
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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If you can't beat them, you all like giantization?


After the monster was smashed into the ground, not long after, the ground began to shake violently, and a monster with a human body and a bull's head burst out of the ground. Except for the innumerable magic circles engraved on its body, the minotaur and the Minotaur in ancient Greek mythology have the same body shape.

"Roar!" The gigantic monster roared directly, and its fist was wrapped in black flames, smashing towards Lingxue in the air.

"I'm so stupid. Is this showing its original shape? Once some monsters can't beat others, they like to grow huge. Is this an unwritten rule?" Ling Xue complained, flapping her wings slightly, and dodged the attack sideways Come boxing.

"It's nourishing." A bruised voice sounded from Ling Xue's body.

"What..." Ling Xue's pupils shrank, and she looked at her chest in disbelief. The white shirt had been completely split in two, and a wound from the right shoulder to the left chest seemed to be like a wound. Appearing out of nowhere, red blood gushes out after the wound is completely open. what happened? Didn't I already dodge the attack? Ignoring the bleeding wound, Ling Xue frowned secretly.

The sound of piercing the sky hit again, Ling Xue's eyes narrowed slightly, so let's try again. The scene was exactly the same as before, the demon's fist was wrapped in black flames, Ling Xue moved her wings slightly, and dodged sideways. With his left hand, he drew out the "shield" to form a protective cover, blocking the invisible blade that followed. Ling Xue, whose eyes were fixed on the demon's fist, suddenly realized something was wrong. The moment after dodging the attack, an inconspicuous magic circle on the monster's wrist will emit a faint light. After the light flashes, a section of airflow similar to the shape of a blade will appear on both sides of the hand.

So that's the case, Ling Xue suddenly realized. Through the magic circle, the surrounding air is compressed in an instant, forming a sharp air blade. Afterwards, the powerful demon energy was attached to the air blade, and the ordinary air blade became no longer ordinary.

Shaking her dizzy head due to excessive blood loss, and feeling the remaining energy in her body, Ling Xue narrowed her eyes slightly, raised her right hand, and made a quick decision.


"Jump, jump, Thunder God's Spear."

"Thunderbolt, Bailei, call."

"There is no one who is immortal, momentary, flashing, greedy for pleasure."

"Throw everything in an instant.

" People, do not invite regrets, tonight is a feast of killing."

" End it! , this pulsation, this freedom, this happiness, share it with everyone."

After singing, Ling Xue took a long breath, feeling the emptiness inside her body, and smiled wryly, the consumption of the eighth step's dark technique was just Is it that scary already? He held up his right hand wrapped in white text, and then swung it down heavily, aiming his palm at the monster on the ground. The white mysterious text seemed to be alive, gathering and beating in front of Ling Xue's palm. with. Between breaths, the white text formed three magic circles of different styles. The three magic circles overlapped and arranged, slowly rotating.

"The eighth step of dark art, the spiral of the rice wife!" The terrifying golden lightning shot out from the palm, and every time it passed through a magic circle, it grew stronger. When it passed through the third magic circle, the dazzling golden lightning became like Like breaking through the sky, it slammed into the demon on the ground with a piercing thunder.

"Boom!" At the moment of the explosion, the world seemed to be destroyed, leaving only dazzling white light. The original dense forest had already turned into a plain in the hurricane generated by the explosion, and with the explosion point as the center, a radius of 100 meters had turned into a huge pothole. Huh, huh, I should be dead this time. Lingxue quickly landed on the ground, and sat down straight away, panting heavily, looking at the scorched black monster that was emitting green smoke not far away. bang bang. Ok? Ling Xue frowned suddenly, was it an illusion?

Boom, boom, boom.

No, not right. It seems that it is not an illusion. Ling Xue wiped off the cold sweat streaming down her face, her eyes were fixed on the guy in front of her who was obviously still alive, but suddenly burst into such a powerful heartbeat. There is always a bad feeling.

Boom, boom, boom.

The beating of the heart went from slow to fast, and when the sound of the heartbeat reached a certain rhythm, an invisible wave of air was blown around from the scorched demon body as the center.

Yay, yahah, did I still have to use that potion in the end? Ling Xue licked the corner of her mouth, controlled her legs that were trembling with exhaustion, and stood up from the ground.

Gala, Gala. The scorched black body was like a burnt adobe, with many cracks. When the last crack was connected together, the demon's scorched black body was completely shattered, revealing a long body inside. The young and middle-aged man with purple hair has two small horns, blue animal pupils, naked body, only a shabby battle skirt around his waist, still depicting a strange and strange figure on his body. Purple texture.

Looking at the shrunken version of the monster in front of her, feeling the monster aura that was hundreds of times stronger than before, Ling Xue grinned, it seems that there is no need.

