
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Glowing dishes are not necessarily good dishes

"Hey Duo...Actually, Xiao Yuzao still has Lan. You guys have cooked so much, I can't eat it."

Looking at the table full of dishes on the table and the two smiling people in front of her, Ling Xue Swallowing saliva, said with difficulty.

"Who told you to let the master eat alone?" Xiao Yuzao patted her chest triumphantly, and said, "I have done so much with that guy, but it was for everyone to eat."

"What do you mean?"

The crowd watching A bad premonition flashed inexplicably in her heart, and then it was Qisara who asked the hearts of everyone.

"That guy and I both think that Master Xiaoxue's judgment may disconvince both of us. Therefore, we all think that the eyes of the masses are discerning."

Lan put his hands in his robes, and his eyes were radiant. Shoot, that's called a wife, oh no, the light of shikigami's dignity.

"Sa, let's start the feast of delicious food."

Xiao Yuzao came to the back of the crowd and pushed them to the table with a few tails.

After everyone sat down, Yakumo Lan came to the table and said to the dishes that occupied half of the table: "I made these dishes without lids. The main flavor of my dishes is refreshing, because refreshing can give Feeling comfortable, after all, eating is to try to be comfortable."

"Oh oh oh oh oh, naive. What you eat is the combination of meat and vegetables, otherwise what should you do if the host is malnourished."

As if the winning ticket was already in hand, Yuzao Putting the back of his hand in front of his mouth, he smiled triumphantly.

Where does your confidence come from.

Looking at the plates covered by the iron cover on the other side, they were Xiao Tamamo's dishes. Ling Xue secretly sighed. He always felt that the 'fluctuations' coming from under those iron covers gave him an ominous premonition.

"Hmm. Then let's try Lan's craftsmanship."

After clearing her voice, Ling Xue had no choice but to lift her chopsticks.

Anyway, they couldn't run away, and everyone could only sigh one after another, resigned to their fate helplessly. But fortunately, everyone has eaten Lan's food, so there is no expression of heroism.

"Well, Lan's craftsmanship is actually so good."

After eating a piece of green vegetables, Ling Xue was startled suddenly, and then her face was intoxicated.

"Ah ~ Although it is crispy and smooth, it is not greasy at all. It is obviously a hot dish, but it has the elasticity that can only be found in cold dishes.

" Everyone had a high face, and Yakumo smiled complacently at Yuzaoqian without a trace.

The outcome has been decided. This is the message passed by Lan.

Not necessarily.

This is the information sent back by Yuzao.

"Sa, master, it's time to eat my dishes. Otherwise, you'll be full from Lan's dishes, and that would be too unfair to me."

Yuzao ran to Ling Xue's side and gently pushed Ling Xue. Xue said coquettishly.

"I see."

Maybe it was because of the baptism of delicious food, so the ominous premonition before had already been thrown away by Ling Xue at this time. Therefore, Ling Xue nodded her head readily.

"Don't be too surprised. Master, and everyone. The theme of my dishes is the combination of meat and vegetables. Please take a look~~"

After the voice fell, the nine tails lifted the nine iron covers.

Immediately, waves of white air gushed out from the cracks, enveloping the entire tabletop in a blink of an eye. On the misty tabletop, as Yuzao completely lifted the iron cover, one after another, blue and red rays of light rose from the plate and hit the ceiling directly.

"Ah!? This is~" Sheng Tianzi blocked his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, it's so dazzling."

"This is... a dish that glows?"

Several lolis who had watched a certain anime also exclaimed in surprise.

"It's pretty~" This is Qisara who was inexplicably excited.


Seeing the almost substantial light in front of her eyes, Ling Xue couldn't complain anymore, you're just making a dish, as for wasting so much magic power to add special effects! !

The light dissipated, revealing the true appearance of the dishes on the table.

The colors are colorful and beautiful, like the light of blue and red. The green dishes are matched with other kinds of meat and vegetables. It is not so much the dishes in front of you as delicacies, but it is the art of a plate.


This is the amazement of everyone.


Seeing that everyone was staring blankly at the artwork he made, Tamazamo couldn't help but proudly raised his brows at Yakumo Lan who was not far away.

Cut ~ Lan curled her lips secretly, walked to Ling Xue's side, and said lightly: "Master Xiaoxue, please try it. Let's see how the 'delicious' made by that guy is."

'Delicious' adds a mid note.

"Ah~ That's exactly what you said."

Ling Xue nodded, and said to the judges: "Sad, let's start tasting."


"I want to eat this."

"I 'll eat it." Take a look at this."

"Then I'll eat this."

Everyone stretched out their hands to the dishes on the table, but something strange happened at this moment.

