
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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News of the 75th Floor Boss

Since the last time Sanjiyou came to the snow to live in seclusion for a meal, he didn't get there because he didn't have kitchen utensils. Among Ling Xue's bad friends, there is an unwritten rule circulating that if you go to live in seclusion in the snow, you must bring your own set of kitchen utensils, in case one day you don't have a meal because there is no kitchen utensils in seclusion in Xue. . . . . .

Although Asuna and Silica who moved back are always noisy, but. . . . . .

"Yuki-chan, let's make them look good." Silica, who was wearing casual clothes and holding a spherical object that looked like a volleyball, smiled.

"Oh! Yui said with full energy." Yui's two small hands clenched into fists, looking like they were smashed. Dodge ball, it seems very interesting.

Well, although Yui has lived for more than 50 years, but based on the age of youkai, he is indeed still a child. Ugly boy, just playful, I can understand.

"Xiao Wei, we can't lose to them either." Asuna bent her legs slightly and bowed slightly, with an attitude of being ready.

"I will never lose." Xiao Wei clenched her two small fists, obviously burning up.

Listening to this conversation, Ling Xue, who was lying on the deck chair in the yard, basking in the sun leisurely, also smiled slightly. But it doesn't look bad like this, at least Yui and Xiaowei are very happy. Because the two have become residents, and they have been together for a while, Ling Xue is very relieved of their behavior, so she more or less revealed some things about Yui and Xiao Wei. But it stopped at that Yui and Xiaowei were intelligent programs, and they just followed him for some reason.

After all, if they get along for a long time in the future, the two girls who are not stupid will definitely find that Yui and Xiaowei are different. It is better to be absent-minded because of thinking about things and lead to danger. It is better now It's better to just tell them to come.

I remembered that after I told Yui and Xiaowei's true identities. Ling Xue couldn't help laughing out of their expressions.

but. . . Really two good girls.

After laughing, Ling Xue sighed again. He knew very well that after he informed Yui and Xiao Wei of their true identities, their doubts did not decrease, on the contrary, they increased a lot.

For example, why did Yui appear on the 22nd floor, and why Xiao Wei did not appear until later and also on the 22nd floor.

Another example. Why both Yui and Xiaowei call you father.


They didn't ask these questions, but chose to bury them silently in their hearts until they were willing to tell them.


Just as the four girls were having a good time playing, Ling Xue was about to close her eyes and go to sleep again, when a notification sounded, an email appeared in front of Ling Xue.


Who will it be at this time? Ling Xue was slightly puzzled, then clicked on the email, and then fell silent there.

It's finally here. But, well. If you count the time, it is almost the same. that guy. . . . . .

Ling Xue straightened her body with a straight back, and then stood up.

"What's the matter, Lingxue?"

Although the girls are playing dodgeball with great interest, there is no doubt that their attention, at least most of their attention, is on the only one in this yard. on men. So, Ling Xue stood up and stood up. They noticed it, and they all gathered around.

certainly. This is not to say that the girls made a fuss, but that they all clearly saw Ling Xue's thoughtful face.

Looking at Ling Xue whose expression was a bit strange, a bad premonition flashed in Asuna's heart.

"Heathcliff sent a message that the boss room on the 75th floor has been found." Ling Xue explained slowly.

"I guess so." Asuna nodded and said, "After all, it's been a while since I reached the 75th floor."

"Then what are you worrying about, Dad? You're not afraid of the boss, right? Then Yui will despise you." Yui tugged at the corner of Ling Xue's clothes, wondering.

"How is it possible?" Ling Xue smiled and patted Yui's head. Explained: "For some reasons, I promised Heathcliff that if they encounter a difficult boss, I will help them. Of course, I am not worried about how difficult this boss is. Because the boss is a computer after all. Monster, as long as you find the right strategy, it will be easy."

"Then what is Brother Xiaoxue thinking?" Silica asked suspiciously.

"I was just thinking that another 25th floor guard boss is coming. How many people will be sacrificed this time." Ling Xue said lightly.

Yes, how many people will die this time. Although it is said that the raiders are players with top-notch equipment and skills, every raid is not zero-damage. As the number of strategy layers gradually increased, the originally huge strategy group also gradually shrunk. Now, apart from the Knights of the Blood Alliance, the Holy Dragon United, Fenglin Huoshan, and later the Moonlight Black Cat Group, there are only a very small number of casual players left.

