
Second Element Lottery Draw

This is a fan-fic with Touhou as the main and mc travels to other worlds. Although it is said so, it is just a guise of Gensokyo to wear a comprehensive manga. A lucky pseudonym has a big lucky wheel, complete random tasks, and you can draw a lottery.   What? A set of Clow cards? I like.   What? A folding fan of a forever seventeen-year-old girl. Forehead. . . What do I need a fan for? And PS?   PS: You can use the ability of the realm when you hold it in your hand.   Oh? This can have! Touhou- Love Live - Black Bullet- SAO- Strike the Blood I'm just a emotionless book porter. It's MTL.

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350 Chs


Hiss... This Zi... When did she learn this trick, to 'pinch' people.

Although she was smiling, Ling Xue's hand had already reached into the bed. Touch the source of the pain.

Yep? what is this?

Ling Xue, who reached into the bed and groped, was slightly taken aback, because he felt that his fingers seemed to have entered a soft, warm, and two rows of hard things, and behind the hard things there was another very humid place. Where did I touch it? A strange look flashed in Ling Xue's eyes. Well, forget it. Although I don't know where I touched it, it's good for Zi to stop.

But what's the matter with this unstoppable feeling?

The index finger was writhing in the moist and moist place. Although she didn't know where it was, Ling Xue didn't want to stop for no reason.


was pressed down, and a low moan came out.

"En? What's the sound?" Yamato raised his head and asked in doubt.

"Ah, no...that..."

Ling Xue froze suddenly, not because of the voice, but because his index finger and middle finger touched an extremely smooth and soft thing, and it was not known whether it was intentional or unintentional, it actually entangled him The part of the finger slides slowly. And after touching this slippery thing, coupled with the sporadic hot air blowing on the back of her hand, Ling Xue instantly understood where her fingers went.

Those are Zi's delicate lips, I actually put my finger into Zi's mouth? ! !

After understanding where it was, Ling Xue hurriedly tried to take out her fingers while breaking out in a cold sweat. But I didn't expect Zi to follow up on his own initiative.

Isn't purple annoying? This idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

bang bang. bang bang.

Ling Xue felt her little heart beat violently twice. A sense of excitement arises spontaneously. Do you want... huh~~

I thought so in my heart. And the finger that was pressed somewhere has already started to twitch actively...

Maybe it's because the movement is too fast, so Zi groaned in a low voice.

"That... I mean Yamato, can you go out first, I'm going to get up."

Although feeling very excited, Ling Xue still said as calmly as possible on the surface.

"Why?" Yamato tilted his head in doubt, "Admiral, you are weird today."

"Ah no, that. Boys are always inconvenient for a few days, so that's why." Ling Xue laughed dryly.

"There is such a saying. Then why didn't I listen to you when I was sleeping with the admiral?" Yamato wondered, his feet still didn't move a step, but there was a strange look in his eyes. But because it was fleeting, Ling Xue didn't notice it.

"Ahaha, yes. In fact, there are, like you girls have, so boys also have."

Ling Xue also didn't know what she was talking about, so she could only talk nonsense. Just now, when Yamato said who he was with. Ling Xue suddenly felt that her fingers were bitten lightly, and then wrapped in a slippery numbness. This slight pain and numbness gave Ling Xue a more pleasant feeling.

Am I an m physique?

Er... This is absolutely impossible...

Ling Xue secretly shook her head with a cold face.

"Yamato. Master Nangong asked you to go."

At this time, Astarte appeared at the door of Ling Xue's room, and said with a blank expression.


Seeing someone coming, Ling Xue was deeply relieved.


A look of unwillingness flashed in Yamato's eyes, and he was almost there. In fact, Yamato was a little confused after hearing the low moan. Although her admiral also has a female voice, it is not that charming. And his own admiral can't lie, so Yamato can be 100% sure that there must be something (female) or west (person) under the admiral's quilt. Although he really wanted to lift the quilt to see what was going on, but out of etiquette and Kanna's respect for the admiral, Yamato would not allow himself to do such a powerless move to the admiral, even if he was confused.

"I see."

Responding, Yamato turned around, glanced meaningfully at Ling Xue or the quilt covered by Ling Xue, and secretly said: Just wait, Sneaky Cat, the admiral's marriage ship is definitely me Yes, no one else will be allowed to take it away, I swear in the name of Yamato!



Seeing the door closed, Ling Xue let out a long breath. Recalling Yamato's last look before leaving, Ling Xue smiled wryly and shook her head, did Yamato have discovered something.

"Zi, we..."

Lifting the quilt, Ling Xue just wanted to say that we have to get up, but before the words could be fully uttered, she got stuck. Because at this time, Ling Xue had already forgotten what to say, and she couldn't bear anything else in her eyes.

