
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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Going to the Demon Realm

"Then I'm ready to go to the Demon Realm. By the way, how should I go to the Demon Realm?"

Ling Xue asked, caressing her soft purple hair and smooth neck like stroking a puppy.

"The succubus is waiting in the sun flower field, hurry over there as soon as possible."

Yakumo Zi sat up, straightened her somewhat messy hair, and smiled.


Ling Xue nodded and was about to get up. But Yakumo Zi behind her pulled Ling Xue violently. Ling Xue, who lost her balance, naturally fell on her back in the direction of Zi. In order not to overwhelm Zi, Ling Xue forcibly turned around in the air, and then. . . Then Zi, with her eyes slightly closed, her head with slightly raised pink lips was getting bigger and bigger in Ling Xue's eyes.

The surface of the blue snow lake is rippling with the wind. The golden hair and black hair by the lake were intertwined again, shaking with the light movement of the head.

"I...I...I'll go get ready and set off. You...you can do whatever you want."

After the hair strands were parted again, Ling Xue's complexion suddenly became like a red apple, and her pitch-black eyes were completely indifferent. Dare to touch Zi's vivid purple eyes, stood up hastily, and ran towards Xue Yinju, leaving only one sentence. Now he is not in the state of the emperor's attack.


Sitting there, Yakumo Zi also had a slight blush on her cheeks, covering her mouth lightly with one hand, looking at the embarrassed figure in the distance, she chuckled lightly, a shyness flashed in her eyes, and murmured Said: "Lingxue, you are definitely mine. Youxiang, I'm sorry, I will never give up the seat next to Xiaoxue."

Although Zi and Youxiang are friends. But it has always been regarded as a rival. That's why Zi "ran away" after hearing Ling Xue say that sentence that day. As for the women brought back by Ling Xue. To be honest, Zidu didn't take it seriously, after all, it was expected. Because she is very aware of Ling Xue's attractiveness.

To put it bluntly, if Xiaoxue wants to open the Crystal Palace, she must be in the main palace anyway. Not only because I knew Xiaoxue years ahead of those women. And I even have children (Yui), and the children have called mothers (Zi Ma), and they can make soy sauce (self-care ability). And the only one who can shake her status in the palace is Youxiang. Because Youxiang met Xiaoxue at the same time as herself, and the child also recognized her mother (Hua's mother). Therefore, for Youxiang, she doesn't have an advantage.

Yep. . . He is indeed a strong enemy~

Lingxue didn't bring anyone with him when he went to the Demon Realm this time. After all, Gensokyo is not peaceful at this time. If I leave more strength in Xue to live in seclusion, I will feel more at ease, so I just let you know , and set off.

The soft breeze brought bursts of floral fragrance. Just after walking out of the gap, the fragrant scent of flowers filled Ling Xue's entire nose.

Dream Pavilion. Two figures with green hair sat in front of the white round table quietly tasting the black tea in the cup. If you didn't know it, you might think it was a twin youkai. Similar faces, similar hair color, the only distinguishable appearances are probably the clothes and the length of the hair.

Suddenly, Youxiang's hand holding the black tea paused for a moment, then the corners of her mouth curled up, and she said, "Succubus, don't worry, that person has already arrived at Sun Flower Field."

"Yo, Youxiang. Long time no see As

soon as You Xiang finished speaking, a figure that was so familiar to You Xiang appeared in the lush sunflower field.

"You are?"

The girl with long green hair stood up and looked at Ling Xue suspiciously. She didn't feel a trace of evil spirit from Ling Xue at all. Such a guy can really help the devil world solve the problem.

"My name is Lingxue, you guessed it right, I am the one recommended by Youxiang." Naturally, Lingxue saw the doubt in the eyes of the green-haired girl, that is, the succubus, and smiled slightly.

At the same time, I thought to myself, no wonder many people in the previous life made Succubus and Youxiang into cp, apart from the tiny details and temperament, the two people are simply too similar.

"My name is Succubus, and I come from the Demon Realm."

Succubus smiled apologetically, and then introduced himself.

"Specific things, I think you've heard what Zi said?" Kazami Yuka also stood up slowly, looking at Ling Xue with scarlet eyes.

"En." Ling Xue nodded.

"How do you feel?"

"I don't know, I have to watch it to find out, otherwise it's really hard to say. After all, I don't know what stage it is. If it's the first three stages, it's okay to say, but if all of them have reached the fourth stage, I'm not sure." Hehe, I will definitely come back and ask for help when the time comes." Ling Xue explained.

"En, be careful." Fengjian Youxiang didn't say anything, but nodded lightly, and gave an order.

After bidding farewell to Youxiang, Succubus opened the passage to the Demon Realm. After going through a passage that was as dark as ink and dotted with stars, Lingxue finally came to the mysterious and unusual Demon Realm for the first time in her previous life.

