
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Moonlight Black Cat Group, Silica who retreated to the second line

After Ling Xue said that speculation, within a few days, the raiders, led by the Knights of the Blood Alliance, carried out the boss raid. As a result, after paying a lot of casualties, the 25th floor was finally raided. .

But Ling Xue didn't care too much, the boss was already quite tricky, and there was a younger brother, under solo alone, Ling Xue couldn't guarantee that she would be able to solo.

And after the 25th floor was conquered, the strategy team was like taking medicine, breaking through four floors in a row in just over two months. It wasn't until the 29th floor that the progress of the strategy slowly slowed down.

And during this period of time, there has never been any news about Ling Xue soloing alone or defeating bosses. It's not that Ling Xue didn't want to, but rather. . . . . .

Ugh. . .

Ling Xue glanced at the absent-minded Silica who was half a shoulder behind her, and couldn't help sighing. Silica has been like this ever since she was defeated in the boss room and teleported back that day. So in the past few months, Lingxue stopped pulling Silica to level up. During the day, she and Yui accompanied Silica to relax in the beautiful safe area or in the wild in the absolute safe area. Only after Silica falls asleep at night, let Yui accompany her, and then stay up late to practice in the labyrinth area to prevent her level from being dropped. Although this will be more difficult, and in the long run, ordinary people will definitely not be able to bear it, but fortunately Ling Xue is not an ordinary person, so that kind of situation will not happen. Of course, hard work is for sure.

But what can be done.

A gleam of pity flashed in Ling Xue's eyes, this little girl would come to the place where I live temporarily to log in even when she logs in to the game, which shows how much she trusts herself. And now it has become like this. How could Ling Xue have the heart to be with her when she was awake. What about leaving her alone?

"Hey. Silica..."


Just when Ling Xue was about to say something. Suddenly, a girl's scream was heard not far away.

Ling Xue frowned, took Silica's hands and ran forward. After running into a monster spawn point from the safe path, Lingxue and Silica saw a team of six surrounded by a large group of green praying mantises, and the source of the screams was a monster holding a long log. girl with shield.

"Sister Xing? Then this is the Moonlight Black Cat Group?" Ling Xue murmured, then pulled out the silver sword at her waist, and rushed towards the group of praying mantises with one kick.


A soft shout sounded, bringing a series of afterimages and a few strands of silver light. And a few green praying mantises turned into fragments of light after their bodies stopped.

"Phew, I'm saved."

They were relieved to see that the praying mantises surrounding them were all shattered into pieces. A young man in purple came up to him and said, "Hoo, I'm finally saved. Hello, my name is Qi Tai .Thank you for saving us."

"No, it's just a matter of little effort." Ling Xue put away the silver blade, waved her hand and said, "My name is Ling Xue. Hello."

"But then again, how could you Come to this place where the monsters are concentrated. Although it is a good place for leveling for a small team, it is still very dangerous for your group of six to stay here."

After introducing herself, Ling Xue was a little Confuse.

"Hey, don't mention it, it's a coincidence to come here." A young man wearing a hat waved his hand.

Level 11, Taft Tavern. . . . . . .

"Then let me toast for our savior."


After everyone shouted, they all took a big gulp of the wine in their cups. Maybe one of the real thrills for them is being able to drink in pubs while they're underage.

But I really didn't expect that I would meet the moonlit black cat group that was like a flash in the pan in the original book.

"Hey, Ling Xuejun, I would like to ask, are you the Xueyin who was passed on by everyone a while ago ? "

Ka, a smile hung on the corner of Lingxue's mouth. Then he heard Qitai's question, and couldn't help murmuring in doubt. When did I actually have this title?


Qitai nodded, and said: "Holding a silver blade in his hand, wearing a white royal robe, his body is as fast as a shadow, and disappears in the snow. This is the words everyone made up for Xueyin."

"I I really didn't expect that before I knew it, I would have such a title."

After hearing the word Xueyin, Lingxue really felt a little ridiculous. Xueyin, I never thought that in this game world, someone would actually give me such a nickname.

"Hey, Silica, just say what you have to say, we still need to cover up like this."

After returning to Xue's seclusion, Ling Xue saw that she was sitting on the sofa, wanting to say something, but worried What kind of Silica, Ling Xue gave her a reassurance.

"Brother Xiaoxue, I want to retire to the second line, is that okay?" Silica hesitated for a while, and finally expressed her inner thoughts.

"Although I can probably guess why, I still want to hear your thoughts."

Ling Xue's expression did not change at all, but she still looked at Silica softly.

Seeing that Lingxue's face was still soft, Silica breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Actually, after I came back from the boss's room that time, I thought about it a lot. I would be in a daze at that time, if it wasn't for Brother Xiaoxue Maybe I am dead now. I have never felt that death is so close to me before, but this time I really feel it." After a pause, Silica pulled out from her waist His short sword seemed to be talking to himself: "If I want to pick up a weapon, I think I can do it. But if I want to continue that kind of concentrated, high-intensity strategy battle, I'm really worried. I won't be able to do it anymore, and I'll cause trouble for everyone."