"Huh? Witch's breath? Exactly, I just need witch's blood to unseal the real witch's blood that is sleeping in my body." The purple-haired man suddenly looked in one direction, said something to himself, and then disappeared gone.

"Not good!" Seeing the disappearing monster, Ling Xue cried out that something was wrong, and hurriedly took out a crystal bottle filled with a strange red blood-like liquid from the inventory, and drank it in a big gulp. Feeling the rushing power in her body, Lingxue kicked her feet and disappeared in place.

"Sistaya! Yui!" Ling Xue's pupils shrank sharply after arriving at the place where Yui and the others were hiding. Yui had already fallen to the root of the tree. Judging by the heaving of his chest, the problem should not be serious, while Sistaya fell in a pool of blood.

"Huh? Little monster, are you here again?" Turning to look at Ling Xue, the monster said calmly.



"I will never forgive you." The hair on Ling Xue's forehead blocked Ling Xue's eyes, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly, but the gloomy words came from Ling Xue. Snow's words passed straight into the demon's ears.

"Hahahaha, don't laugh so hard, just because of your weakness... How is that possible!?" Originally, the purple-haired monster wanted to talk about Lingxue's frail body, but it released a demonic sense and sent it back There are only four words in the news, which is unfathomable.

Yes, truly unfathomable. As if blending into nature. Nature is him, and he is nature.

"Damn. Let's fight again." Ling Xue's eyes flashed a trace of sadness, a trace of bloodthirsty light. It's not well protected. This is already the second time. The first time was the villagers, and the second time was Sistaya. Hehe, I'm really a waste. So, absolutely, definitely take revenge! ! !

With a soft "pf", Lingxue disappeared again, used the "Lun" card to connect to a dense forest a little far away from here, and directly dragged the unprepared monster into it.

"Is it that kind of strange magic again?" After drilling through the space, the monster quickly broke free from Ling Xue's control, but was surprised to find that the current place is very far away from the place where he fought just now .

"Secret magic cannon!" Ling Xue raised one hand, and then the figure split into two, and two blue-green magic cannons shot out from Ling Xue's hand.

"Hmph." The demon snorted coldly, raised his hands, and set up two defensive magic circles.

With the sound of piercing through the air, two turquoise magic cannons slammed into the defensive circle erected by the demon.

"What... what!" The moment the magic cannon touched the magic circle, feeling the huge pressure from the magic circle, the monster said in surprise: "The power has become stronger?!"

"Hum!" A soft snort came from behind the monster, and before the monster could react, it was kicked and flew away. Afterwards, the black figure disappeared again, and came directly above the flying monster. He gave the monster a cold look, and the turquoise light once again lit up on the palm.

"The magic cannon fires!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" A series of five magic cannons directly blasted the dense forest to nothing, forming a huge hole. And in the very center of the huge crater, a human-shaped black pit appeared there impressively. And Ling Xue floated quietly in the air, looking coldly at the black hole in the center of the giant crater.

The reason why Ling Xue is so strong is actually very simple, it is the effect of that bottle of potion. The bottle of blood-like liquid that he drank before was a drop of blood from Kazami Yuka. The full name of the potion is called "Death God's Trading Game". This bottle of potion is also the potion that Ling Xue drew from a random gift box when her character exploded in the past ten years.

[Reaper trading game. Effect: Put a drop of blood in the crystal bottle. Afterwards, the blood will automatically turn into medicine. Just drink the potion in the bottle, and you will gain all the powers of its blood master's current stage for a short period of time. ]

But how could such a free reap come without a price? Since it is named after the God of Death's transaction, it represents an absolute equivalent exchange. There is a solemn reminder behind the effect description.

[Solemn reminder: All species with short lifespans and limited species will return to the embrace of death after using this potion for 1 minute. Immortal, immortal species will seal their abilities, including bloodline abilities, according to the length of time they are used. The sealing time is 43,200 times the use time. The upper limit of use is one hour, beyond this time, the potion will automatically and permanently seal all the abilities of the user. ]

In fact, Ling Xue didn't want to use this potion, because the consequences were really too serious. Use this potion for one minute, then the ability of the whole body will be sealed for one month (30 days), and use this potion for two minutes, then it will be sealed for two months. Including the bloodline will also be sealed, simply speaking, if Ling Xue actively removes the effect of this potion after the battle, then within a corresponding period of time, Ling Xue will become a completely ordinary person, a native of Penglai abilities will have no effect. That is to say, during this period of being an ordinary person, if Ling Xue dies, then she really dies.

However, judging from the current situation, there is no need to die. As for the guarantee during the period of being sealed, I can only hope for that unreliable and peeping monster sage. Forehead. . Is this considered a thigh hug? . . . . .