
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs

Character Explosion! King's Treasure!

The moment everyone finished drawing the prizes, the rewards for the daily missions were also distributed.

Looking at the gift box in her hand and the expectant eyes of everyone, Ling Xue also sighed helplessly. After so many years of random gift boxes, according to the urine nature of the random gift box, either she will get the top quality or the bad one. There is no third possibility.

[Congratulations to the host, you got the golden spoon. ]

The gold dungeon key. . . Not too bad.

After waving her hand to close the prompt bar, Ling Xue raised her head, and saw a few brats with different expressions.

"En? What's the matter?" Lingxue asked puzzled.

"Brother, can you give me these shoes?" Holding a pair of silver-white boots that looked like leather and iron, Yanzhu said excitedly, and the love in her eyes was beyond words.

"Yes." Lingxue smiled slightly, and the pair of boots Yanzhu held in her hand were the ones she had just picked up, called the Boots of Speed. Although I don't know how the effect will be, but since the ps shows that chasing paparazzi can be very comfortable, then the speed should not be much worse.

"My lord brother, I want this hat!!"

At this moment, Bushcui, who was wearing the wizard hat he had just drawn, rushed over, his big watery eyes gleaming with pitiful light.

"Okay. My brother didn't say no to you. Don't show this expression." Ling Xue touched the head of Busch Cui in her arms and said with a smile.

"Great, thank you, brother. In this way, everyone will never say that my divination is inaccurate." Busch Cui said happily.

Yay, yay. It turned out to be divination. . Actually speaking, divination. It's really mysterious. Say it works. I haven't seen the spirit a few times. Say it doesn't work. Hehe, how do you explain the Tarot card that Demon King Shina hits every shot.

"Xiaoxue, let me use this knife. After coming to this world, I have been worrying about not having a suitable weapon, so I can only trouble the 'sword (the sword)' card, this time it's okay."

Zhaoxia was playing with the long Taidao with a little bit of cold light in her hand, looking a little excited.

"Zhi Dianzhe? That's fine. But let's put it in the inventory first, anyway, you can take it anytime. Maybe you still want to hug it to sleep." Ling Xue teased.

After coming to this world. The weapons made of 'Varanium' material brought from the world of black bullets can already play very little role. After all, the biggest feature of the 'Vn' substance is the special magnetic field that can weaken the cell activity of gastrulation until death. And there are no monsters in this world who are afraid of this kind of magnetic field, let alone gastroenterology. Therefore, the 'Vn' knife is reduced to a 'metal' that is slightly harder than ordinary iron, and has no other effect.

"My lord, what the hell is this ex curry stick?" Natsushi Qianshou looked at the description on the golden sword in the inventory that he had just drawn, speechless.

"The sword of the oath of victory, Excalibur. According to legend, the sword of the king was passed to King Arthur by the elves of the lake. It is said that this sword was forged by the elves in the fairyland Avalon." Ling Xue explained with a smile.

"I've seen this legend too."

Wei Zhi, who was listening quietly at the side, also said at this time: "I probably saw it in my father's study when I was young. It is rumored that King Arthur When I was young, I pulled out the sword in the stone caliburn when I was choosing the king. And I violated the spirit of chivalry when I was dueling with King Pellinore, so the sword in the stone was also broken. Later, at the time, the great magister Merlin Under the guidance of King Arthur, he came to the holy lake and got the Excalibur from the Lake Elf. And this sword also accompanied King Arthur in winning twelve important battles in ten years."

"Master, who is this fat blue man?"


Just finished explaining here, sitting in front of Yuzao on the other side of the bed shaking the golden fox ears on the top of his head, looking at the thing made of two bamboo strips in his hand suspiciously.

"Fatty blue...how should I explain it..." Lingxue thought for a while and said, "It's an omnipotent cat. There is a pocket in front of him, which is a four-dimensional pocket, in which you can take out all kinds of cats. All kinds of things, only you can't think of, there is nothing he can't get out. As for the function of this thing, you can wear it on your head tomorrow and you will know."

Seeing that it was getting late, Ling Xue gently said He patted the little heads around him, and jokingly said: "Okay, the prize has been drawn, and it's getting late, it's time to go to bed. Maybe you guys still have to sleep with me. I welcome you."

"Die, no one is serious."

Qisara blushed, and then gave Ling Xue an angry look. Looking at the unusually excited children, Qisara gently pushed Lingxue away. Pushing: "Okay, children, go to sleep. Don't bother with this old and unscrupulous person."

Seeing Xiang Xiang's figure walking out one after another, smelling the lingering fragrance still around the tip of her nose, Ling Xue shrugged. She shrugged her shoulders and said, "It would be great if I could really sleep together."

