
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Resolving the Presbyterian Church (Part 2)

At that time, when Yamato heard the order for him to attack from the gap, he almost thought he heard it wrong. It wasn't until Ling Xue repeated it that Yamato believed that he could finally attack.

As Ling Xue's summoner, Yamato naturally understands what Ling Xue said must be done. If Ling Xue asked Yamato to drag these ships or get on board to catch someone, Yamato said that there might be some difficulties. But Ling Xue's original words were sinking, so it can be said that it was just in line with Yamato's wishes. Because she knew that her powerful shelling finally had room to play.

Feeling the long-lost feeling of boiling blood in his body, Yamato took a deep breath, and seeing that the target had entered the range, he raised his hand and shouted coquettishly, "Launch all bullets!"

Boom! Boom! Boom...

For the first time, nine 460mm main guns resounded through the world, shooting at the invading enemy with a long tail flame. However, this is not the end. The cannon rang again, and several round shells came out in response. But this time it didn't shoot towards the fleet ahead, but flew towards the sky.

Did Yamato miss the shot? The answer is of course no.

Several iron-colored round shells flew high into the sky, and then exploded directly. Like setting off fireworks, countless small flames dragged their long tails and smashed into the fleet. Together with the shells of the main gun, they exploded in the dense fleet.

boom! boom! boom!

Dazzling fire, deafening roar, monstrous waves. Yamato's bombardment simply and clearly explained what is called the most powerful battleship.

[Destroy battleships 6/30]

Before the fleet group had time to show their power, 6 warships were sunk by Yamato's bombardment. Leaving aside the other warships that were heavily or lightly affected, that is to say, as long as Yamato has five more such bombardments. All these battleships will be sunk.

"Who is that girl!? And what are those things on her body? A new magic weapon?!"

At this moment. Captured by HD camera. All the people on the bridge saw clearly where such powerful shelling came from. But then doubts, surprises, and fears followed. Destroy six warships at a time, that is to say, as long as they are repeated a few times, they will all be accounted for here. No matter how they fight, it is impossible to fight at all.

"Hmph, why panic. That guy's bombardment is all solid bullets. Activate the magic shield." In fact, an elder snorted coldly.

I heard that all the crew members calmed down again. Yes, they still have protective shields, which are invincible, so what are you afraid of?


On the battleships I saw, beams of light blue light rose up one after another, and as the two were connected, finally a protective cover like an upside-down bowl shrouded all the battleships.

"Yes~ black technology."

Not far behind the battle line, a figure in a white royal robe was standing quietly on the water, passing Yamato's vision. It is also very clear to see the situation on the front line. The corners of the mouth curled up in a playful arc, and disdain flashed across the eyes. You think you have black technology, but fortunately we are also prepared here.

In fact, before letting Yamato attack, Ling Xue also considered this aspect. After all, this is not the world of ship girls. It doesn't matter who has big breasts, ahem, or who has the right to speak unless the gunfire is fierce. Magic coupled with technology is the mainstream of this world. Once it is found that the power of artillery fire may not be as powerful as Yamato and magic equipment is used, then Yamato's large-caliber cannon will be useless.

Therefore, Ling Xue also endowed her own contractor, namely Yamato, with several abilities...

"Sure enough, it's the same as what the admiral said."

Seeing this, Yamato just laughed, raised his hand again, and shouted:

"Time is roaring! "

Nine slender azure beams of light shot out from the main gun's muzzle, cut through the sky, and hit the battleship's protective cover. And the moment the shield touched the azure beam of light, it quickly melted into blue light particles like snow melting in spring.

The roar of time, as long as it is powerful enough, can offset everything that happens at that time. For example, in this protective cover, the time roar that offsets the duration of the protective cover at the moment of its power.

"Report, the protective cover has disappeared. The power generation device has overheated and entered a cooling state." The CIC on the bridge panicked.

"What did you say? How did the shield..."

"The bombardment struck again, the number 12, no, it started to disperse as before, the number 60." Before the

captain finished speaking, the cic alarm sounded again.

"Evade! All bullets fired!"

It was too late to think why the protective cover suddenly disappeared. All the ships made evasive movements, and at the same time, all the guns on more than 20 ships fired salvos. , a small part met the artillery attack in the air, and most of them shot towards Yamato in the distance with a whistling momentum.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The missiles with green smoke fell all around Yamato's body and exploded. The dazzling orange flame quickly swept around with a ferocious air wave. The huge waves swaying back and forth and the turbulent eddy currents made the originally calm sea suddenly become a dangerous place.

All the ships were constantly swaying by the aftermath of the huge waves, as if jumping on a trampoline, going up and down from time to time.

Not long after, as the fog gradually dissipated, the sea surface gradually returned to calm. In the haze, a black figure of an ordinary person's height was standing quietly in the mist, without the slightest movement.

