
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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Ling Xue's Chastity Crisis?

It's always the best thing if you can't get it... Well...

It's not that Ling Xue can't understand Xiansheng Haase's thoughts, because if it were her past life, no, or most people, they might think that eternal life is very good Bar.

"In short, put Xia Yin on my place first. If she wants to go back, I will never stop her. If you want to give Xia Yin eternal life, I will give it to her if she wants. Needless to say about this." Lingxue shook her head, then cast her sharp gaze directly at Xiansheng Haase, and said, "Let's talk about the dark things in the world now. Or who is that guy code-named 11?"

"How do you know about that guy ?" ?" Hearing this name, Ye Lai Xiansheng subconsciously exclaimed, but when he realized it, the words had already come out of his mouth.

"It seems that you really had contact with that guy." Ling Xue narrowed her eyes slightly and said, "Do you know that Xia Yin was almost turned into a puppet by that guy."

"Puppet?! No, it's impossible, that guy said According to his method, Xia Yin can obtain eternal life as quickly as possible, and can truly win the ascension ceremony and become an angel." Xiansheng Ye Lai obviously couldn't believe it.

"No, that guy didn't lie to you. It's true that he can obtain eternal life as quickly as possible. As long as that guy code-named 11 doesn't die, then Xia Yin won't die. But the price is..." Ling Xue slowly Said, "Become a puppet who doesn't know life, can't die, and doesn't have any thoughts."

"No, it's impossible. I don't believe it." Xiansheng Ye Lai slapped the table and stood up excitedly.

Ling Xue frowned slightly, then glanced calmly at Zi beside her.

"Ah, it's really strange."

Zi, who understood Ling Xue's meaning, nodded slightly. Through the voice transmission of the contract, he said: "This guy named Haase Xiansheng seems to have no doubts about that guy named 11."

"Magic of psychological suggestion?"

"It's possible."

The brief exchange is over. Just when Lingxue wanted to use the dark step technique to control it and find out. A low voice reached everyone's ears.


"Xia Yin?"

Everyone followed the prestige, and Xia Yin, who had been sleeping for the past few days, woke up now, and was standing timidly by the open door. And Xiansheng Ye Lai also recovered from his madness, and walked towards Xia Yin staggeringly with various complicated emotions.


Lingxue sighed, and walked in front of Hayase Natsuyin, blocked her behind, and said lightly: "Although I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. Hayase Xiansheng, before you figure out the matter, you Do n't get close to Xia Yin."

"Get out of the way, I want to take Xia Yin home." Facing Cheng Yaojin who rushed out halfway, Ye Laixian stretched out his hand angrily, trying to push Ling Xue away.

Snapped! !

But before touching Lingxue, he was bounced off by a steel object. It turned out that Yamato came to Lingxue's side at some point, and what just bounced off the hands of Mr. Haase Ken was a part of the ship that Yamato took out from the subspace. Pack.

"The admiral is not someone like you who can touch it. So, I can trouble you to step back a little bit." Yamato said with a smile on his face, and slightly moved the muzzle of the side gun. "Otherwise..."

Otherwise, Yamato didn't say it clearly, but the meaning is self-evident.

Looking at the dark muzzle. Ye Lai Xiansheng subconsciously took two steps back, he didn't think his head could be tougher than a cannonball.

"Big sister, Ling...Mr. Lingxue, don't do this." Startled, Hazel Xiayin hurriedly stepped forward, pulled off Lingxue's sleeves and said in panic.

"Okay, Xiansheng Haase. Anyway, Xia Yin is awake now. Why don't we let her make a choice."

Ling Xue squatted down and looked softly at the person in front of her who had a close relationship with her. The girl smiled and said, "Xia Yin, are you willing to stay by my side?" But the words just came out of his mouth, he was stupid, he felt that his words seemed too ambiguous.

Sure enough, listening to this easily misleading sentence, the faces of the women in the living room were all different.

That month covered her head and sighed helplessly, La Folia was gossip in 'surprise', Astaruti and Rabis remained expressionless, and Zi was smiling. That's right, just laughing, 'smiling'.

On the other hand, Xia Yin's face was blushing, and her panicked eyes started to look around, not knowing where to land.

Although she knew that her words were too ambiguous, she couldn't get out of her mouth, so Ling Xue had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue: "Would you like to go back with your uncle

?" Looking at Ling Xue suspiciously, she said in a daze. It seems that they don't know who this uncle who suddenly appeared is.

"Well, uncle."

Ling Xue told Xia Yin the secret that La Folia said just now, with the intention of disrupting the situation.

