
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Eternal Fall into Purgatory

"What do you mean?"

Xiandumu Aye frowned. At this time, the girls also looked over curiously.

"Don't worry about what you mean, anyway, if I really want to hurt you, I don't need to waste so much talking." Ling Xue glanced at half the time, took out a blue card from her waist, and turned the front exposed.

"'Illusion' (theillusion)?"

Seeing the countless colorful patterns painted on the card, Xiandumu Aye read out the 'character' in the center of the card.

"Well, that's right. This 'phantom' card allows you to see what you most want to see." Ling Xue explained: "The illusion produced by the 'phantom' card is both real and illusory. You can see your dreams through it Is the world in the book so beautiful? And the power of "phantom" is too complicated to explain clearly for a while, but you don't have to worry that I deliberately manipulated it to dispel your thoughts. Although I also It can be operated, but I'm not so tasteless."


After a while of silence, Xiandumu Aye nodded slowly, and turned to wine red eyes full of threats, "If you If you dare to deliberately operate, I will never forgive you."

"Then let's start."

Ling Xue held the 'Huan' card between her index finger and middle finger, and slowly injected her own power, and with the injection of energy, 'Huan' also emitted There was a faint light. Not long after, Lingxue reckoned that it was almost done, so she shot the 'Huan' card at Xiandumu Aye, and said flatly, "'Huan' has helped you a bit."

Facing the blue card that came directly, Xiandumu Aye subconsciously wanted to defend, but he froze. Still stopped.

in flight. The 'magic' card turned into streamer. After turning back, he came to the top of Xiandumu Aye's head, and then transformed into his body, wrapping Xiandumu Aye inside.

"Xiaoxue, what do you think will happen to Ah Ye?" Nayue said.

"Scatter." Ling Xue shook her head and said, "The power of 'Phantom' is to follow the strongest desire in people's hearts. But while following the desire, it will still follow the laws that a world should have. Hope in the illusion , Xiandumu Aye can truly see if that kind of world is so beautiful."

"Then Xiaoxue, what are your plans for the future?" There was silence for a while. The Son of Heaven asked suddenly.


Lingxue smiled slightly, he knew that Sheng Tianzi's subconscious intention was to return to Gensokyo, that is, to wake up **, "Soon. When the things here are over, I will be able to wake up "

Master Lingxue, when will mother wake up?" You Ma hurried forward and asked.

"When my potion time is over, she will be able to wake up." Ling Xue said.

"But in such a short time, will Yuma-san's mother wake up?" Himeragi Yukina worried.

"Should be able to. If I still can't wake up in three years, then I can't do anything. It can only show that her obsession is deeper than I imagined." Ling Xue said lightly: "At that time, I can only rediscover her. Imprisoned."

"Three years?" Xiao Gucheng was taken aback, "What do you mean? Teacher Ling Xue?"

"I adjusted the time. In the next ten minutes, the time elapsed in the 'Huan' card is It's three years." Ling Xue explained.

"Shengtianzi, Weizhi, Youxiang, Qisara, and everyone, go back to Gensokyo first. I will be back when I finish my work here. Don't worry, it will not exceed a day at most." Immediately afterwards, Ling Xue turned her head and said to the women. After all, the potion time is almost over, let's not talk about other things, just after the potion time is over, the energy that everyone needs to stay in this world can absorb all of Ling Xue's power in one breath.

"Well, Dad, you must come back quickly. Let's go back and tell Antler first. Let her be happy too." Yui said.

"However, Miss Antler should be happy this time." Xiao Wei said: "I remember one time, I accidentally found her crying secretly."

This antler...

Hearing Xiao Wei say this, Ling Xue's A trace of distress flashed in his eyes.

"Then let's go first." Weizhi waved his hand.

"Be sure to come back quickly, we will hold a banquet waiting for you at Xue Yin Residence." Sheng Tianzi also said.

"I'll reward you for coming back early." Qi Sarah said with a mischievous smile.

"Waiting for you." These are the two words spoken by You Xiang, who is not good at expressing emotions.

"Goodbye, my lord."

"Let's go back to prepare the banquet and wait for you, my lord."

All the bear children said.

"Goodbye, Dad." x2.

"Well, everyone, I'll see you later."

Ling Xue nodded, her mind moved slightly, and she returned everyone except Zi and the new contractor in this world.

As the light flickered, the number of people was rapidly decreasing, and there were only a few people left in the huge brown pit in the blink of an eye.

"Hoo...Okay. I'll restore the island first and create an existence similar to the prison barrier. You guys wait here."

Although we can meet again in a short time, but seeing so many people suddenly disappear , I still feel a little lost in my heart. After sorting out her mood a little, Ling Xue said to several people.

"Wait a minute, I'm going too."

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Na Yue grabbed Ling Xue's hand and said.

"But that Yuechan, don't you want to look at Xiandumu Aye?" Ling Xue was taken aback.

