
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Welcome back, that moon sauce

This scream lasted for tens of seconds, and Watola seemed to want to let out all the pain he felt because he couldn't speak or move through this roar.

"Sister 'Guang', you solved it too quickly, I haven't played enough yet." 'Darkness' appeared and complained.

"If you want to play games, you can let the master play with you in the future. Now our task is not to play games." 'Guang' explained, "Although we have advanced twice, we don't need much energy from the master to support us anymore. , But what if there is also a battle on the master's side. At that time, the slightest energy may be the key to the victory. We must not cause trouble to the master."

"I see. The person who said it seems to be a drag. "'An' curled his lips, and then he seemed to see some nice toy, and said, "Hey, hey. The master said you can whip corpses, so let's..."

"Little An." 'Guang' stared slightly.

"Hey, hey."'Dark' hurriedly stopped his thoughts and replied, but still whispered, "This is what the master said."

"Okay, let's go back to the master. In case the master needs us. "'Light' shook his head helplessly, and then turned into a streamer and entered the castle first.

"What a pity." 'Darkness' had a pity on his face, but then it turned into a black light and entered the castle.

Anyway, they don't have to worry about finding Ling Xue, because there is a connection between the elf and the master... "Mr. Ling Xue, is this really a place for prisoners?"

Hiiragi Yukina clasped her hands on her chest and said, "But apart from the eerie feeling, I didn't see any prisoners here."

"It must be the prison barrier, but I don't know why I did n't see any prisoners." Yes. Although Yue-chan told me about the prison barrier, she didn't go into details. Could it be that this is the front hall?"

"Youma doesn't know either?" Xiao Gucheng looked at his childhood sweetheart.

"I don't know." Yuma shook her head. "Actually, I have a special kind of induction magic, which can sense living things around me. But now the magic power is sealed, so I can't do anything about it."

Induction magic, that's right, the prison barrier is so big, I think To find that month you have to find when.

"'Shadow' (the shadow). I'm sorry." Ling Xue took out another small snow card from her waist, and then the small snow card turned into a black shadow and disappeared in a dark corner.

Whoosh. Whoosh.

At the same time, there were two soft sounds, and two streams of light, one black and one white, passed over the heads of Xiao Gucheng and Himeragi Yukina, and turned into two blue cards in front of Ling Xue.

"Thank you for your hard work, 'Light' and 'Darkness'." Ling Xue stroked the faces of the two cards and put them back into the card bag.

After such a small episode, several people continued to walk in, anyway, before 'Shadow' sent back any news. Just be a headless chicken.

"Hey, Teacher Ling Xue." After a moment of silence, Himeragi Yukina said.

"What happened to those cards just now?" Himeragi Yukina asked first, and then hurriedly said: "I know it's rude to ask, but I accidentally saw the magic circle on the back of those cards. I haven't seen it before, so...so..."

"That's why I'm curious." Ling Xue said with a helpless smile.

"Yes." Himeragi Yukina nodded, and murmured, "It doesn't look like magic in this world."

Hehe...Congratulations, you guessed it right.

Ling Xue rolled her eyes in her heart. Should I say that girls' intuition is so accurate? !

Not long. When news of 'Shadow' came, Ling Xue frowned slightly. Then look for the direction and walk towards the depths of the prison barrier...

"Is this the real Nayue sauce?"

A group of people came to a round hall. And in the very center of the round hall, there is a purple high-back sofa chair. On the purple sofa chair, a girl with waist-length hair and a purple dress was sitting on it and fell asleep quietly.

Hearing Xiao Gucheng's words, Lingxue nodded and raised her hand to take back the 'Shadow' card and said: "Ah. After Yuechan became a witch, she has been sleeping here and guarding the prison barrier. She only uses the projection clone to move outside."

"But, it's really incredible. They all look exactly the same. But why did I feel as if it was the first time I met the real teacher Nangong?" Himeragi Yukina said.

"Hehe, of course it will be different." Ling Xue chuckled and said, "After all, how can magic projections be compared with real people."

"But Teacher Ling Xue, why didn't Yuechan wake up?" Gu Cheng was puzzled.


Lingxue leaned in front of Nayue, and frowned slightly when she looked at the pretty face that was close at hand. As usual, the avatar outside disappeared, and Nayue sauce here should wake up. Why are you not awake now? Did some accident happen?

Yep? Why is your breathing messed up?

Looking at the sleeping face, Ling Xue did not leave, but thought carefully. But he accidentally found that Yue's originally steady breathing started to become a little messy. Although it was small, it was still caught by Ling Xue.


Lingxue narrowed her eyes, she was pretending to be asleep, and it made me so worried.

Since you're pretending to be asleep, then I'm not welcome.

"By the way, have you heard the story of Sleeping Beauty?" Ling Xue asked suddenly.