"Really..." Xia Yin fell silent, lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

But Ling Xue looked at Xia Yin who lowered her head, and felt a little regretful, regretting that she shouldn't have said what she really wanted so early. Obviously Xia Yin has already experienced a lot of hardships, but now it will only increase her troubles. It should be said little by little in the future.

"I'm fine, Teacher Ling Xue."

Not long after, Xia Yin raised her head, just in time to see the regret in Ling Xue's eyes. After a word of comfort, she turned away from Ling Xue's side and walked forward.

Just when everyone thought that Xia Yin was going to leave with Kensei Hayase and Kensho Hayase's eyes showed joy, Xia Yin stopped in front of Kensei Hayase, bowed slightly, and said, "Thank you for your support all the time. My care. Although Teacher Lingxue said that you are my uncle, I still want to say, thank you, Father."

"Xia Yin, you..." Ye Lai Xiansheng seemed to have guessed what Xia Yin wanted to say next What, a complicated look flashed in his eyes. Lost? Angry? Still pleased?

"But father, please forgive Xia Yin for being disobedient. I really don't want to live that kind of cold life anymore, and I don't want to be an angel. Please forgive Xia Yin for being capricious this time."

Xia Yin bowed slightly . , then turned around without hesitation, plunged deeply into Ling Xue's arms, and stopped getting up. Although it is still not clear whether to go or stay, the action speaks for itself. But is this really a decision, or is it an escape.

Maybe all of them...

As for how Hayase Xiansheng left that night, Xia Yin didn't know. She only knew that she had been hiding in a warm place before she fell asleep, and that place was no longer as cold or gloomy as before. It is the place I have longed for. Before falling asleep, she believed that she would be able to sleep well and never have nightmares again...

"Hey, Xiaoxue, what do you mean today?"

In the middle of the night, in Lingxue's room, there was a person with scarlet eyes A gap opened beside Ling Xue, and a beautiful golden shadow fell out of it, lying on Ling Xue's body, looking into Ling Xue's eyes and said.

"En?" Ling Xue was taken aback, then laughed and said, "What do you mean? I just hope that Xia Yin can stay, so that maybe she can have a better life."

"En~~" Zi said lightly He snorted, and looked at Ling Xue meaningfully at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Ling Xue didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"No, it's nothing." Yakumo Zi shook her head and fell down quietly.

The supple gold thread hangs down and intertwines with Ling Xue's black thread. The two colors, which are clearly opposite, seem to blend perfectly at this time, without any contradiction. It's like a golden galaxy dotted in the black night sky.

"Hey, Xiaoxue. How long have we been together." Star eyes slightly closed, and Zi asked in a whisper.

"Let me think about it. Counting the time I was not around, it must have been hundreds of years." Ling Xue put her hands behind her head and looked at the ceiling.

"Hundreds of years?"

Zi smiled slightly and said, "But it's incredible. We've only known each other for a few hundred years. To us monsters, a few hundred years is but a flick of a finger. But it feels like a long time to me."

"You What's the matter? Zi?" Ling Xue raised her head slightly, looked at Zi who was curled up in a ball on her chest, and asked in confusion. When did Zi become so sentimental.

"It's nothing."

Zi shook her head with the golden thread, raised her head again, with a sly look in her eyes, "Speaking of which, Xiaoxue. In the past ten years, haven't you done anything about that month?"

"You What do you mean..." Ling Xue said speechlessly.

"Of course it's like this~~that's like~~" Yakumo Zi gossiped.

"I've let you down, no." Ling Xue's head was full of black lines.

"Ah~~ That means I don't even have a candid meeting." Yakumo Zi said disappointedly.

Let's be honest...

Being mentioned by Yakumo Zi, Ling Xue remembered that when she was in Ardikia Kingdom, she and Nayue met honestly in the bathroom. Except for that step, the rest should be done. He saw everything he saw, touched everything he needed to touch, and even kissed everything he needed to kiss. In fact, Ling Xue didn't tell you, because it was a projection, so he stopped here.

Then for some reason, Ling Xue remembered Yamato's nude warming bed when she was in the palace of the Kingdom of Aldikia, and after she came back, she had zero or even almost negative contact with Yamato.

After that, another picture like this flashed in Ling Xue's mind. Beside a blue lake, with the emerald green forest as the backdrop, a white-haired elf with no strands of hair is freely and cheerfully playing with a little white cat on the green grass...

"Hmph, it looks like Yes ."

Yakumozi snorted triumphantly, a faint halo flashed in her eyes, was that relaxation?

"The realm of sound and silence."

"The realm of seeing and ignoring."

The power of the two realms swung out and sank into the surrounding walls.

"Uh... Zi, what do you want to do..."

Seeing Zi suddenly wield the power of the realm, a bad premonition inexplicably surged in Ling Xue's heart. Well, the one about the crisis of virginity.