A few strands of golden hair stuck to the wet forehead, and the originally clear and wise purple eyes were now filled with thick mist. On the pretty face, the soft ivory white skin that could be broken by blows almost turned into a bright red color, like a big red sun. The rapid panting, the tangy fragrance, the sparkle at the corner of the mouth, the constantly wriggling pink lips and the looming tender tongue in the red lips. At this time, Zi's face suddenly showed an astonishing obsession.


Lingxue swallowed hard, resisting the weird itching feeling in her heart and the electric shock and numbness from the end of her fingers, forcing her eyes to glance away and said: "That purple Ah, everyone's still waiting. Shall we get up first?"


The sound of a tender tongue slicing across the fingertips sounded, and Zi slowly opened her mouth, releasing Ling Xue's fingers.

Yakumo Zi got up, took out a delicate handkerchief from the gap, wiped Lingxue's wet hands and the corners of her mouth, it was like a one-click change, a set of casual clothes mainly in lavender The original dress appeared on Zi's body.

"Zi, this is..."

Lingxue couldn't help but see Zi wearing Taoist robes or elegant dresses, but this time she changed into casual clothes for the first time. Feel.

The fascination disappeared, as if everything just now was an illusion. Jumping off the bed and pulling Ling Xue up, Yakumo Zi softly said: "Xiao Xue-chan, let me help you change your clothes."

"Ah, yes... no!" Ling Xue nodded subconsciously, but immediately After reacting, she looked sideways and carefully explored: "Um...Zi, you probably didn't hit anything."

"What's wrong?" Hearing Ling Xue's question, Yakumo Zi suddenly had a feeling of irony, Can't help asking with a half-smile.

"Well, it might be rude to say that. I still can't believe that Zi can look like this." Ling Xue said what was in her heart.

"So you don't like that look?" Yakumo Zi said lightly.

"Ah, no, it's not."

For some reason, Ling Xue always felt that the current Zi was a bit different from the usual Zi. It's not about appearance, but about temperament or feeling. Well... how should I put it...

He also liked Zi in the past, but because of Zi's own temperament and the kind of past life, although he liked it very much, but because it was illusory, he could only look forward to the idea, so Ling Xue's love for Zi's kind To like is to look forward to and admire more than to love. That is to say, although there is love and liking in it, this kind of liking is not pure.

In Ling Xue's words, although I like Zi very much, and Zi is by my side and even signed a contract, I always feel that Zi is still far away from me. It is not the real distance, but the distance of the heart. In other words, Ling Xue still doesn't quite believe that in the computer screen in her previous life, her goddess would actually become her own woman, and she would be the one to accompany her for a lifetime.

But now after what happened just now, although Zi is still Zi, and her gestures still exude the same temperament as before, Ling Xue somehow suddenly feels that the sense of distance with Zi has disappeared, and she is in harmony with Zi. When Zi gets along, the inexplicable sense of inferiority that sometimes arises also disappears.

"How should I put it, Zi, I..."

So, under this feeling, Lingxue confided for the first time the deepest voice in her heart, including his feelings when he was with her...

"That's right..."

In fact, what Ling Xue said, Zi was more or less aware of it before. But as a wise monster sage, she is also a first-timer in terms of emotions, and she doesn't know how to solve it at all. Although I am anxious, I also know that this kind of thing cannot be rushed, and I can only hope that it will gradually change in the future relationship.

I didn't expect this to be a real surprise.

After hearing what Ling Xue had said, Yakumo Zi secretly said in her heart, I also want to thank that woman named Yamato. I heard from Xiaoxue that she seems to be a summoning character too.

"Then do you like the way I look like just now?"

Repeating the old saying, Yakumozi stared at Lingxue's eyes tightly, both intentionally and unintentionally.

"Hi. I like it."

Looking at Zi's purple eyes without any hesitation, Ling Xue said seriously: "I like Zi no matter what it looks like. I like Zi who is angry, Zi who is angry, and Zi who is happy. I like it, I like it the most."

"Well, I believe in you. Because I also like you the most. Big brother..."

Yakumo Zi threw herself into Ling Xue's arms, hugged Ling Xue's waist tightly with both hands, and shouted out the title thousands of years ago again. At this time, Yakumo Zi didn't have the temperament of a monster sage, let alone the nobility of being a powerful monster, just like an ordinary girl, she got into the arms of her lover, absorbing the intoxicating warmth to her heart's content.

Big brother...

I really miss it, and Ling Xue's eyes can't help but water ripples, and her thoughts seem to have returned to a thousand years ago...