"Sleeping Beauty?" Several people looked at each other, Yuma nodded and said: "Of course I have heard of it, I have heard about Gu Cheng."

"Then you said that the sleeping princess was awakened by the prince's kiss, so is it possible that Yuechan is also waiting for her prince?" Ling Xue had a smirk on her face at this time, but because her back was facing Xiao Gucheng and others, so they didn't find out.

"Eh... this..."

The three of them looked at each other, unable to figure out whether Ling Xue was telling the truth or not, after all, Sleeping Beauty was just a fairy tale.

"Then, I'm sorry. That Yuejiang~"

Lingxue gave a smirk, then lowered her head, and slowly moved towards Nayue's slightly closed red lips.

"Ling... Teacher Ling Xue..." Jizheng Yukina wanted to stop her, but her voice became lower and lower. If you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing wrong with this, after all, Teacher Ling Xue and Teacher Nangong are living together, right?

As for Xiao Gucheng, he consciously avoided it out of shame and turned around. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he always feels that he is very pure.

Yuma, on the other hand, stared blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.


The lips finally touched together, the 'sleeping' delicate body of the moon shook slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes, with a trace of anger and almost undetectable shyness in the eyes.

But this subtle shyness was still caught by Ling Xue.

"That moon sauce. Wake up." Ling Xue said with a look of satisfaction on her face.


Pushing Ling Xue away calmly, Na Yue jumped off the chair, glanced at everyone, and finally landed on Ling Xue beside her.


Looking at that familiar face, Nayue was filled with emotions. Gently covering his lips, his eyes fluctuated uncontrollably.

"That...that Yue-chan. You...what did you call me just now?"

Although the voice was very low, maybe even Jieragi Yukina didn't hear it, but Ling Xue listened intently and her body trembled. He hurriedly asked with a smile, his eyes full of anxiety and anticipation.

"I... I have recovered my memory. Oh... Oni... Xiaoxue."

Nayue kept thinking about which address to use. Although the lost part of the memory suddenly recovered for some reason, but since it has been recovered, then and The memory of Ling Xue getting along, and many other memories are naturally restored. Recalling how clingy she was to Lingxue in Gensokyo before, Yue couldn't help but blushed with shame, and even wondered if it was someone else. In other words, there is another personality in my body.

"Really?" Ling Xue asked expectantly.

"En." Nayue nodded slowly.

"Then... Then, can Yuechan really call me O'Neill?" Ling Xue asked expectantly.

"Xiaoxue! You..." Nayue originally thought that Lingxue was still teasing herself, but just as she was about to explode, she saw the expectation and seriousness in Lingxue's eyes.

bow your head. Seemingly hesitating for a moment, Nayue raised her head again, her blue eyes looked at Ling Xue's dark eyes, and her vermilion lips parted slightly, "O... Oni-chan~"


Hearing the long-awaited Salutation, Ling Xue laughed. He opened his hands suddenly and hugged Na Yue fiercely into his arms, tightly. Tightly, as if wanting to integrate that moon into the body, while laughing, he said: "En. En. Nayue-chan, welcome back. Really. Really welcome back."

This "Oni-chan" did not It wasn't that Lingxue listened to satisfy some psychology, but to confirm one thing, to confirm that month's true return.

Ten years ago, Na Yue was captured by the shadows indirectly because of Ling Xue's weakness, and could not be saved. In desperation, Lingxue had no choice but to exile him into the cracks in time and space together with the darkness of the world that was about to explode after Nayue left, and at the same time prayed for Nayue's safety.

Although it didn't take long, he fell into a deep sleep. And he was summoned here by that month while he was asleep. But looking at the month in front of me that was both familiar and unfamiliar. While Ling Xue felt relieved, she also felt guilty.

I hate myself for being so weak. If I wasn't so weak, it would be impossible to save that month. It also caused Na Yue to become this character.

Although the current month is very consistent with the month in my previous life, when I was in Gensokyo, that is, when that month was summoned, after a long time together, Ling Xue has already regarded that month as a part of her family. A part, just occasionally, unfortunately, the serious month will not appear. And if Ling Xue is given a choice, then Ling Xue will definitely choose the month when she was still in Gensokyo and was not captured by the shadow. Because Ling Xue would rather that Yuejiang's personality was different from her own memory, and she didn't want to be forced to come out because of all kinds of storms, which was exactly the same as that month in her memory.

Feeling the tight hug coming from her body and the feeling of suffocation, Nayue didn't hate it.

"Baga, why are you crying?"

Feeling the coolness coming from her forehead, Nayue cursed indifferently. Putting her arms around Ling Xue's neck, her pretty face was pressed against Ling Xue's face, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the familiar breath, and said softly:

"I'm back, I'm really back, Erni-chan~"