
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Eight Gates Dunjia, The Third Gate

" Purgatory is used in the underworld, and there is a prairie fire on the ground."

"The flame burns up the chaos of good and evil equally, leaving nothing behind .

" The world is endless, the trumpet is blowing, and the time of judgment has come." "The Black Sword of Subduing Demons!! " Ling Xue raised the "Varanium" blade burning with black and white flames, and with a flick of her wings, she rushed towards the darkness of the water-fly-like world aggregates. The black and white light flashed for a moment, and several soft sounds followed, and the feet of the water fly were all cut off. But before the huge body fell, the wound on the severed limb squirmed, and new long legs grew without even leaving the black blood. That's why, super fast regeneration? Gastrea originally possessed resilience plus the resilience of the darkness of the world itself, so it became a super-speed regeneration. . Well. . Since it can regenerate at super speed, let's try it, freeze you all at once, and see how you can regenerate at super speed.

"Let everyone who freezes, Ice Wolf, lend me your breath, freeze,and be more peaceful than death."

"Like water flowing downhill, take away all life."

"As if time is also frozen, let me see a world where everything is stopped."

"No one can destroy it, and there is no one who wants to destroy it. , let me see the ultimate beauty of eternity."

"Those who refuse to understand me, only those who pursue the absolute."

"How ugly."

"Life gathers in groups, wriggles, stinks, and breeds countless ghosts and monsters."

"I That's not allowed, I don't understand that."

"The silvery world I want."

"I wish for a beautiful world of death."

"I wish for a world where ugly things are buried and closed."

"Everything I wish for, stop, stop, stop."

"The Thirteenth Step of Darkness, Moco Titmo Hell."

Under the guidance of Lingxue's energy, the white text transformed into a ferocious white snow ice dragon, and with a world-ending roar, it rushed towards the ugly gastrula.

"Puff." The sound of freezing sounded, and the raging ice and snow storm completely froze this place into a world of ice and snow. The monstrous waves froze, and the entire island turned into Iceland, visible to the naked eye. Inside, the sea is also completely frozen into ice. And on the sea surface filled with ice and fog, no, on the ice surface, an ice sculpture as tall as a mountain has already been frozen there.

call. . . . . . Because she didn't know how strong the dark assembly of the world was this time, and she wanted to fight quickly, so Ling Xue used most of the energy in her body for this blow, which is why such an exaggerated scene was created. .

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Lingxue quietly looked at the huge ice sculpture standing there, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, because he didn't hear the notification that the task was completed, so that means, the guy in front of him didn't die .

In the silent world of ice and snow, the ice blocks shining with blue and white light, if there is no huge ice sculpture, then this place is simply like a natural spectacle.

Hoo, hoo, hoo.

Suddenly, a purple gust of wind suddenly hung in the space filled with ice and fog.

No, not the wind. After inhaling these purple winds, Ling Xue felt dizzy for a while, because she only inhaled a little, she recovered quickly. Ling Xue was startled, and hurriedly covered her nose, it was poisonous gas! !

Following the source of the poisonous gas, Lingxue discovered that on the frozen sea, there was a huge body as large as three three-story buildings, a pitch-black body, and a mole-cricket-like gloomy assembly in the ice mist. It is faintly visible.

So that's the case, at the last moment, he broke away from the body of the gastratus? No, not right. Ling Xue noticed that in the center of the forehead of this pitch-black mole cricket, there was a faintly visible protrusion like a black jewel.

"What is that?" Ling Xue frowned slightly, she actually felt an unprecedented sense of disgust in that gemstone protrusion. Could it be. . . . . .

"Woo!!" The black mole cricket let out a strange cry, opened its mouth, and a pitch-black cannonball shot from its mouth, shooting at Lingxue.

Startled, Lingxue flapped her wings vigorously, took off at high speed, avoided the bombardment, and then spun along the trajectory of the bombardment and flew towards the head of the black mole cricket.

"Try it." Ling Xue raised her right hand during the flight, gathered the little energy left, and began to sew.

"Darkness of Ice, Spirit of Snow, please give me your breath,"

"Form a freeze that is more silent than death!"

"Let all rivers end up in the sea and take all life."

"The third step of darkness, freezing shadow !" The

icy blue air blew towards the top of the black mole cricket's head, and the black mole cricket neighed and raised its front paws to protect the black shiny part of its forehead. With the sound of "crack, cluck", the strong freezing air froze off the front paws of the black mole cricket, but between breaths, there was a burst of wriggling at the broken part of the wound, and it returned to its original state in the blink of an eye. .

"Do you want to protect the place you live at the cost of sacrificing your front paws?"

