
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Riot! !

"I believe you also know what we are here for today. The Matsuki sisters in the Moon City want to kill Gensokyo, so we must act first before they attack. In order to protect our Gensokyo."

Magic In the very center of the forest, that is, on the shore of Snow Lake, a large black mass of monsters is standing there quietly.

In front of them, directly above the center of Snow Lake, there was a golden figure.

"Master Sage, are those guys on the moon really coming to invade Gensokyo? You don't want us to die, do you?" At the head of a certain small team, there was a monster with a hideous face and two big horns on its head. With eyes full of disdain, he said loudly.

"You don't have to go if you are afraid of death."

Yakumo Zi's face flashed a hint of sarcasm, and said: "I promise as a monster sage, if we don't act first now, then wait until late at night, maybe you Then you will know whether it is true or not."

"Huh~" The monster with two horns on its head snorted heavily, and didn't say anything more, after all, the most important thing for a powerful monster is identity. Since Yakumo Zi has used her identity as a monster sage to guarantee it, then there is nothing wrong with it.

"If there is no problem, then I will open the gap. Remember, for the sake of Gensokyo, if anyone becomes a deserter at this time, then don't blame me for being rude." Yakumo Zi said coldly: "Don't worry, for the sake of the greatest Guarantee your safety, I will rush in first."

After speaking, Yakumo Zi gently landed on the shore, and said to the black-haired figure beside him, "Then I will go first."

"Well, be careful. Before you come back, I guarantee that the gap will never be closed." Lingxue gently hugged Yakumozi, took Yakumozi's hand and said.

"Well, you should also be careful, although you don't know what the ultimate body mentioned in the mission is. But since you didn't say to destroy it, but just let you seal it, it must be not easy to think about it." Yakumo Zi said.

"By the way, Zi, I have also thought about those mandatory tasks recently. Although I don't want to say it, I also have a guess." Ling Xue seemed to suddenly think of something. Said : "I'm worried that the darkness of the world is also causing trouble on the moon."

"You mean that all the people in the moon capital disappear..."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Yakumozi also got a reminder from Ling Xue's few words .

"En. If this makes sense, why did the leaders of the Moon Capital blame you for the disappearance of so many people in the Moon Capital?" Ling Xue nodded and said.

"I see. I will pay attention." Yakumo Zi nodded.

"Xiaoxue-chan~ Don't kiss me with Zijiang anymore, we should go now, otherwise the monsters behind seem to be rioting."

Yuyuko, who has pink shoulder-length hair and is wearing a blue robe, floats lightly. Floating over, jokingly said.


Lingxue chuckled embarrassedly, looked at the familiar faces in front of her and said, "Then Youyouzi, Yaoji, Zi, and Shenqi, the four ghost kings, you must be careful. When you come back smoothly, Xiaoxue will hold another banquet."

"Don't worry, Xiaoxue-chan. You saved my Alice last time, so this time it's your repayment." Shenqi waved her hands indifferently.


Yakumo Zixian also smiled slightly. Then he straightened his face and shouted loudly.

"The realm of illusion and reality!"

The power of the realm swung out. It hit the sparkling lake in front of my eyes, reflecting the full moon. After a burst of ripples, the surface of the lake emitted faint energy fluctuations.

"Let's go!"

After signaling to Ling Xue, Yakumo Zi leaped in.

As the crowd filed in, the originally crowded Snow Lake became calm again.

Looking at the slightly bright lake in front of her eyes, Ling Xue's thoughts returned to daytime.

wake up early in the morning. After discovering the sudden change in the task, Lingxue hurriedly found Zi, and quickly discussed the countermeasures.

It can be said that there is a wave of ups and downs, and a wave of ups and downs. The matter on the side of the moon has not been settled yet, and this incident happened again in Gensokyo.

"The ultimate body..."

Ling Xue couldn't help murmuring.

"Why are you stunned. Let's start preparing here."

Qi Sarah ran out from the center and said, "After all, the time is coming soon."

. [Find a way to seal the dark ultimate body of the world. Countdown: 0:10. ]

"That's right. But there are still ten minutes, which is more than enough time." Ling Xue took Qisara's hand, walked towards Xue Yinju, and said, "By the way, everyone should hide."

"Well. They are all hidden."

Qi Sarah nodded and said: "And the lock (the earth), the light (the light) and the dark (the dark) are all there, except for some Except for the usual elves, the rest of the elves are on standby. Enju and Miori are also in place."

"Well, that's good."

Walking to the main entrance, Lingxue raised one hand and supported it on the door frame At the same time, he said: "Then activate the final defense of Snow's seclusion now."

"The thirteenth step of dark art: the light of dawn!"

