
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Paqiuli, Sakuya


Paqiuli frowned slightly. Ever since she could remember, she had lived in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and was taken care of by a vampire who looked like a child but was already hundreds of years old. . But the sudden appearance of the guardian made Paqiuli feel that he hadn't lied, but that she subconsciously didn't want to accept it.

"Well. Because I had something to do at the time, I asked Remy to take care of you temporarily. I didn't expect that because of the difference in jet lag, only a year or two has passed there, but decades have passed here. Your name is still the same. .Well, then I picked it up for you."

Seeing that Paqiuli still looked confused, Ling Xue also shrugged her shoulders slightly, and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. As long as you live happily, Then my promise is fulfilled."

"Promise?" Paqiuli asked suspiciously.

"Uh... no, nothing." Ling Xue also seemed to realize that she had slipped up a bit, and hurriedly waved her hands, looking at the little braided one with a green ribbon tied at the end, wearing blue as the background color , the little girl wearing a white apron and maid outfit outside is the Sakuya Izayoi that Ling Xue knows well, but she is still in the form of a little girl.

But the moment she saw Sakuya Izayoi, Ling Xue keenly felt a little bit of unnaturalness, but Ling Xue couldn't say exactly what was unnatural, it was too vague after all. Recalling the ability of Izaya Sakuya in the original book, Lingxue planned to ask the time card elf, "Time" to help him see at night.

"Lord Lingxue, this is my sister. Sakuya Izayoi ."

Seeing that Lingxue had been staring at her sister. Qian Yin thought that Ling Xue was wondering about the identity of the person in front of her.

"Xiaoxue. Is there something wrong with Sakuya's body?" Remilia, standing in front of Ling Xue, clearly caught the flash of solemnity in Ling Xue's eyes. Miria was straight to the point.

"I'm not sure about the specifics. I'll ask the authority in this area to take a look." Ling Xue explained, smiling at the shy Sakuya: "Hello, Sakuya, my name is Ling Xue, and it's you My sister and your young lady's friend. Please teach me more in the future."

"Please.. Please advise me more. My name is Izayoi Sakuya."

Rubbing the corner of the apron she was wearing anxiously for a while, Izayo Saki Ye Cai timidly raised his hand and said hello.

Ling Xue nodded with a smile. I really don't know how Sakuya will achieve the name of the perfect and chic head maid in the future, obviously she is so shy now.

After exchanging pleasantries, Lingxue took a sip of the black tea that Qianyin poured for her, and said to a few people: "Oh, yes, I almost forgot the purpose of coming. Remy, my house will have a banquet tonight, remember to come together Ah."

"A banquet? I see."

A trace of expectation flashed in Remilia's eyes. She hasn't eaten Ling Xue's dishes for a long time, and this time she can finally eat them.

"En. Then I'll leave now that the notification has arrived. After all, I still have to notify other people." Ling Xue waved her hand and opened a gap between the seven colors. She didn't care about the surprised eyes of Remy and the others, and turned to leave went in. "Wait. "

Paqiuli stood up suddenly, hesitated for a while and said, "Did you really choose my name? " Xue turned around and nodded, and said to Paqiuli, whose eyes were already flickering with confusion, "Okay, don't worry about it, just let it take its course, and don't think so much about the rest."

"I'm really sorry, I really don't have the impression. But you are very familiar to me." Paqiuli nodded and apologized.

"Well, it's no wonder. After all, you were just born at that time. Even if you were a witch, you wouldn't be so heaven-defying and start remembering things so early." Ling Xue didn't care, but said: "Speaking of it, if you really want to It's still me who says I'm sorry, I haven't fulfilled my duty as a guardian."

"Then I'll be rude first."

Paqiuli nodded, gestured to Remy, and walked towards her place of residence, which was the big library in the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

"It looks like Paggy's heart is a little messed up."

Hearing the sound of chaotic steps, and seeing Paggy disappear around the corner, Remilia took a sip of the black tea in the cup and said with emotion.

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank you, Remy. I have taken care of Paqiuli for so many years." Ling Xue shrugged, he naturally knew why Paqiuli's heart was in a mess.

You must know that apart from ordinary people, other races, even when they are not sensible, will leave the most special feelings for their close ones. (Fog) This feeling does not belong to the mind, but to the memory of the body, which will remember the feeling and "smell" of that close person.

"It's nothing, after all, Paggy is also a part of my Scarlet Devil Mansion, isn't she?" Remilia smiled, showing two small canine teeth.

"It seems that Paqiuli was brought by me, right? When did you become a member of the Scarlet Devil Mansion?" Ling Xue laughed.

