
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Flower Mom is Very Angry=Instakill the audience

"Speaking of which, why didn't Antler and Xiaoyuzao come?"

Looking around, Ling Xue found that her maid and Shikigami didn't seem to come yet.

"Ah, you are talking about the two of them. Antler said that if you all leave, there will be no one for Xue Yinju. So she will stay and take care of Xue Yinju. As for Xiao Yuzao, she is probably sleeping." Wei Zhi explained , and at the same time glanced to the side.

"Sleeping? What's going on?" Lingxue was taken aback. Could it be that it was night in Gensokyo, so Xiaoyuzao was sleeping. That's not right, then why didn't everyone sleep, it can't be that they heard my call and then changed their clothes in 1 second, right?

"Actually, it's unwoven." Qi Sarah had a weird expression on her face, an expression that wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

"What's wrong with Weizhi?" Ling Xue was even more confused.

"Don't tell me!" Sima Weizhi hurriedly stopped Qisara when she saw that she was going to continue to reveal the truth.

There is content!

Ling Xue's eyes narrowed playfully. But although I am still very curious, it is not the time to pursue this right now, so I should finish the business first.

Seeing that Ling Xue was not asking, Sima Weizhi also let out a long sigh of relief. In fact, the real reason is nothing, but Weizhi's little naughty heart committed a crime. She happened to remember a story she heard when she was a child, saying that a fox transformed into a human and then drank wine and then revealed his real body. And since there is a ready-made human-shaped fox by my side, Weizhi wants to try it.

At the beginning, Yuzao didn't show his real body after encountering alcohol, thinking that there was not enough alcohol, so he continued to persuade him to drink. In the end, maybe it was because the cocktails that Miori bought were too similar to Tamamo-mae. So Tamazamo couldn't control himself and drank a few more bottles, and then passed out from drinking too much... By the way, a few bottles of cocktails really make people, oh no. Let the fox drink unconscious? !

Ahem, anyway, under the effect of the summoning scroll, Xue Yinju had a big gathering in another world for the first time.

"The witch in the gap, the guardian of the witch, I didn't expect that I would come out one day."

Although most of the prisoners in the prison barrier were captured in that month, there were also Ling Xue and Na Yue who became famous as a team and were arrested together, so it can be said that there are also many prisoners in the prison barrier who hate Ling Xue. This is not. A prisoner dressed in a typical prisoner's costume slowly landed in front of Ling Xue and the others, and said gloomyly.

"You are?" Ling Xue was taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at the same puzzled Yue.

Frowning and thinking for a while, he realized that he didn't have the impression of this person. He shook his head slowly and said, "I'm sorry, who are you?" Ling Xue 'plays stupid'. right. At least in his eyes, Ling Xue was just playing dumb. He couldn't help but looked up to the sky with a long smile and said, "You don't remember me, right? Then I'll let you remember it well."

"It's the witch in the gap and the guardian of the witch, run!"

"Hmph, everyone, don't be afraid, Let's go together and kill them!"

Some of the criminals who had just been released from the prison barrier saw Ling Xue and Nangong Nayue with only fear in their eyes, and turned around and ran away without saying a word. And some have eyes full of hatred. Then, as soon as his brain got hot, he swooped down towards the two of them.

"Go to hell. The witch and the guardian of the witch!"

A magic circle appeared in the palm of the prisoner's costumed man, and then a monstrous red flame gushed out of his hand. It fell towards Ling Xue and the others.

Ling Xue just raised her hand to make a move, but suddenly, without any warning, an emerald green magic cannon flew out of the magic circle.

call out! ! boom! !

The emerald green magic cannon pierced through the void with the piercing roar, and it fell on the wretched man in prison uniform and exploded in the blink of an eye.

Boom! !

Afterwards, the wretched man fell to the Xianshen Island below with a trace of blue smoke in a violent explosion. Judging from his twitching body and no movement at all, he should have passed out without a doubt.

Tsk~tsk~tsk~ You're lucky if you don't die after being hit by Youxiang's magic cannon.

Looking at the wisp of green smoke flying up, Ling Xue was full of pity, but then she was taken aback, wait, You Xiang? That should be Youxiang's magic cannon just now... In other words...

Ling Xue's eyes subconsciously fell on the magic circle that was still slowly rotating.

Emerald green hair, ruby ​​pupils, wearing a white lace shirt, a red vest with a checkered pattern, and a knee-length skirt of the same style as the vest. Holding a closed red plaid parasol on the slightly raised slender hand, judging from the slight green smoke from the tip of the umbrella, the maker of the emerald green magic cannon just now should be this person who looks only about ten years old. girl no doubt.

"You...Youxiang, you...you are here too."

For some reason, Ling Xue, who was already relaxed in front of the girls including Yakumo Zi, who had no integrity, lost her aura when she saw Youxiang. Festival, with a slight stutter. And for some reason, looking at You Xiang's eyes full of coldness, Ling Xue actually has an inexplicable feeling of guilt.


