
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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I'm Back

After confirming that everyone is already standing within the range of the magic circle, Ling Xue said: "Freeze this world, and the teleportation begins!"

Blue, overwhelming blue, in the blink of an eye, the world has been dyed ice blue color. The dust blown up by the wind clearly stood still in mid-air, and the bird that was frightened on the tree and was about to spread its wings and fly high, also kept flapping its wings, and stood still there in the posture of taking off.

After the world froze, a dazzling light flashed, and everyone turned into particles of light and disappeared into the magic circle.

In the center of the magic forest in Gensokyo, on the grassy clearing beside the snow lake, a huge white magic circle appeared out of thin air without any warning.

And at this time, all the card elves, whether they were playing in the forest, playing in the lake, or taking a nap in the snow hermit, all turned into a stream of light and flew over, headed by a black light and a white light at the front. , looking at the white magic circle that suddenly appeared in front of him and was slowly rotating with full vigilance.

At this time, a gap filled with red eyes also appeared out of thin air, and the two cute bows tied at both ends of the gap revealed the identity of the person who came there.

"What is this magic circle?!"

A girl with a white parasol led a girl in a dress with a white tutu out. The girl in a dress wearing a white tutu looked curiously at the slowly rotating magic circle, without the slightest fear in her eyes, but eager to try.

"Yuki-chan, no, you can't be impulsive. Look at the situation first before you speak." Although she said so, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of the blond girl in Taoist robes, purple cloak and white parasol. cold light.

spread. . . Let me see who is sacred, dare to come here to play wild.

As the light of the magic circle gradually dimmed, a considerable number of figures appeared in the magic circle, but because of the obstruction of the light source at the edge of the magic circle, the appearance of the people inside could not be seen clearly.

"Ah? This is really a grand welcome ceremony. What are all the elves doing here? And Yui, Zi, are you there too?"

Just as all the elves and the two women were on guard, the magic circle spread A familiar voice came. At least for the elves and Zi and Yui, they are very familiar.


"Light" and "Darkness" said uncertainly.

"Dad...Dad?" Yui also took two steps forward and called out tentatively.

"Xiaoxue?" There was also a trace of doubt in Zi's eyes.

After all, it has been a few years since Ling Xue left. Although this amount of time is nothing to monsters, it is more than half a lifetime to ordinary people.

When the light of the magic circle dissipated, a familiar aura also came out from it.


Feeling the long-lost familiar atmosphere and the vaguely connected touch in his heart, a happy smile appeared on Yui's face, and he turned into an afterimage and ran towards Lingxue.

Yui was fast, but there was an elf who was faster than her. "Light" and "Darkness" at the edge of the magic circle felt a familiar atmosphere, smiled at each other, and immediately turned into two-color streamers, falling on the shoulders of their masters above.

"Yie, haha~~"

Lingxue also walked forward quickly, hugged Yuyi who was running, and held it up high as before, laughing and circling on the spot.

Yui misses Ling Xue, why does Ling Xue not want Yui?

After spinning enough, Lingxue gently hugged her in her arms, stroked Yuyi's still soft hair, and said, "Yie, I miss you so much."

"Me too, Dad." Yi also hugged Ling Xue's neck, desperately absorbing the familiar warmth.

"Xiaoxue." At this time, the blonde girl with a parasol and a smile on her face also came over.

"Long time no see, Zi." Ling Xue gently put down Yui, and let her look curiously at the large group of lolis who were about her height behind Ling Xue.

"Well, at least it's shorter than last time." Zi smiled, then looked behind Ling Xue with a half-smile, and said, "Don't you think you should explain? The group of babes behind you What's the matter with Li and three girls? Luo! Li! Control!"

"Ahahaha, I will explain." Although Zi was smiling, Ling Xue felt a chill that pierced her heart. Xue waved her hands first, laughed, and then said in embarrassment: "Who is Lolicon!"

"Isn't it?" Zi asked with a "smile".

"Uh...Okay." Ling Xue felt that the current self didn't seem to be convincing.

"Father, please introduce me and Mama Zi." As if she couldn't bear to watch Ling Xue continue to be embarrassed, Yui gently shook Ling Xue's trouser leg.

"Since Yui has already said that, let me introduce you." Zi rolled his eyes, and gave Ling Xue an angry look, which seemed to let him go temporarily, and his eyes drifted to Ling Xue's back.

