
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Tina, Lingxue

In the middle of the night, the silver light of the moon sprinkled into the snow hermitage, and when a certain figure passed through the gate of the snow hermitage, an undetectable ripple rippled directly. And in a room in a not-so-luxury two-story building in the quiet Initiator Training Academy, a pair of shiny black eyes slowly opened.

"Xiaoxue?!" Mibu Zhaoxia also woke up suddenly the moment Ling Xue opened her eyes, as if she felt something, she turned her gaze to Ling Xue.

"Ah, it looks like there are intruders." Ling Xue sat up and nodded to confirm Zhao Xia's thoughts.

"Besides, this intruder was able to pass through the enchantment that my lord brother set up outside. It seems that he must be a cursed son."

On the other side, Qianshou Natsushi, who has a dolphin factor, also sat up slowly. There was no trace of drowsiness, but he looked out of the window intently, where the dark buildings lived together. It seems to be able to penetrate the darkness and see the intruder.

"Oh~~Brother, Zhaoxia, Xia Shi, what's wrong? Why are you all up?" Ling Yin, who was at the back of the bed, rubbed her sleepy eyes, got up too, and said confusedly.

"It's nothing." Ling Xue stretched out her hand and rubbed Ling Yin's messy silver thread, "It's just that a good show is about to be released."

"Hi?" Ling Yin tilted her head in doubt .

In the dark night, Tina opened her scarlet eyes and moved flexibly between the roofs. With the owl factor, she was like a fish in water in the dark night, and she was not affected at all. It would be better to say that the time of the night The time when she is at her best.

Is that the Beginner Training Academy?

Seeing the complex of playgrounds and buildings not far away from her, Tina knew her goal was there. A trace of unbearableness flashed in her eyes, she had heard of this Xue Yinyu more or less, and said that its founder was a person who loved the cursed son very much. Tina really didn't want to kill him if she could. However, since his master gave the order, there was nothing he could do.

The short distance of a hundred meters was fleeting. The moment she jumped into the academy, Tina waved her hand and released four square white objects from her cuffs.

"Formation delta, go, Sheffield."

Accompanied by a few crisp sounds, the four objects named "Sheffield" became slightly larger, and then emitted a slight red light.

"Hmph!" The moment she released Sheffield, Tina seemed to feel something, lifted the dress covering her thighs, and took out two delicate silver-white pistols from the inside of her thighs. Looking up in a certain direction is two shots.

"Ding, ding." Two crisp sounds sounded, accompanied by a fleeting spark, Tina knew that her bullet was blocked by some kind of weapon.

"Who is it!" Tina stared at a shadowy place with her scarlet eyes open.

"Tina?" An uncertain voice came from the shadows.

"You know..."

Before Tina finished speaking, it was as if someone had strangled her neck, and what she wanted to say stopped abruptly. Because she saw a familiar figure walking out of the shadows. With the afterglow of moonlight. . . . . .


A familiar name blurted out, it's impossible, how could Zhaoxia be here. Tina stayed there as if she had been hit hard. There was disbelief and a hint of fear in the tone that blurted out. I can't believe it's facing Mibu Asaka, so what about that trace of fear.

"It really is you, Tina."

Mibu Zhaoxia's mood at this time was extremely complicated.

"The intruder this time might be someone we are familiar with."

Recalling what Ling Xue said when changing clothes. It seems that Xiaoxue really guessed right.

"Why are you here!" Tina raised the gun in her hand, and said with a hint of madness in her tone, "Aren't you elder brother's younger sister? Ah!"

boom! boom! boom!

Clang, clang, clang.

The muzzles of two silver pistols spewed out dazzling flames, and the sound of gunshots and empty shells resounded throughout the campus.

Ding, ding, ding.

Mibu Asaka also danced the black blade made of "Varanium" tightly in her hand. The scarlet pupils were getting bigger and smaller, and the eyeballs were also moving flexibly. She could clearly see the trajectory of each bullet, and the air flow that each bullet pierced through the air. Until Tina's bullets ran out, not a single bullet could touch her.


Seeing that the bullets in the pistol were shot into the air, Tina kicked her feet slightly, and a transparent wave of air was kicked out on the ground, and she rushed towards Mibu Asaka quickly in a zigzag way. He took out two military daggers that shone coldly from his back.

Ding. . Sizzle. .

The intersection of the dagger and the black blade, sparks splashed out continuously from the intersection of the blades.

Seeing the madness and fear in Tina's eyes from the corner of the spark, Mibu Asaka blocked Tina's dagger with a black blade, and said calmly, "Actually, you saw me, so you should have guessed it."

"Guess it? What do you want me to guess? I don't know!" Tina took a step back slightly, turned sideways, and kicked Mibu Asaka directly with her right leg with a sound of piercing through the air.