Feng Jianyouxiang nodded, and set her eyes on the figure beside Ling Xue, but her cold eyes softened a little.

"These guys, can we kill them all?"

Reopening the parasol and leaning on his shoulder, Feng Jianyouxiang glanced not far away, where the prisoners in the prison barrier were located, and asked.

"It doesn't seem to work, You Xiang."

Seeing You Xiang asked her opinion, Ling Xue also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why Youxiang suddenly had such a cold heart towards him, at least he still respected his opinion.

"These are all the prisoners in Yuejian Prison's enchantment, so we can't..." Lingxue said helplessly, but she suddenly changed her words in the middle of the sentence, "Um... well, just keep your breath."

The reason why he spoke He changed his words halfway, because Ling Xue said that he really couldn't stand You Xiang's gloomy (sharp) resentful (benevolent) gaze.


I don't know if it was Ling Xue's illusion, but he always felt that when Youxiang agreed, there was a flash of excitement in his eyes, it must be an illusion...

Just when Ling Xue thought it was just an illusion, the next scene made him and Rang Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

You Xiang turned around slowly, looked at the felons who had already gathered in a pile on the horizon, it seemed that they wanted to join forces because of the crowds here, and smiled slightly with parted lips.

There is a saying... called Hui Mou Yi Xiao Bai Mei Sheng.

A delicate and pretty face is dotted with a beautiful smile, logically speaking, it should make people yearn for it, but Ling Xue's glimpse of that smile before You Xiang has completely turned around, makes Ling Xue feel chills , and then looked at the criminals who had just been released from prison with pity, and suddenly wondered if they would be better off staying in the prison barrier.

Youxiang lifted the parasol in her hand, a heart-throbbing wave suddenly emanated from the tip of the umbrella, and then the emerald light shone...

Phew! call out! call out!

With the sound of breaking through the sky, the emerald green magic cannons flying all over the sky may have explained well what is simple and rude. One after another, several magic cannons piercing through the air illuminated half of the sky with roaring sound, and at the same time fired at the group of criminals with unparalleled force.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It's like setting off fireworks. That's not right, the fireworks are already weak. After the magic cannon released by Youxiang exploded in the sky, although compared with the single color of fireworks, it was more majestic. Even the thick dark clouds in the sky were all blown away by the air waves after the magic cannon exploded, revealing the blue sky covered by dark clouds.

After the raging magic cannon, it was as if there was an air crash not far away, and the criminals who were still invincible just now fell towards Xianshen Island like dumplings, carrying wisps of green smoke.


This is so lively. Although You Xiang didn't say clearly that she was angry, Ling Xue always felt that You Xiang was angry, maybe this is also the effect of the contract. Not only that, but judging from this magnificent magic cannon, Ling Xue felt that Youxiang was very angry. I just don't know what kind of anger You Xiang is.

"Hmm~ Xiaoxue, why did you call us all here?"

Perhaps because the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Weizhi coughed and changed the subject.

"Eh..." Ling Xue was dumbfounded. Of course, his intention of calling everyone here was not to let them go sightseeing and play on this island for an hour before returning, but to let them help him beat all the criminals and lose the battle. abilities, and then throw them together and wait to be dealt with. It's all right now, **10% of the criminals have been sent away by Youxiang's magic cannon, so the original plan should not be used...

But while dumbfounded, Lingxue suddenly felt a little lucky, fortunately there are still hundreds of criminals. 10 out of 10 is not.

"Then what. I hope everyone can help me beat all the criminals who have fallen and the criminals who have just fled to the island to the point of losing their fighting ability, that is to say, only one breath is left, and then they can be thrown together. " Lingxue shook her head, threw out all the messy thoughts in her mind, and then looked at the crowd.

"But let's not talk about those who absconded to the island, Xiaoxue, I just saw that many criminals can fly, aren't you afraid that they will fly out of the island?" Qi Sarah frowned.

"It seems that you haven't felt it yet? The familiar smell around the island." Ling Xue reminded with a smile.

"This smell... is Xiaoxue brand?" Busch Cui closed his eyes and sniffed, then opened his eyes in surprise and said.

"En, that's right." Ling Xue touched Xiaocui's head with a pair of white cats with a smile and said, "I have released the 'Mi' and 'Wheel' cards, and they are now surrounding the island. , so you don't have to worry about criminals escaping from this huge maze."

"The island is so big, you can't find it all in an hour."

After coming here through the magic circle, all the girls knew that their time was only one hour, it didn't mean that they couldn't stay here after one hour. But if she continues to stay here after an hour, then Ling Xue will be instantly sucked dry by the power of the scroll. After all, it is impossible to sustain the consumption of so many people with AAA level strength.

"There is no need to worry about this at all." Lingxue said with a mysterious smile: "Because 'fans' and 'wheels' will allow you who walk on the island to automatically meet the most suitable enemies at the most favorable places, so 1 hour Playing is completely enough..."