Including Ling Xue, the chopsticks in the hands of all the judges stopped in unison when they were only 0.01 centimeters away from the dishes on the table. And judging from the expressions on the faces of the judges, it was obvious that they did it voluntarily.

"What's wrong with you?"

Yuzao, who had a smug smile on his face, couldn't help but wondered when he saw everyone like this.

Not only that, even Yakumo Lan who was on the side was slightly taken aback, and looked at everyone suspiciously.

"No, I don't know why."

At this time, Weizhi took back the chopsticks, opened the folding fan with a 'shua', and looked at the dishes that could be called works of art in front of him with a serious expression: "Obviously delicious dishes It's right in front of me, but I don't know why, my body doesn't allow me to eat these dishes, is it because these dishes are too perfect, so I'm not allowed to destroy them?"

"Me too."

Qi Sarah also said Take back the chopsticks. But still focused. No. He looked at the dishes in front of him with full vigilance and said: "Although these dishes look beautiful and delicious. But my intuition tells me that I must not eat these dishes, because once we eat these dishes, we will There is nothing to love."

"My body is stopping me, I'm sorry, Xiao Yuzao."

Sheng Tianzi turned his head away with a blushing face.

Speaking of Holy Son of Heaven, your guilty conscience is already written all over your face.

"We're full." These were a few brats who had all left the table.

"Hmph. Looks like the outcome has been decided." Yuzao said proudly, puffing out her chest.

"Yes." Yakumo Lan also nodded slightly.

"Oh, you actually agree with my idea?" A strange look flashed in Yuzao's eyes.

"Because it's obvious, isn't it?" Yakumo's blue fox tail moved slightly, still indifferent.

"Because..." Yuzao said.

"Because..." Yakumo Lan.

"I'm the winner." x2 (in unison).


Yuzao and Yakumolan were stunned at the same time, and then Yuzao took the lead in excitedly saying: "They can easily eat your food, but they are so impressed with my food that they can't bear to eat it. It's not clear. It's my victory."


Yakumo put her hands in her robe and said calmly, "Since you can't eat, then it means that Master Xiaoxue and the others can't use the food you cook normally. Then it will continue. Do you want to starve them to death?"


Although Yu Zaoqian is also a nine-tailed demon fox, she was just 'born' not long ago. How can eloquence be the opponent of Yakumo Lan, who has lived for an unknown number of years? So, in desperation, she could only run to Ling Xue's side with tears in her eyes, and asked her master for help.

"Hey~~ Then I'll come and eat and watch."

Seeing her shikigami acting cute in front of her eyes, Ling Xue had no choice but to sigh helplessly, and then picked up the chopsticks again, after all, she had to give face.

Danger! ! Danger! ! Danger! !

Suppressing the warning signals from her body and the constant suppression of her nerve currents, Lingxue worked hard and stretched her chopsticks towards the 'delicious food' in front of her eyes.

"Guwu~~~Then I'll start eating~"

Lingxue swallowed hard as she gently picked up a piece of green vegetable. What's going on, it looks like a very normal dish, and it's also very fragrant. It stands to reason that I should be eager to eat it, but what is this feeling like going to the execution ground?

Forget it, don't want to, maybe it's an illusion. Ling Xue shrugged, then closed her eyes, threw the dish in her hand into her mouth, and began to chew.

creak. . . creak. . .

Quiet~~ The entire dining table is quiet, except for Yuzaoqian, who is on the side with a proud face, the rest of the people, including the few brats who have already left the dining table, are almost all looking at him at the same time. Ling Xue, to be precise, looked at Ling Xue's wriggling face.

crunch. . . grunt. . .

After chewing and swallowing, Lingxue gently put down the chopsticks and stood up. Because she lowered her head and her face was covered by her hair, the people around couldn't see Ling Xue's expression at all.

"Why... How is it, Xiaoxue?" Qi Sarah, who was sitting by the side, wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with difficulty. For some reason, Qi Sarah always felt that something had changed in Ling Xue now. What should I say about temperament, or what should I say? . .

"Little... Xue..."

Sheng Tianzi also called out uncertainly, while Sima Weizhi beside him kept adjusting his angle of view, trying to see Ling Xue's face clearly at this time.

"My lord brother?"

Several brats said timidly, for some reason, they always felt that their lord brother had left them. But this is very strange, my brother is clearly right in front of me, isn't it? . .

I don't know how long it took, maybe a second, maybe a minute, Lingxue suddenly raised her head and said with a smile: "I seem to have seen Sistaya who is far away in the kingdom of heaven~~"


Just after finishing speaking, Ling Xue fell down straight with a smile on her face.