"Then, let's see if it is my attack speed that is faster, or your guard speed. !!"

Following Ling Xue's soft shout, energy of seven colors flashed, overflowing from every joint of Ling Xue's body surface, wrapping Ling Xue's whole body in a gesture visible to the naked eye.

"Hiss..." Feeling the sudden surge of power in her body, Ling Xue took a deep breath.

pain! ! This was Ling Xue's first feeling.

It hurts! ! This is the second feeling.

Yes, at the same time as her strength increased dramatically, Ling Xue felt that every muscle in her body seemed to be pulled to the extreme, and the connection between muscles seemed to be pulled apart. After getting used to it a bit, Ling Xue kicked one leg and disappeared into the air.

"Oh!!" Seeing the disappearance of the enemy, the black mole cricket was startled and hissed, and the black magic circle appeared densely around the black mole cricket, wrapping it all around. With the shining of the black magic circle, like a rain curtain, the black energy bombs, centered on the dark assembly of the world, shot to the surroundings overwhelmingly.

Very good, I'm almost used to it. Ling Xue's pupils grew bigger and smaller, obviously trying her best to adapt to her new speed. Using these rain-like bullet screens as a training partner, Ling Xue's figure appears and disappears in this energy bullet screen. If she encounters someone she really can't avoid, she will directly punch her to death, and then continue to dodge. After feeling that she was getting used to it, Lingxue kicked her legs again in the air, and then accelerated. Visible to the naked eye, a circular air wave exploded directly in the air where Ling Xue kicked her legs, spreading to the surroundings, and the air wave created The other came to the top of the black mole cricket in an instant.

The black mole cricket obviously didn't expect the enemy in front of him to move so fast. With a scream, it stretched out its claws and slapped it on the head.

"Drink!" With a soft drink, Ling Xue didn't pay attention to the attacking claws, but raised her fist wrapped in seven-color energy and turned it into an afterimage, and hit the black gem-shaped protrusion heavily, The seven-color energy poured onto the gemstone protrusions without any concealment. Without the slightest hesitation, after a successful blow, Lingxue leaped back heavily, avoiding the sharp claw just before the claw struck.

"Woo!!!" The black mole cricket screamed after being hit by the black gemstone protrusion, and fell directly on the frozen sea, twitching all over. Not long after, the dark aggregates of the black world began to gradually turn grayish white, then turned into dust and disappeared into the air.

[Compulsory task 1: Crusade against the dark assembly of the world, success. The rewards are as follows: one character card, one weapon and props card, one's own ability evolves to A-level, and the level evaluation system is opened. ]

[Level evaluation system: detect the enemy's strength level, the lowest is e, the highest is sa, and it cannot be checked if it exceeds three levels of itself. ]

[The task is completed, and the host's own ability begins to improve in an all-round way, from b to a. ]


As soon as the system prompts, Lingxue is enveloped by a white light that appears out of thin air, warm and warm, as if the whole body is soaked in a hot spring.

Or minutes, like hours. The white light dissipated, and Ling Xue's six senses returned completely. At this time, the exhaustion from fighting had completely disappeared. Stretching vigorously, the bones in his body burst into "crackling", crisp sounds like frying beans.

"Hoo..." Breathing out slowly, Lingxue raised a clenched hand, feeling the full energy in her body, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she became stronger again.

Looking at the world of ice and snow in front of her, Ling Xue shrugged helplessly, she had to restore it to its original state.

Raising one hand, a huge blue magic circle appeared at Ling Xue's feet.

"The chant of the ceremony, omit."

"The memory of time, show again."

"The magic of the ceremony, the return of time!"

A circular magic circle composed of geometric figures is somewhat similar to the magic circle of the original alchemy magic , but the mysterious text on the magic circle is more complicated than that.

After the chanting was completed, the blue magic circle quickly rotated and became larger, covering the entire island and part of the sea.

Backtracking in time belongs to a special kind of dark-level technique, which does not belong to the combat category, but to the auxiliary category. Rewinding the time in the magic circle to a certain stage, eliminating life objects, is simply restoring organic and inorganic matter.

Looking at the recovered sea surface and green islands, Lingxue let out a long breath. Although it is only recovering dead objects, as long as the magic is related to time, it consumes abnormal energy. The energy that was still full in my body just now has gone down by a third in the blink of an eye.

Crash, clatter, clatter.

As soon as the sky cleared up, there was the sound of propellers in the distance. Lingxue turned her head to look for the sound, and let out a laugh. It was really just in time. You guys came just after the fight here.

The approaching black helicopter was engraved with the logo of Sima Heavy Industry, which meant that Sima Heavy Industry came to pick him up.