It's not like the scarlet sun, the pitch-black land, the dark clouds, and the howling wind in those novels, but it's no different from the outside world. The difference between each is that there are two suns, and there are still Blue sun bar. The rest are the same as what Ling Xue saw in the outside world before.

However, it is true that there are no demons in those smoking towns.

And since entering here, all kinds of auras that disgust Ling Xue have directly flooded into Ling Xue's perception.

[Mandatory task: Save the Demon Realm. accept. ]

The task, Ling Xue didn't change her face, but with a slight movement in her mind, she pressed accept.

[Mandatory task: Save the Demon Realm. The daughter of the Lord of the Demon World, Alice is possessed by the dark assembly of the world, destroy or save it. Moreover, the darkness scattered throughout the demon world must be resolved. Mission success: three lucky draw chances. Mission failure: Randomly drop a bottle of potion. ]

Ling Xue's eyes lit up when she saw a few words dropped from the potion, and she immediately considered whether to complete this task or not.

In the past two days, when Ling Xue was packing her backpack for nothing, she finally remembered what she had forgotten. What I forgot when I signed the contract with Zi was that once the inventory was shared. Then the bottle of "dangerous" little medicine in his backpack will be discovered. With purple urine. One hundred percent will take this bottle of "interesting" potion. Then think of the day of the banquet. What Yui said, Zi and the others were talking about potions, and then Zi and Youxiang got into a fight, Ling Xue felt that she understood something in an instant. Anyway, the messy potions produced by Bayi Yonglin were all sold to the system by himself, and there were not many potions left in the backpack. If this task is not completed, then maybe Xiaoshou's potion will drop automatically. But in this case, there might not be Alice in this world.

Thinking of the future Alice Megatron, ahem, Alice Margatroid. Ling Xue fell into a "difficult" choice.

It is to keep one's integrity and give up Alice. Or to give up his integrity for Megatron?

toor not be. this question. (Yes or no, that is the question.)

Forget it, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. After thinking about it for a while, Ling Xue still decided to give up her integrity and try her best to save Alice. (Are you sure it's not for the girl?)

"Let's go, the Temple of Demons is not far ahead. Come with me to see Lord Shenqi first." The green-haired succubus recognized the location and pointed in front of him.

"It's fine. Let me ask first, if in order to eliminate the darkness of the world, it doesn't matter if you accidentally destroy the building?"

"Well, it's nothing. After all, the surviving demons have gone to seek refuge, and there is no one around here." The succubus nodded. But Seriously flashed a look of doubt, as if he didn't understand why Ling Xue would say that.

Naturally, Lingxue also saw the succubus' doubts clearly, so she chuckled lightly, and said lightly, "Look at it."

Her wings moved slightly, and she distanced herself from the succubus. On the small map that appeared after receiving the mission, Lingxue took out a longbow from her inventory that was as black as ink but shone with a faint halo.

The divine bow Apollo (Apollo), under full power, can destroy a country with one blow.

Holding the handle of the bow with the left hand, the middle index finger of the right hand was slowly hooked on the bowstring, exhaled slowly, channeled energy, and slowly pulled the bowstring back. The seven-colored light flashed, and an arrow shining with seven-colored light appeared on the bowstring. At the tip of the arrow, a strange flame of black and purple was constantly swaying in the air with the wind. Although the flame is small, I believe that no one dares to ignore its existence.

At least, the succubus on the side looked at the little strange fire with a little surprise.

call out. . . . . .

Glancing at the red dot on the small map, Ling Xue let go of the bowstring, and the arrow poked at the strange fire, dragged the stream of seven colors, and shot towards a dark corner not far from the town below.


White light mixed with black smoke rose rapidly from the ground, and the huge explosion set off a violent airflow. And Ling Xue flew back to the vicinity of the succubus the moment the arrow was shot, and opened the blue "aegis (absolute defense circle)" to protect the two of them.

After the explosion, the corner of the town where the white light raged was completely gone, leaving only a huge pothole.

Ling Xue didn't pay attention to the succubus who was staring at her in a daze, but stared blankly at the Apollo bow in her hand, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes, so that's how it was used.

The moment Apollo pulls the bowstring, he adjusts the energy output to determine the power, and then forms an arrow, which is then fired. And you can also choose whether to shoot in bursts or single shots at the moment you pull up the bowstring.

Glancing at the little red dot that had disappeared on the mini-map, the corners of Ling Xue's mouth curled up, and she couldn't help but secretly sighed: "Is it really worthy of being Icarus' weapon?"

This Apollo bow There is actually an increase attribute, and it is an attribute that doubles the increase. That is to say, if you give out one share of energy, the arrow you shoot will carry two shares of power.