Turning off the magic lamp, Lingxue lay down, looked at the dark ceiling, recalled the golden spoon she had just drawn, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up. radian.

Damn, which world will I go to next time I go to the dungeon? It would be great if I could go back to the world of love live. I don't know what happened to Eri and the others. After so many years, I don't know if I have a family or if I have become an old lady.

Ling Xue shook her head, getting this strange thought out of her head.

How is it possible, the flow of time is not the same at all. That time I was there for so few days, thousands of years have passed here. If it is calculated according to this time, maybe I have not been there for a long time.

Opening the item bar casually, Ling Xue looked at the various items quietly placed there. What exactly is this special material, it seems that there is no such thing smoked before.

While studying the usage of special materials, Ling Xue casually glanced at a corner of the inventory from the corner of her eyes.

this is! !

The corner of the item bar seemed to be magnetic, and Ling Xue's gaze, who was casually looking over, was firmly attracted there, and her pupils shrank to the size of a needle point.

This is not the key to the copy! ?

Ling Xue sat up abruptly. After turning on the light. His eyes were fixed on the one he had just taken out of the inventory in his hand. Something called the Golden Spoon.

The overall gold color, the handle is an uneven cylindrical shape, and above the cylindrical handle is a hollow sheet with a thickness of about five or six centimeters. The overall look is not so much a golden key, but a golden dagger that has been magnified several times, but this dagger does not have a dagger point.

Hehe, today's luck is not so good.

Ling Xue grinned slightly, it seems that today is really my lucky day. First escaped the disaster of killing her (referring to the sun flower field), and then kissed Zi. In the end, he got the weapon of King Dumao again. Now he actually got the key that Jin Shining used to open the King's Treasure.

Unable to wait, Ling Xue jumped out of the bed, jumped out of the window, and came to the rooftop, raised the golden spoon in her hand, and said excitedly: "The king's treasure, open it!"

Hum! !

As if receiving some signal, the golden key in Lingxue's hand made a sound of touch. Immediately afterwards, red wire-like lines instantly covered the entire golden spoon.

Click, click. click.

Accompanied by a few sounds like a machine turning, the golden spoon covered with red wire lines also disintegrated piece by piece along with the red lines. Slowly float into the air. After the golden shards burst into light, they seemed to melt into the air slowly and disappeared.

And after the last shining shard disappeared, a golden wave unfolded in front of Ling Xue without any warning, turning into a golden barrier penetrating the heavens and the earth.

Looking at the dazzling golden treasure in front of her eyes, Ling Xue was not at all excited, but shook her head slowly.

But then he laughed again.

Why am I disappointed, I should be satisfied with the King's Treasure. Well, although there is nothing in this king's treasure.

After the King's Treasure was opened, relevant information from the system was also transmitted.

[Effects of King's Treasure: First, the items placed in it can be shot out, and only weapons can be used as throwing items. The power of each blow depends on the quality of the weapon and the current strength of the user. One-third of the player's own current power. Second, the thrown items can be automatically recovered in one thought. Third, damaged weapons will be automatically repaired after recovery, but the repair time will depend on the degree of damage. Fully damaged weapons cannot be recovered. Fourth, only dead objects can be stored, and living objects cannot be stored, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk. ]It

feels good.

Ling Xue's eyes lit up, but after a few seconds, they hung up her dead fish eyes again.

Not a bad fart!

His meow old man adds up all the weapons, and the full count is no more than one finger, which means that after shooting at most four or five rounds, there will be no 'ammunition', and you can't continue firing until you recover them.

Well, forget it, take your time.

Ling Xue sighed helplessly, there was no rush for this thing.

Wait a moment.

With a wave of her hand, the golden curtain disappeared out of thin air. Ling Xue just wanted to turn around and go back to the house, but suddenly thought of something, and stopped there while turning around.


I remember the last time the system reminded me that some weapons were turned into panels, could it be? . .

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was possible. Ling Xue raised one hand and waved it down, thinking in her heart: the weapon is refined and the panel is opened.

Three panels (left quest bar, middle draw bar, right inventory bar) instead of lottery mode. Instead, there are two brand new panels, one in iron and one in blue.

Just after opening, the system sent the basic information.

After a while of being stunned, Ling Xue also understood the usage of refining the panel.

It turns out that the weapons made of iron-colored panels can also be used by non-contractors. The weapons refined from the blue panel can only be used by the contractor, and when refining, something on the contractor's body is required, such as blood, hair, etc. The main purpose is for the contractor and the weapon. The degree of fit is higher.

And the main refining material for this weapon refining panel is the so-called special material.

Now, the use of special materials can be regarded as unraveled. Next, it depends on what can be refined and how far it can be refined.