all over his face, he knew that the two monsters in front of him hated people talking about their age the most. What's more, Ling Xue didn't expect that she still remembered the title that Bai Tian and Yu Yi casually mentioned, and she even said it in front of her own face.

"You two don't get me wrong, Yui didn't mean that, she was..." Lingxue explained hastily, he didn't want Yui to be bombarded by magic cannons, or to be caught in a gap that suddenly appeared Get rid of it.

"Hehe, this little girl is so brave." Fujiwara Meihong wiped the sweat from her forehead, and turned her head away at the same time, because she had already guessed the ending of this little girl, and couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

However, in the next scene, Ling Xue and Fujiwara Meihong, who had not yet turned their heads away, simultaneously lost the 24k pure gold goug eyes on their faces.

"Hi. I'm Mama Zi. What a lovely daughter."

"Well, hello. You look so cute."

What surprised Ling Xue and Fujiwara Meihong was that Yakumo Zi and Kazami Yuka didn't show the slightest sign of anger, but they all responded one after another. Yakumo Zi even ran over, hugged Yui from Ling Xue's arms, and rubbed her face against Yui's small face.

Lingxue and Fujiwara Meihong looked at each other and were speechless. Ling Xue even wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, no matter what, the result is good.

In fact, Yuka Kazami and Zi Yakumo hated people calling them aunts, because it reminded them of their age, so those who called them aunts were bombarded as flower fertilizers or dropped out of the gap. Yui was probably the first one to be safe after calling aunt.

Fujiwara Meihong's house can no longer be lived in after experiencing a lot of twists and turns. In desperation, Fujiwara Meihong had to go to her friend, Shirasawa Huiyin, to make do for a night. And Lingxue hugged Jieyi and followed Youxiang to the Fantasy Pavilion, intending to stay there for one night, and Zi also followed the two to the Fantasy Pavilion without going back to the Lost House in the gap.

In the morning of the next day, several people sat down on the balcony on the second floor of the Fantasy Pavilion, enjoying the breeze blowing through the sun flower field leisurely. On the table are tea and snacks carefully made by Ling Xue.

"Yeah. It's delicious. Xiaoxue, your craftsmanship is beyond words. It's better than mine." Zi Yakumo uttered the words clearly with her mouth full of food. I really don't know how she did it. . Is this also a usage of realm? Is there a boundary between clear and unclear? (Big Fog)

The name Xiaoxue was decided last night, saying that she has grown up and can no longer be called Big Brother or something like that.

"Well, it's delicious." Fengjian Youxiang took a sip of black tea, nodded, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Father's cooking is the best." Yui said happily with white cream sticking to the corner of her mouth.

"Really? As long as you like it." At this time, Ling Xue couldn't help feeling that it's really useful to be proficient in cooking.

"Eat more if it tastes good." Kazami Yuka saw a small piece of cream on the corner of Yui's mouth, took out a handkerchief from her pocket, and gently wiped Yui.

"Thank you...thank you." Yui was taken aback for a moment, then thanked in a low voice with a reddish face.

Kazami Yuka just shook her head slightly, then continued to drink her own black tea.

"Speaking of which, Xiaoxue, where have you been for thousands of years? Youxiang and I have also looked for you, but you seem to have evaporated from the world, and we have not found any trace of you. And human beings can Have you lived for such a long time?" Although Yakumo Zi is a monster sage with rich experience and clever mind, she is also completely confused about the matter of Ling Xue disappearing without a trace. It's no wonder, after all, the lottery system is too bizarre.

"Hehe, actually..."

Lingxue chuckled, took a sip of black tea and began to tell her own story. She didn't hide anything about the lottery system, nor did she hide anything about time travel and time difference, because she didn't hide anything about the situation in front of her eyes. Ling Xue has complete trust in these two monsters who have missed her for thousands of years.

"...Thus, thousands of years have passed here for a few months, which I did not expect. The two little guys who were so small back then have grown into beautiful women. Hehe." Speaking of In the end, Ling Xue also made a molestation.

"Then Xiaoxue, will you still go? Go to that time travel." Kazami Youxiang finished the black tea, pushed the empty cup towards Lingxue, and motioned him to pour another cup for herself.

"Not for the time being, and I don't have the key to the dungeon at hand." Ling Xue picked up the white ceramic teapot, filled it up again, and gently pushed it to Youxiang.

"But then again, the lottery system is amazing." Zi Yakumo said with emotion: "Not only can it span time and space, but it even has things like Penglai medicine, and listen to what you mean, Xiaoxue, The Penglai medicine produced by this system can also stimulate people's potential, which is something that the rumored Penglai medicine in this world does not have."

"However, we should also thank that lottery system. In this way, Xiaoxue's life span will not be less than ours." Kazami Youxiang drank the lipstick tea, although her tone was as cold as ever, she showed her gratitude.

"That's right..." Yakumo Zi smiled slightly and agreed.