With Ling Xue's loud shout, colorful lines like electric lines crawled densely. It filled the entire courtyard, and finally at the top of the courtyard, it gathered into an extremely complicated white magic circle, which slowly disappeared into the air.

"Qisara, it's up to you to protect the yard. But don't worry too much, the protective barrier has been opened, and this light barrier cannot be destroyed without any special methods. In order to prevent Just in case, I will leave Xiao Yuzao here to guard the entrance. As for the rest, leave it to me, Youxiang and Lan."

"I see. You have to be careful, Xiaoxue. We are waiting for you to come back. "Qisara nodded, lightly tapped Ling Xue's cheek, then turned around with a blush and walked into the center.

"Xiaoxue (Master Xiaoxue)."

"Youxiang, Lan."

Lingxue, who was a little dazed because of Qisara's kiss, turned her head when she heard the sound, looked at the two familiar figures in front of her, and said, "How about it? Everything has been arranged.

"Hi ." Yakumo Lan nodded and said, "Over there, Huiyin has put the Ripley of the World into history, and Meihong is on standby. At the Scarlet Devil Mansion, because of Xiaoxue Your Majesty's magic circle, so Remi and Patchouli can fight with all their strength. As for the Hakurei Shrine, Hakurei's priestesses are still very strong."

[Time is up. Mission begins. ]

[Mandatory task 2: Eliminate clones 0/100. The ultimate experience appears after all the clones are eliminated. ]

The time has just returned to zero, the magic forest, no, or the entire Gensokyo is like an earthquake. Looking around at the crooked trees that had been shaken and the cracks in the ground, Ling Xue took out a white royal robe with flame red edges from the King's Treasure and put it on, saying: "Then we also Let's start! Youxiang, Lan, be careful, because the world is not as dark as you imagine."

"Is it okay here?" Youxiang pointed to the snow lake.

"Big man." Ling Xue gave a thumbs up and said, "Let's not talk about the presence of Yuzao, and I have set up another thirteenth step of dark art near the snow lake. It's an illusion department, no accident , Others can't get in. It's just a coincidence that Xiao Yuzao is still here, and I can come back immediately when I receive news later."

"Oh, that's right. Youxiang, these are for you."

She was just about to leave. Ling Xue suddenly remembered something, and took out three bottles of red medicine from the inventory. "These potions are all HP potions. To put it simply, you drink them when you are injured or your physical strength is about to be exhausted. This will help you recover quickly.

" Confident, but this is Ling Xue's kindness after all, isn't it?

"Let's go!"

Nodding to the two girls, accompanied by the sound of 'Zi La'. Ling Xue spread her silver wings, and flew into the sky with the other two in three directions.


Looking at the small map that also appeared due to the mission, Ling Xue followed the instructions on the small map and quickly found the first dark place in the world.

floating in mid-air. Looking at the guy in front of him who was completely black, with only two red eyes exposed, who looked like a big bird, Ling Xue didn't hesitate at all, and shouted: "The realm of separation and reunion!"

Colorful cracks appeared on the wings of the big black bird without warning, and the big bird with its broken wing stalled and fell down with a scream before it had time to show off its power.

"The third level of dark art, frozen shadow! The second level of dark art, fierce fire"

Because Ling Xue has already broken through to S level, so the low level of dark art can basically maintain the original without stitching power. And if it is sutured, the power will be greater.

Azure ice streams and orange flames cut through the sky, rushing towards the big black bird and its broken wing that was stalling and falling.

In the blink of an eye, the big black bird that was streaked by the ice flow was shattered into ice slag, and the wings that were streaked by the flames were burned into nothingness.

ok, next one.

After confirming the elimination, Ling Xue glanced at the small map, and after confirming a direction, it turned into an afterimage again. . .

"Oh? Are these the avatars that Xiaoxue mentioned?"

Because Youxiang has not signed a contract, she can't quickly find the dark avatars in the world through the small map, so Lingxue just let Youxiang perceive the abnormal disharmony or A subconsciously disgusting place. After all, this dark breath and natural breath are absolutely opposite.

According to this feeling, Youxiang also quickly found the target.

Looking at it like this, the three in front of me are not a little bit taller than her, and they seem to be 'monsters' who are eating, a trace of disdain flashed in Kazama Youxiang's eyes.


Seeing someone interrupting his eating, three black monsters with explosive muscles and a disgusting appearance roared and rushed towards the person in front of him.


A chill flashed in Feng Jian Youxiang's eyes, she snorted, raised her parasol, and a signature magic cannon was fired from the umbrella sword.

The green light dragged a long bullet mark on the ground, and wiped out all three black monsters in the blink of an eye.

The green glow disappeared, and after confirming that there were no corpses left, Youxiang reopened the parasol, put it on her shoulder, and disappeared into the darkness.