
The Beginning of Death: Chapter 5

Jack was halfway through collecting the coins he needed and was currently searching through one of the class rooms when someone walked in with a metal pipe in hand.

Random guy "Hey you!"

Jack whipped his head around and was looking at the man who yelled behind him.

Random guy "Yeah you, Give me your coins mate and I will walk away without having to use this. You understand me?"

Jack then quietly summoned a short sword into his hand behind his back saying "Sorry I'm not gonna do that."

As he said that he bursted forward towards the man with the pipe in hand. Jack while running noticed the man push a desk towards him to which he tried to avoid but it still hit him and knocked him back a little. Jack quickly recovered and then began rushing towards the man and as he was getting close he saw out of the corner of his eye the man winding back to swing the pipe at him. As the pipe was coming towards him Jack ducked under the swing and swiped the man's feet out from under him.

The man sat upright swinging the pipe at Jack who was attempting to get up.

Jack while trying to get back up felt a swing coming towards him so he blocked it with his short sword then kicked the man's hand that was holding the pipe and sliced at his neck.

The sword connected and the man grabbed his throat while blood was gushing all over the place.

The man mouthed "How could you do this to me."

The man then fell over and Jack noticed his eyes and they were lifeless. Jack then closed his eyes and shut the man's eyes and then got up and moved over to a trash can.

He then threw up afterward he recovered but still felt incredibly guilty about what he had done. Jack knew he was most likely going to have to do it again one day. He knew it was a dog eat dog world and he knew that he was the one that was going to survive no matter what.

Jack then slapped himself in the face to bring himself back to reality and took the coins off of the man's corpse. Jack noticed that the man had all the coins he needed to access the portal when he combined them with his so he decided that he would find a few more coins and see what the roulette machine could offer to him.

Jack then continued to look for coins coming across multiple people that he recognized from the crowd that were teamed up under Odelette.

Jack 'Odelette must have good leadership skills considering she has managed to keep all of these people under control.'

Jack watched them with caution because he did not want another situation like what happened with the man with the pipe. So if Jack saw people in a room he would just avoid it and find another room to look for coins.

After around an hour of searching Jack was on his way to the roulette machine and was counting the coins he picked up along the way.

Jack ' Hm, I have 412 coins so I guess I should save 100 since Odelette and her group would probably open the door to the ceiling up. After the 100 I am saving I still have 300 so I guess the roulette machine would be the best bet to use the rest.'

After Jack made up his mind he began heading towards the location of the roulette machine. Jack already knew where it was since while he was searching through the rooms he came across the library and noticed a few people using their coins on the machine.

Although as Jack was heading to the library he felt a vibration in his pocket.

[The Hour of Dead has Just Begun]

As Jack looked at that he heard a growling from behind him so he quickly summoned a short sword using his skill shadow armory.

Jack quickly spun around and jabbed at the zombie's head, but as Jack did that he noticed it was the same man that he had previously killed. The zombie looked as if it had a sorrowful and pained face on. Jack could barely tell due to all the mangled and rotting flesh and the man's face but he could intuitively tell that was how the zombie was feeling.

So Jack steeled himself and increased the power behind the jab so that he could end the man once and for all without any pain.

With a squelching noise blood splashed all over Jack's arm and shirt. The zombie then fell over and Jack let out a sigh of relief.

Although Jack knew that he could kill the zombies that didn't mean he wanted to. Jack knew that those were once living people and he knew that he would feel awful even though they were already dead.

Jack thought about using Bellivir to finish the man off once and for all but Jack felt it was his duty to finish what he had started.

So after Jack finished sorting out his mental state he decided that his best course of action was to get back to the safe room and head to the roulette machine when the hour of the dead was over.


Odelette was currently alone searching for coins, since she thought that the hour of the dead would pose no threat to her since she had already killed the monster.

Just as she grabbed a coin and turned around she saw three rotting corpses behind her ready to tackle her so she hurriedly grabbed the final spell ball that she had gotten from her bonus as a silver invited person. She threw the spell ball ,which had an arrow that was seemingly made out of wind on it, towards the zombies and a hail of arrows seemingly fell onto the zombies out of nowhere.

When the rain of wind arrows stopped Odelette noticed that two of the zombies were still alive so she retreated and was then backed into the corner by the two slowly advancing zombies.

Just as she began to panic she heard the quiet sound of footsteps outside of the room she was in.

Odelette "Hey, in here I need some help!"

When she said that she saw Jack stop at the door.

Odelette said with a worried face "Hey wanna help me out."

Jack sighed "Bellivir go."

As Jack said that Bellivir ascended out of Jack's Shadow and bursted with great speed towards the zombies cornering Odelette.

Bellivir swung his greatsword in a sweeping fashion decapitating the zombie in an instant.

Odelette 'So that was what I was seeing when the monster actually died.'

Odelette let out a sigh of relief when she noticed Jack leaving the room.

Odelette "Wait! At Least let me say thank you!"

Jack "Don't worry about it."

Odelette quickly caught up with him and grabbed his wrist.

Jack felt Bellivir getting ready to strike when he mentally told him 'Don't attack her Bellivir.'

Jack felt Bellivir nod his head and continue to watch the surroundings with great vigor.

Jack "Look you can forget about it I don't need anything in return Odelette."

Odelette "Well too bad I won't forget about it so if you ever need anything just ask me."

Jack saw Odelette acting embarrassed when she said that out of the corner of his eyes and chuckled a little.

Jack "Ok then I have a request. Make sure you survive to the end."

Odelette "Obviously I will. I'm not gonna croak anytime soon for your information"

Jack shook his head with a small smile on his face and they both walked back to the safe room. Although Odelette wouldn't stop annoying him on the way.

Well this chapter was a little late 1312 words a little shorter than the last two but the I will move onto the nuetral zone next chapter. First time writing some action don't really know how it turned out so let me know what you think about it. Enjoy reading!

TAKENcreators' thoughts