"Tch, you don't want to see who raised it." Remilia curled her lips, ignoring Ling Xue's teasing.

"Okay, let's go and inform the others. Remember to come at night."

After leaving such a sentence, Ling Xue turned and walked into the gap that was just opened.

When the gap closed, Remilia was silent for a while, and said, "Pagy, you can come out now. He's gone." At the corner, there was a girl with purple double ponytails, a lavender nightgown, and a lotus flower. The girl in the hat came out, and she didn't know what kind of tone she used, and said, "Remi, what he said is true?" "Yes

." Remilia nodded, as if recalling Ling Xue and her family's Scarlet Devil Mansion were still in Oushuizhou, during those half a year, she laughed and said, "I remember when Xiaoxue was a deacon in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, I kept asking him if you were his daughter."

"Then what did he say?" A trace of curiosity flashed across Patchouli's eyes.

"Of course he said no." Remilia folded her hands on her chest, and said angrily, "That stinky guy treats me like a pet every time I ask this question. It really pissed me off." It 's gone."

Said on the mouth, I was so angry. But Paqiuli didn't hear the slightest sense of anger. Instead, I heard a sense of happiness.

"I'm going back to the library first. Count me in when I go to the banquet tonight."

After leaving a sentence, Paqiuli turned and walked towards the library, and this time she really left.

Hearing Paqiuli's words, the corners of Remilia's mouth twitched slightly. Did Paggy, who didn't go out, actually take the initiative to go out this time?

Remilia who can see fate just like me back then. I have already seen that Paqiuli's wheel of fortune turned again the moment Ling Xue called out Paqiuli's name.

What will happen in the future? It's really exciting.

. . . . . .

So, who to notify next?

Paparazzi? Or go to the ghost clan?

Thinking of the drinking and persuading abilities of Xigua (Ibuki Cuixiang) and Hong Yousan (Hoshixiong Yuyi), Ling Xue couldn't help but shudder. Forget it, invite them next time. Let's go to the Hakurei Shrine first, I don't know how many generations of witches have changed there.

Wait, why do I feel like I forgot something? Well, forget it.

Ling Xue tilted her head and thought for a long time, but she didn't remember anything. Ever since. So holding on to my good habits, I just stopped thinking about it.

Shrugged. With one pair of wings, it took off and flew towards the Hakurei Shrine.

"Three-step waste!"

Flying over the Hakuli Shrine, a voice that made Ling Xue's hair stand on end suddenly sounded, and then. . . . . .

Then, Ling Xue lowered her head, and found that there was a big horn on her chest, and the end of the horn was connected to a girl with orange-yellow hair, who was the Ibuki Suika that Ling Xue had talked about before.

Feeling the pain in her chest and the weird feeling of being pierced through, Ling Xue smiled wryly, remembering something she had forgotten before.

I even forgot that although Cuixiang is a ghost, she is a frequent visitor to Hakurei Shrine.

As always, she was stunned by the poke, and Ling Xue, as always, pressed Cuixiang's head and pushed outwards, trying to pull the big horn on top of her head out of her body.

"Yo, long time no see, Xiaoxue."

After pulling out the big horn, Yibuki Cuixiang took two steps back in the air, smiled heartily, and said to herself: "Ah, it's cool, it's cool, I haven't been here for decades."

"Hey, when will I bother you to change this strange quirk of yours."

Ling Xue sighed, and looked at one of the bloody horns on Yibuki Cuixiang's head speechlessly.

"You don't care about me." Ibuki Cuixiang shook off the remaining blood on the top of her head, replied angrily, and flew down, "You are here to find Hakurei, come with me."

As always, the dilapidated shrine , as always, an empty offering box.

Looking at this scene that hasn't changed at all, Ling Xue doesn't know what to complain about.

"Cuixiang, what are you running around again? Do you know that it is because you keep running around every time you come to the shrine, so the shrine has no visitors."

While Ling Xue was feeling emotional, the gate of the Hakuli Shrine It was also pulled away, a tall one. . . That's right, at least one head taller than Ling Xuegao's. A priestess dressed in a large body mainly in red, with only white sleeves showing her armpits, walked out of it. When walking around, because the red robe was too wide, the black bodysuit inside could be seen from time to time.

Jiku! Why is this Boli so strong? . . . . .

He looked a head taller than himself, and on the exposed arms, there were looming muscle edges. Ling Xue said that his view of Boli has collapsed. In his impression, the Hakuli Shrine has always been a representative of melee mages. When did melee mages become pure warriors? . . . . .