"Success... was it successful?" On the bridge of the flagship, the captain looked at the black shadow in the fog not far away, uncertain.

The fog dissipated, and the black shadow reappeared under the sunlight.

"How...how is it possible?!"

Seeing that the figure in the sun was unscathed by such a violent explosion, the captain exclaimed in surprise: "Who is that guy?! Even the demons cannot survive such intensive shelling. Unscathed!"

In fact, all these bombardments at once are indeed a threat to Yamato, because even after Yamato's armor has been hit by all these bombardments, it will inevitably end up in a big break. But don't forget, Lingxue is standing behind Yamato. Among all the tricks Ling Xue knows. There is a trick called absolute defense.

The blue absolute defense circle. aegis. No matter how strong the first attack is, it can be defended. Subsequent attacks can withstand ten times its own strength.

Then let me ask, no matter how powerful and fierce these bombardments are, they can exceed ten times Lingxue's own power, even if it is the AAA power after two consecutive downgrades? The answer is of course no.

Then the result is naturally conceivable. After the first missile hit and exploded, Yamato immediately used the absolute defense circle.

In fact, I will tell you that this is the real black technology...

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Without any warning, under the sun, the figure holding a red parasol raised his hand again. The 9 main guns fired dazzling flames again, and the 460mm caliber shells showed their sharp fangs again, and rushed at the enemy ship, as if they were bound to tear the enemy apart before they were reconciled. Then the high-explosive bombs followed closely, exploding in the sky, and beautiful fireworks bloomed one after another. But behind this beauty is endless murderous intent...

[Destroy battleships 10/30. ]

[Destroy battleships 15/30. ]

[Destroy battleships 22/30. ]

The number of battleships sunk is constantly rising with Yamato's bombardment. Although the enemy warships were also evading and firing, Yamato, which was protected by an absolute defensive circle, didn't need to dodge at all in the face of the incoming artillery fire. Yamato quickly gave the answer to how much damage an output that can stand a foothold is.

[Destroy battleships 30/30. ]

After two or three rounds of bombardment, all 30 ships were sunk. You must know that these are not ordinary ships, but battleships.

but. I can only blame these warships for being unlucky, and they were killed by Yamato.

First. Yamato hit the enemy ship an underestimated and caught off guard. In one round, six warships were destroyed.

Second, although both sides have protective shields, the level of the protective shields is not at the same level. One can be used an unlimited number of times, and the other cannot be used once the generator overheats due to cooling.

Thirdly, Yamato's protective shield was fully utilized to the place where it should be played, and the enemy ship's protective shield was offset by Yamato's round of "Time Roar" before it was used much.

One is the output of the stand, and the other is the output in a hasty evasion. The hit rate of stance output is naturally high, but the hit rate of hasty evasion and incidental output is naturally not much higher.

Such a mutual ebb and flow, the enemy fleet does not lose what to wait.

Seeing that the task of destroying the battleship was completed with prompts, Yamato smiled with satisfaction and called it a day.

"Oh? Has it started at Pino too? Then quickly finish work here, and then go to Pino's to have a look."

Behind the battle line, seeing that the number of kills of the Frost Giants also began to increase, Ling Xue opened the gap and came to the Yamato's side.

"Admiral, the mission is completed. All the enemy ships have been wiped out." Yamato turned around and saluted happily. At the same time, there is also a trace of deep expectation in the happy eyes, as if looking forward to something.

"It's really beautiful, Yamato." Ling Xue didn't disappoint Yamato either, she raised her hand, stroked Yamato's head, and praised: "A perfect mvp."

"Hehe~~En." Enjoying her own home The admiral's touch made Yamato narrow his eyes happily.

In fact, ship girls are really creatures with very simple requirements.

Every time they returned to Hong Kong exhausted after the attack, what they hoped for most was a compliment from the admiral. With the admiral's praise, no matter how tired they are, they will be very happy, and then they can attack again with full energy the next day.

This is Kanna, cute and simple...

"Yamato, take a rest and leave the rest to me."

Under Yamato's puzzled gaze, Ling Xue stepped forward slowly, staring intently at the pile of wreckage of the battleship.

Yamato followed Ling Xue's gaze suspiciously. In the wreckage of the battleship that was emitting green smoke and flames, several piles of black paste were slowly squirming, and then slowly fused together, "Those things... are the darkness of the world mentioned in the system?"

"Ah." Lingxue nodded, glanced at the information detected by the system, and said: "These guys are not stupid, they know how to absorb the negative emotions of those guys before they died to further strengthen their own strength."

[Dark assembly, Grade assessment aa. ]

However, what can you guys do with only AA rank? On the contrary, he exposed his own weakness, didn't he.