
Second Coming of Gluttony: Night King

I was just laying on the bed, and before I even realize. I'm already in a different world, in a different body. Watch how I change things with my own hands. I am now 'him'. Watch and join me in my adventures in the paradise. read it if you want, and if you don't then I don't care. new settings unlike the first i made.

allhailsiomai · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Sung Shihyun

In a gloomy classroom where even the sunlight can't brighten it. The gloomy classroom however have 30 people and they are having a good conversation, it looks like the gloomy atmosphere are nothing for them. However, a young man with black hair and striking features sat at the corner, seemingly dazed or drunken by something.

He sat there without paying attention at his surroundings at all. But his thoughts are running frantically at a fast pace contrary to his dazed appearance. While everyone is unaware, a change is occuring inside the handsome young man.

His 'soul' is being devoured by a red substance at a fast rate. But there is no resistance at all from the soul, on the other hand, it seems to be welcoming him rather than fighting for survival.

A change occured that will shake the world.

Will that change bring fortune, or disaster?

No one knows for sure but there is one thing to be wary of.

Is that evil always exist.


I suddenly woke up in a black space. Am having another lucid dream? Sigh.

I think of a comfortable sofa and a table, and poof! A table and sofa appeared in front of me, I sat down sloppily and heave a contended sigh.

Lucid dreaming was one of the wonderful thing that I stumble upon. Inside this 'dream', you are the master of it. You can do whatever you want here as long as you don't break the 'rules' of this place.

Mastering Lucid Dreaming is a good thing for me since I can think and see in peripheral vision my self. Avoiding mistakes and being cool headed in making decision. Then suddenly, a door appeared in front me. Caught off-guard, remained motionless. Staring at the figure who step out of the door.

I was speechless, not because of his handsomeness, definitely not.

But because of his sudden appearance. How? Iv'e experimented everything I can think of but I never thought that another person can enter another's 'dream'.

Lucid dreaming is like a collective mind that everyone is connected to, but you can never enter a 'dream' that is occupied by someone. If so, how can he enter this dream?

I narrowed my eyes at my 'guest' and asked in a flat voice. "What is your purpose for coming here?"


He didn't answer and just stared at me with a wondering gaze. I don't know why but his face conveyed 'what can you do?' look. I inwardly sighed and took a breath to calm nervous myself, only by being calm can you understand everything in a logical manner.

My nervousness are swept by and replaced by calmness, instead of asking another question, I snapped my fingers. And the original dark place is filled with red flames and magma that look like hell. This dream's master is me after all, if you are, you are nigh omnipotent.

My 'guest's' face however is filled with astonishment. As I look into that hateful face filled with astonishment, a smile naturally bloom in my lips but I quickly hid it. Afraid that he might notice it but fortunately he didn't.

I took a deep breath, now, I held the initiative and the momentum is mine. I need to extract information as much as I can.

"Surprised? It doesn't matter, but not answering my question will put bloody holes in your body."


Again, he didn't even flinch nor seem angry or scared by my intimidation. Or he must be pretending to not be flustered.

I narrowed my eyes when that thought pop up into my head. I don't know what will happen if you hurt another dreamer in a dream but it will be a good chance to know.

I continued: "How about it? Will you answer now?"

After talking, the metal spike drew closer to his neck, a little push and the spike would pierce his neck.

But unexpectedly, instead of being scared, he flashed me a smirk.

I clucked my tongue and finally decided that my act is useless in front of him, so I snapped my fingers again and the hellish like place vanish without a trace.

"Have a seat." I said while staring at him.

He look between the table and sofa before he sat down and started making a coffee.

And after making his coffee he finally opened his mouth, he said: "You're something, threatening me. Are you a criminal?"

"You tell me."

"Sheesh, don't be like that my friend." he stopped and look me in the eye for a moment before he smiled and continued.

"After all, you are my con-savior, I mean."


What did he say? I raise my eyebrows at him but he just brushed it off like nothing.

"Well I'm here just to see you for a moment and give a gift as a payment."

What? I can't understand what he is saying at all.

"Payment? What are you talking about?"

He flashed me a sneaky and nasty grin before he snapped his fingers and before I could do something, a black projectile flew at my direction before it swallowed me whole.

I tried to dodge or evade it but it's like the ground is firmly holding my feet.

Damn lucid dreamer!

Those are my last thoughts before I suddenly became I another person.

[A.N/ So here I am again, I'm still stacking up chapters. College is really something, I hate studying but I need to because I don't want to end up as a corp slave in the future but hey, writing is my calming hobby whenever I'm stress. It's a short chapter but please bear with it for the time being. I had so many things to do. Hope ya understand, Ciao!]