"Tsk. What a disobedient child." Mibu Zhaoxia curled her lips and leaned back ninety degrees to avoid Tina's kick.

"If it's my younger sister, it's fine to stay at home, why did you come to this place!"

Phew! !

Hearing the sound of piercing through the sky again, Zhaoxia took it easy, swung the black blade with her right hand, and then slammed it hard, directly flying the flying dagger. Then one turned sideways, dodging another flying dagger, without even looking at it, he just raised his foot and kicked towards his side.


There was a muffled sound in the air, Mibu Asaka's kick was directly blocked by Tina with both hands.

Cut, wearing a kimono is really hard. Mibu Asaka pouted, if this kimono was not given to me by Xiaoxue, I would not be willing to break it, otherwise this kick would be enough for you.

"Drink!" Seizing this opportunity, Tina grasped Mibu Asaka's ankle with both hands, and lifted it vigorously. After a 360-degree rotation, she threw Mibu Asaka into the air.

"Oh duo, Zhaoxia, you were careless this time." Mibu Asaka,

who was trying to adjust her posture in the air, suddenly felt that she had entered a familiar and warm embrace, and a teasing voice also came from this embrace From the mouth of the master.

"You clearly know the reason." Mibu Asaka glanced at the kimono she was wearing, and said angrily.

"Hi, hi." Ling Xue pampered Mibu Zhaoxia's forehead.

Then, holding Zhaoxia's hand, she slowly walked out of the shadows, followed by two small figures.

"Liar!!" Seeing those familiar figures, Tina covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Tina, is it really you?" Ling Xue sighed. In fact, when he was parting from Tina during the day, he accidentally saw the scar on Tina's neck, and he began to doubt it. The gleam of light in the illusion, and the familiar wave after the enchantment was touched at night, made Ling Xue guess at seven or eight points.

"Xiaoxue...Brother..." During the day, Tina, who felt extremely sweet every time she called it, felt that this address had never been so harsh.

"Could it be that Brother Xiaoxue is the founder of this Snow Recluse." There was affirmation in his tone, and the intense mood swings gradually calmed down.

"Well, be it. Tina. What are you going to do next? Continue to kill me? Give up this assassination and find another chance? Or should we abandon the dark and turn to the light?" Ling Xue smiled and said: "If we abandon the dark and turn to the light, we can still hang out together Oh."

"What do you think?" There was a flash of determination in Tina's eyes, and she took out two military daggers from the backpack at her waist again, her plain tone made people feel chills all over her body!

"It seems that it has been decided."

Lingxue scratched her head with a wry smile, sure enough, we haven't practiced our mouth well enough.

"Then... I'll call until you are obedient." Ling Xue's good -natured

expression suddenly changed, and disappeared in place with a soft "whoosh". Tina was startled suddenly, and felt the sound of breaking through the air from behind. When she wanted to turn around to block, a huge force spread from her stomach to her whole body.



Before she had time to be surprised, Tina's body flew upside down in a U shape, smashing a not-so-deep crater on the playground.

"You don't need to pretend, come out. The strength I used was basically on your surroundings, and you didn't suffer much damage." Ling Xue said lightly.

After the words fell, a small figure came out of the smoke and dust, and Tina glanced at the big pit behind her with lingering fear. I really can't imagine what will happen if all this power falls on me, even if I am a cursed child, I will probably be smashed to pieces in an instant.

"You really deserve to be Brother Xiaoxue. I've already used the delta formation, but Sheffield next to me doesn't seem to react at all. No, it should be because my brother's speed is too fast, so Sheffield didn't have time to catch it. "

Tina sauce, I'm asking, what's your choice? Do you want to come to our side?" Ling Xue had a weird expression on her face.

"Don't. Although I'm overwhelmed, I still want to kill my brother." Tina shot the two daggers at Ling Xue, then lowered her body slightly, and quickly followed up.

Ling Xue dodged the two daggers sideways, and then raised her palm to block the kick that followed, the weird expression on her face gradually turned into an expression full of trembling smiles. If Kazami Yuka was here, she would be surprised to find that this expression was somewhat similar to her expression before firing the magic cannon.

"Brother... Your lord's smile has become so strange. Obviously, the smile before was still very warm." Ling Yin, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, trembled a little.

"Ahahaha." The two lolis on the side just laughed dryly. The newcomer Ling Yin has never seen it before, but they have. Whenever Ling Xue smiles like this, it means that he is trembling. The s switch was completely turned on.

"Disobedient children need to be trained."

Ling Xue's whisper and smile on her face made Tina, who had to maintain her kicking posture, feel her hairs stand on end, her whole body shivering, and an ominous premonition spread throughout her body.

"Hey——ah——!! (Don't!!)"

Sure enough, the next moment, Tina's premonition came true, and the screams resounded through the sky of the academy, while the three little lolis on the side He couldn't bear to turn his head away.