"Who knows if you will create an enchantment to fool me later, I'm going to see it with my own eyes, anyway, there is Xiaogucheng and the 'Phantom' card here." Nayue frowned slightly He frowned.

"Okay. Let's go." Ling Xue shrugged.

"Then I'll go and have a look too." Yakumo Zi opened the folding fan with a 'shua' sound and said lightly.

"Oh, let's go." Ling Xue said with a helpless smile.

Waving to open the gap, the three of them walked in one after another. Only Xiao Gucheng and his group who wanted to go were left behind.

Standing on the roof of a certain tall building, feeling the cool breeze, Nayue asked: "Xiaoxue, how do you plan to build a mechanism similar to a prison barrier?"

"Of course, use the most powerful forbidden spell. "Lingxue explained: "I have carefully perceived the criminals in the prison barrier, and at most they will not exceed the S level, that is to say. If these criminals are the world's top criminals, then establish an S+ level prison That's enough."

"But Xiaoxue, you're still at AAA level, aren't you?" Yakumo Zi asked doubtfully.

"That's right. But haven't you heard of it? Quantity leads to qualitative changes." Ling Xue laughed.

"I see." The two understood.

"Huh... Let's start then!"

Ling Xue breathed a sigh of relief, raised her right hand high and made a fist, and straightened her index finger. At the same time, a faint white light emanated from the tip of the index finger, and a Sanskrit-like chant resounded across the sky, "Sewing!!"

As Ling Xue chanted and her fingers continued to sew in the void, rows of mysterious white words floated In the high sky, there are palpitating fluctuations.

"The thirteenth step of dark art. Eternal fall into purgatory!!"

After the stitching was completed, Ling Xue raised her hand and flicked it lightly, sending all the white characters into the sky.

The moment the white characters flew into the sky, all the white characters seemed to have turned into the sharpest blades, and when they gathered together, they forcibly opened a huge hole in the sky. Immediately afterwards, a scarlet door appeared above the huge black mouth. There are also two white skeletons carved on the scarlet gate.

"Is that Eternal Fall into Purgatory?" Yakumo Zi's originally relaxed expression disappeared, and became a little dignified. Feeling a vague sense of oppression, Yakumo Zi asked suspiciously: "Xiaoxue, what is this?"

"The gate of the prison."

She patted Nayue's head who was engrossed by the oppression. Ling Xue explained: "The gate of the prison is purgatory. After those vicious criminals are dragged in, they will suffer the pain of dismembering their corpses once a week, and then confess their sins in pain."

"Yes, that is really terrible . What?" Zi slightly exclaimed.

"The door of the prison, open it. Drag the sinful person in." Lingxue shouted loudly.


There was a muffled sound from the prison door, and with puffs of green smoke, the prison door slowly opened to both sides, revealing the true face inside. Behind the door, there is a large, gloomy, crimson film that makes one's heart palpitating.

Shua la, shua la, shua la.

Immediately afterwards, pitch-black chains with spikes flew out of the red membrane and shot in all directions. Not long after, they retracted again, and there was a figure at the end of those retracted chains. These figures are obviously the prisoners who escaped from the prison barrier.


Finally, after all the chains were retracted, the prison door was slowly closed, and then it shattered into pieces like a mirror and disappeared.

[The system judges that the criminal cannot escape, and the sa task is completed. Award distribution. ]

[10 lucky draw opportunities, two ability cards, special materials x50000, one character card, one random dungeon card, and the right to dominate the world. ]

[Drip, it was detected that the host's mental body was incomplete, and the remaining 1/2 was fully recovered. ]

Hearing the completion of sa's mission, the three looked at each other and smiled.

Feeling that the spiritual body seemed to be enriched again, Ling Xue secretly sensed the membrane in her mind, and sure enough, it was shatterable.

"What's left is the island." Lingxue looked at the ruined Xianshen Island all around, and Lingxue took out a blue rectangular card from her waist again.

"return' (thereturn)?"

Looking at the picture of a female elf holding a clock on the card, Yakumo Zi blinked in doubt. She had seen the ability of this card before, and she couldn't help but wondered: " Xiaoxue, why did you take 'Hui' out?"

"Hehe, since my strength has increased, the strength of my Xiaoxue cards has also increased, so the 'Hui' card has naturally also increased. Now she can not only Take us back to the past to see the past scene, and restore the things I specify to the way I specified any time in the past."

"Hey~~ It's amazing." Yakumo Zi exclaimed slightly.

"Hmph~~ That's of course, I don't want to see whose elf it is." Ling Xue smiled proudly.

"However, such a powerful ability should be limited, right?" Na Yueqi said.

"En." Ling Xue nodded and said: "The more things you want to restore, the greater the energy consumption, and even if you restore a thing to restore it to its previous state, it will consume a considerable amount of energy. If it weren't for this The last time I took the drug of infinite energy, I really can't recover the island."

"Okay, let's recover quickly. Isn't there not much time?" Nayue said hastily.

"Okay. Let's start." Ling Xue nodded.