"What an idiot. After saving so many lives, who would say that you are a trouble, the front line is because of your existence. That's why the casualty rate is huge. Lowered." Ling Xue walked over. He stroked Silica's hair. Said: "However, for games, just do what you want, so do you have a second line where you want to retreat?"

"Well, I want to go to the Moonlight Black Cat Group. Today I chatted with the girl named Xing A lot, I found that she also has the same heart as me. If I didn't know Brother Xiaoxue and entered the game alone, and heard that the game had become a death game, then I thought I would also collapse. Then I was worried that one day I would Die in the attack of monsters. Fortunately, I met brother Xiaoxue, so I have today's Dragon Envoy Silica. Fortunately, I can't find anyone to communicate with other than her community, so ...so..."

"That's why you want to go to that guild." Ling Xue closed her eyes, and a flash of understanding flashed in her heart. In the original book, the Moonlight Black Cat Group was wiped out except for Kirito because they entered a treasure chest room with a trap. After Silica went this time. I believe it can lead the Moonlight Black Cat Group to a better future.

"I see, then you can go." Ling Xue smiled.

"Huh?" Silica looked at Ling Xue in surprise.

"What's the matter? Didn't you want to go?"

Seeing Silica looking at herself in surprise. Ling Xue didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"But... But, my equipment, my skills, and even my level were all worked out by Brother Xiaoxue, so I left just like that. I..."

"Do you feel sorry? What a silly sister." Lingxue pampered Silica's head and said, "Then Silica, let me ask you, what do you call me?"

"Xiaoxue...brother." Silica was stunned said a word.

"Right, since you call me brother, how can I ask who is a brother who doesn't want his sister to be happy?" Ling Xue smiled and said, "Actually, I really like the way you looked like a few days ago." Worried. If you can have a good time going to the Moon Night Black Cat Group, then Brother Xiaoxue will feel at ease."

The next day, for the first time, Ling Xue took the initiative to join someone else's group because of Silica's matter. friend.

"Ling Xuejun, what's the matter?"

Early in the morning, the Moon Night Black Cat Group and its group were preparing to go to the wild labyrinth area to clean up monsters, but the team leader Qi Tai actually received a friend request from a person whose id was Ling Xue.

Ling Xue? Isn't this the Xue Yin who drank together yesterday? Qitai clicked accept after being stunned for three seconds, and then asked actively.

"Do you have time? If you have time, meet me at the tavern yesterday. I have something to ask." The

message was sent in such a way that Qitai and his party immediately looked at each other. They really couldn't figure out what was going on with this accused The players said that Xue Yin, who was the first person to attack, couldn't do it, and he had to ask for help from their small team.

"Eh?! Silica is going to join us?"

After a few people met, Kaitai heard the most incredible and outrageous news. .

Who is Silica? It is the existence that is hailed as the Dragon Envoy by the players.

There was a rumor among the second-tier players that Xueyin and Dragon Envoy could chase the four major guilds.

Although it is a play, it also symbolically illustrates the influence of Xue Yin and Dragon Envoy in the hearts of players.

"Well, don't feel pressure, just be an ordinary guild member. I have only one purpose for letting Silica join you, and that is to hope that she can often chat with Xing. You also know that although Silica is My younger sister, but there are still a lot of topics that I can't talk to my brother, and she is tired of the high-intensity strategy of the front line. Yesterday she went back and told me that He Xing seemed to get along pretty well, so that's why."

Ling Xue also directly stated her purpose, so as to save others from being suspicious.

"Hehe, then we really welcome the Dragon Envoy. To be honest, our team is full of men. Fortunately, there is only one girl. She also has many topics that she can't talk to us, so if there is another girl, we welcome it with both hands. Ah." Qi Tai was stunned for a moment, then nodded happily.

"Oh, that's right. I still have a lot of equipment in my backpack, which is taking up space, so please help me sell it. You can take out the equipment you need first, and sell the rest for me. And you can also take 30% of it as the agency fee."

"How can it be done." Qi Tai said hurriedly. As the leader of the meeting, he certainly knows that this kind of transaction is completely tantamount to Lingxue giving away cheap, taking out the necessary equipment first, and after the rest is sold, there is still a 30% agency fee, which is no longer a big deal Cheap to describe. You must know that in this game of life and death, if you want to live a good life and have a guarantee of life, you need nothing more than two things, money and equipment. And now Ling Xue is giving herself both of these things for nothing.

"Okay, that's the deal. I'll do it from now on." Ling Xue waved her hands and said, "Just treat it as my living expenses for Silica and your sponsorship fees."