
Chapter 1: Aria

"Every beta tester please enter the cupsule that we prepare for you, the game 'Second Earth' going to open in 5 more minutes."

A voice of a female can be heard in a big building that fill with cupsule and around 300,000 in the second floors. The building have 15 floors and 10 floors are fill with the same amount of cupsule and people.

Somewhere on second floors of the building, a young girl that age around 15 to 16 enter the cupsule beside her.

"Aria Qunya, female, 16 years old, Professional Gamer .... Mental status: S, Physical fitness: S .... Hobby: practice hand to hand combat, military exercise, yoga, acrobatics and parkour .... "

Aria heard the same female voice that ask her to enter the cupsule.

"Choose your nickname."

"AriaQ3" Aria reply.

"Choose 5 basic skills from the list in front of you."

Aria look at the list and choose 'Hand to hand combat (Basic)', 'Parkour (Basic)', 'Alchemy (Basic)', 'Dagger Arts (Basic)', and 'Blacksmith (Basic). All of them is a grade G skills.

"Clothes going to appear with player with the game start, Please choose 2 equipment."

Another list appear before Aria and she choose 'Black cloak (G+)', and 'Iron Dagger (G+)'.

"You have 5 attribute points, do you wish to use them?"

"No." Aria reply.

"Do you wish to look at your stats?"

"Yes." Aria reply.


Name: AriaQ3

Race: Human

Title: -

Hp: 100

Mp: 100

Stamina: 100


Str (G)

Agi (G)

Dex (G)

Vit (G)

Int (G)

Wis (G)

Sense (G)

Willpower (G)

Skills: Hand to hand combat (Basic), Dagger arts (Basic), Parkour (Basic), Alchemy (Basic), Blacksmith (Basic).


[Hand to hand combat (Basic)]

[Skill type: Offensive]

[Grade: G]

[Level: 1]

[Effect: Increase damage by 10% when using your fists and legs during combat]

[Consumes: 3 Stamina/min]


[Dagger arts (Basic)]

[Skill type: Offensive]

[Grade: G]

[Level: 1]

[Effect: Increase damage by 10% when using dagger]

[Consumes: 2 stamina/min]


[Parkour (Basic)]

[Skill type: Ancillary]

[Grade: G]

[Level: 1]

[Effect: Increase Agility by 10% when parkour]

[Consumes: 5 stamina/min]


[Alchemy (Basic)]

[Skill type: Ancillary]

[Grade: G]

[Level: 1]

[Effect: Understand how to utilize herb by 10%,and how to make potions]

[Consumes: None]


[Blacksmith (Basic)]

[Skill type: Ancillary]

[Grade: G]

[Level: 1]

[Effect: Understand blacksmithing and how to utilize forging material by 10%]

[Consumes: Stamina]


"Skills knowledge going to enter your brain, be prepare"

After 10 second, Aria head feel like it going to explode because of the amount of knowledge that just enter her brain.

"Wow, hand to hand combat , dagger arts and parkour knowledge that it give me are more advance that what i been using. Alchemy and Blacksmith ... i really know everything like i have practice it for years." Aria say to herself.

"Second Earth is opening in 10 more second be prepare."










"Enjoy you time there AriaQ3"