Of course, Ling Xue didn't have the time to worry about those casual players or members of several major guilds. After all, I am not familiar with them. The reason for frowning is because what he is really worried about is his good friends.

Asuna, Silica, the oldest members of the Moonlight Black Cats, and the older members of Fenglin Huanhan. Kirito, Agil.

In this game where she can't use her true ability, Ling Xue is really afraid that when the nightmare of a few years ago will happen again before her eyes.

For those who do not know or are not familiar with, as a monster whose hands are already stained with blood, Ling Xue said that even if they died in pain before her eyes, she would definitely not blink her eyes.

But if it is his friends. . . . . . Ling Xue really didn't know what to do. He couldn't imagine that one day, when he opened the friend bar, he saw a few dimmed names, what would happen after that.

And this is also the real reason why he started playing alone, because he didn't want to form too many fetters.

As for Silica, there is no way, so after entering the game, Ling Xue will always form a team with her, and Meng will never leave Tuo, Tuo will never leave Meng, and she will desperately teach fighting skills, nothing more than to let Silica has the greatest self-protection power. Later, more and more friends, but fortunately they all have the halo of leading and supporting roles, and they will not be so easy to lead, so Ling Xue is happy to make more friends.

Although it is said that when I was in Gensokyo, I was accompanied by Zi and others, and I was not alone. But how should I put it, Zi and the others couldn't give Ling Xue his brotherhood. Therefore, in this game, although Ling Xue, who can make up for this kind of emotion, doesn't say anything, she really enjoys the atmosphere.

As an otaku in his previous life, although he really wanted to communicate with others, he has been unable to communicate smoothly because of personality problems. After crossing, although a cheap grandfather died, but there are many kind and kind uncles and aunts as neighbors, Lingxue can say that every day is very happy. But after that nightmare, nothing was left. Thinking about it now, Ling Xue didn't know how she survived at that time. Is it the anger of revenge, or the company of Luoli Zi and Luoli Youxiang?

Who knows.

Later, after entering other worlds, Ling Xue also had her own new social circle, which is the nine-member group of μ's. The dazzling Guohuang and others easily walked into Ling Xue's heart, which was somewhat hollow at that time.

The optimist Guohuang with a single tendon; Sonoda Kaimi who is talented but unexpectedly innocent; Minami Kotori who is kind, gentle and full of wife (maid?) taste; cute but somewhat unconfident Koizumi Hanayo; full of vitality and Hoshiya Rin who has a cute catchphrase; Tojo Nozomi who is mature inside and outside, but has a dark belly; cold and arrogant, simply put, Ayase Eri who is tired of rubbing; looks like a little devil, but is a team pistachio Yaya Zenique.

Different personalities formed a dazzling team, and the songs sung by this team also turned into something moist and silent, slowly filling the hole in Ling Xue's heart. Although the traces are still there, they are not so ferocious.

Later, after returning to Gensokyo and traveling to the outside world, he once again watched his partner disappear in front of his eyes due to lack of strength.

This kind of thing must not be allowed to happen again.

This was the only thought in Ling Xue's mind after watching Sistaya disappear.

Later, in the pitch-black bullet, because her strength had become strong enough, no tragedy happened, and Ling Xue also protected what she wanted to protect as she wished.

And can I do it now?

"How about, Asuna, you, Silica, Yui and the others..."

After a moment of silence, Lingxue just wanted to say something, but Asuna covered her mouth.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Asuna's face was tense, of course she knew what Ling Xue wanted to say. "Do you think I'll watch you attack the boss on the 75th floor with peace of mind?"

"I'm going too, brother Xiaoxue."

Silica tugged at Lingxue's sleeve and said loudly.

"Asuna, let's not talk about it, but Silica, can you really overcome the fear at the beginning?" Ling Xue said with a wry smile.

To be honest, although Ling Xue knew very well what the boss was this time, and also knew that the main source of damage was those two scythe-like forelimbs. No matter how bad it was, as long as he and Heathcliff resisted a scythe alone, then this boss would be easy to push. As the number one player, Ling Xue said that she has already known the boss attack mode, as long as she spends more time and energy, she can be solo alone. But there is the problem. . . . . .

[Mandatory task 1: Unknown changes occurred on the 75th floor, please enter the room and investigate. Mission success: reward special materials. Mission failed: Forcibly ejected from the game. undone. ]