"This is an automaton antler, just like Yui, I summoned it from the character card." Ling Xue pointed to the antler wearing a black and white maid outfit, and then turned her gaze to the others and said: "The one with black and purple The one with the long hair and the golden hairpin is Sima Weizhi, the daughter of Sima Heavy Industries in the world I went to. The one with the white shoulder-length hair and the off-the-shoulder white with purple stripes is the Holy Son of Heaven. In that world, the ruler of a region, because the profession of Shengtianzi is hereditary, so she doesn't have a real name, just call her Shengtianzi (because we don't know what the name is ==||)."

"Then, Dad, how many of them are there?" Yui pointed to Ling Xue's Mibu Zhaoxia and the others, and asked suspiciously. Apart from the antlers, Sheng Tianzi and Sima Weizhi didn't talk about it, she still felt from those little girls, the same sense of connection as Ling Xue, that kind of connection.

"They, they are my father's contractors. The one on the far left who wears a blue kimono and has the same waist-length black hair as my father is Mibu Asaka. She is not only my father's contractor, but also my father's initiator. Oh, Initiator is the title of a class in that world, which is equivalent to a class that can help in combat."

Ling Xue introduced Zhao Xia on the left one by one, and said: "The one with blond hair shoulder-length is Tina-Splant. The one in the middle wearing a wizard hat is called Busch Cui, the one with flaxen-colored shoulder-length hair is Qianju Natsushi, and the girl with long silver hair next to her is Ling Yin."

"Ling?" Zi's eyes sparkled After a bit of doubt, he said, "What is the relationship between that girl and you?

" I went to beg for alms, and was brought home by me, but due to some reasons, the little girl was blind and had no name, so I signed a contract with her, and healed her eyes with the help of the contract. She took a name and asked her to take my surname." Ling Xue's eyes flashed a little, as if she remembered Ling Yin who was helpless at that time.

After a pause, Lingxue continued: "The last one with the orange hair tied in ponytails and full of energy is Enju Aihara. The group behind are also cursed children, just like Zhaoxia and the others."

"It seems that the world you went to this time is not peaceful."

Although Zi didn't know what the cursed son was, she could feel an extraordinary power from the children Ling Xue brought back. Although it is not worth mentioning to her, but to those ordinary humans, this power is already extraordinary. Moreover, some children's eyes are not the ordinary pupil color, but scarlet pupils emitting red light.

"Well, sort of, I've experienced all kinds of things. I've also seen all kinds of darkness and the ugliness of the world." Ling Xue sighed, a trace of fatigue flashed in her eyes, but more of it was unloading. Putting down his guard, he showed a sense of relaxation.

In that world, even in the snow hermitage he created, he couldn't really relax, at least not completely. In Snow's Hermitage, there are quite a few cursed sons who need his protection. Because Xue lived in seclusion, most of them were "wolves" who ate people and didn't spit out their bones. He had to be on guard against these "wolves" who deliberately retested.

And after returning to Gensokyo, after returning to this real seclusion in the snow, he was finally able to truly relax.

Although there are also human-eating monsters here, since the last banquet, Lingxue's snow seclusion has already established a reputation in this three-acre land. He has a good relationship with Baiyulou in the underworld, and also has a good relationship with Yatengu in Yokai Mountain, and there are two major forces standing behind him, the Yakumo family of Lost House. The lord of the flowers of the four seasons in the sun flower field, the tyrant of flowers, the wind sees the fragrance.

Therefore, in the eyes of those monsters, Xue's seclusion is already synonymous with not being able to be messed with.

"Everyone, this is the world, no, the guardian of order on this three-acre land, the monster sage Yakumozi." Ling Xue said, touching Yui's head, and then seemed to show off, and then seemed to show off. Introduced: "This is my daughter, called Yui."

"Gui'an, Miss Yakumo." Sima Weizhi took a step forward, opened the folding fan, greeted first, and smiled: "I've heard Xiaoxue mention you a long time ago." , I finally met you today."

"Nice meeting, Ms. Yakumo." Sheng Tianzi also bowed slightly.

"Hello, Ms. Yakumo." Antler walked behind Ling Xue, stopped half a shoulder behind, and nodded indifferently to Zi, saying hello. It doesn't matter, she just needs to stand behind Ling Xue and do her job well.

"Hello." Zi didn't care about Antler's indifferent tone, after all, she could see her loyalty to Ling Xue from the momentary actions of Antler. For Violet, that's enough. As for whether it was artificial or not, Yakumo Zi said that she could act in front of her without being discovered by her, and I don't know where it is yet.

"You are my brother's daughter?" A large group of lolis glanced up and down at the girl in a white fluffy dress.

"You are father's sister?" While they were scanning Yui, Yui was also scanning them, and then curled her lips without any malice in her heart, tch, in this way, wouldn't this group of little guys be even bigger than her? Am I a generation older? No, said Dad, who got tonight.