
Chapter five family

I was about to leave too but Jason stopped me. "Hold on a sec T.J. I think I got this figured out." Before he could explain his theory the door open and a nurse told me that the chief of staff was looking for me. "I've to go; I'll talk to you guys tomorrow," I said leaving the room.

I sat in my vehicle the next morning rubbing my temple as thoughts of the previous night ran through my mind; making love to my beautiful fiancée before coming to work was amazing even though it made me late for work and put me on the bad side of the chief of staff but I still wouldn't trade those minutes with her for anything. She certainly knew how to drive me crazy with ecstasy when she wanted to.

My mom and sister also came to the hospital last night to pay me a visit but since I was already in hot water I couldn't talk to them for long but I really miss them and was happy to see them even if it was for a short time. Truth be told I miss my family but with my work and girlfriend, I really don't get to spend much time with them.

I start the car and was about to pull out of the parking lot when my phone rang, it was Jason. "Hey man what's up?" I ask. "Hey T.J, you're not driving are you?" "Nope, I'm just sitting in my car."

"Alright listen, Jessie and I were talking and we think that since Kayla was also angry at you and she and Martin and Susan are like best friends, we think that she might have said something to them which caused them to have the impression that the baby's death was somehow your fault." "And you don't think I've asked her if she did; like a hundred times already, because I have and she keeps telling me no, she said she didn't, but I'm going to ask her again as soon as I get home."

Kayla opens the door for Miss Alice but before the lady could say good morning and move to pass her Kayla blocks her and with her hands on her hips stare the older woman down. "So, heard you were here yesterday complaining to Tyler, just what is it that you're trying to do?" Kayla asks glaring at the woman.

"I have no intention of arguing with you Miss Kayla so if you'll please excuse me, I need to begin my work." "Not until you give me an answer, don't forget you work for me too, and if I say I want you gone then make no mistake you'll be gone, got that?" Kayla said angrily.

"That's where you're wrong my dear," I said in a cold tone from behind Kayla which made her jump. "The last thing you told me before I leave the house last night was that you were sorry for how you have been acting and that you'll apologize to Miss Alice when you see her next; funny thing is what I heard a moment ago didn't sound like an apology to me Kay," I said placing my bag on the sofa and giving her a cold look.

"I...I'm sorry." She said softly. "Say it to her not me," I ordered. She turns to Miss Alice and after taking a deep breath she said. "I...I'm sorry." Miss Alice only nods her head and walks away to begin her work. Kayla was about to walk away too but I stop her. "Not so fast, I need to talk to you about Martin," I said indicating for her to follow me upstairs.

It was six pm Sunday evening and Kayla and I were sitting at the dinner table with my family. At the head of the table was my father, standing at six feet, three inches and built as solid as a brick wall, Mr. Steven Jackson is the rock of his family and a force to be reckoned with, he is a licensed medical doctor, owned four coasters buses, part-owner of a gas station and an apartment complex and who also is a licensed fire arm holder.

Next to him was my mother, Mrs. Melissa Jackson, she is about 5 ft- 5inches tall, with a plump figure, a sweet round face, waist-length black hair, and very warm brown eyes. She is a certified pastry maker that baked every type of pastries known to man and because she is excellent at what she did, she got lots of orders and whenever she got an order that was next to impossible to complete on schedule then she could always count on her family to help out. She had owned a shop in the city but because she was there more than she was at home, she closed the shop and move her business to her house; the kitchen was extremely big so she still had a lot of space to do her thing.

Next to her was my oldest brother Fabian, who graduated from university with honors with a degree in Accounting and a Bachelor's degree in business management and who owns a coaster that our father bought for him at age sixteen and who was currently working at the gas station that dad part own, only because our dad was swamped with work and needed someone he could trust to look after his investment.

Next to him was my older brother Caleb, who was a Graphic Artist, working at a very well-respected agency and is also currently still in university and who also owns a coaster which was our father's gift to him at age sixteen.

Then next to him was my little sister Tatiana who had receives her coaster a year ago. My father had then given her the talk which we been the three oldest boys had gotten before; that the reason for him giving them these coasters was to teach them how to manage their business assets and money with care and accuracy which I had to admits taught me a lot about business, and whenever any one of us had a glitch in handling our business our father was always there to lend a helping hand.

I was the only one not living at home with my parents because I didn't want to start my life with Kayla while still living in my parent's house and even though my parents weren't happy that their youngest son wasn't going to be living with them anymore, they respected me for being responsible enough in providing my future wife with a home of our own. They had not only helped me to buy the house but had also helped to furnish it.

Then they all took turns checking up on me a least five times a week but for some reason, Kayla didn't like them coming over so often, so even though I didn't want to I had to ask them to decrease their visits, now I hardly ever see them but hey that's what happens when you become an adult right?

Anyway Kayla and I had arrived at my parent's house at about two pm and I had left the ladies to their own entertainments while my brothers and I played basketball and video games but at four pm my sister had snatched me away from them, asking me to play tennis with her which I did for an hour. I had then spent some time with my mother in the kitchen and fill her in on what was going on in my life including my argument with Martin and my conversation with Kayla after that.

I was getting ready to leave when my father walk over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Lets take a walk son." Putting down the bag with the plates of food my mother had given me to take home I follow my father outside. "So, is it my imagination or did I sense some tension between you and your fiancée?" He asks. I stretch and took a deep breath before answering.

"It wasn't your imagination dad, something has been broken between us since she lost our baby and sometimes it seems that the situation is getting worst instead of better." He sighs heavily too and nods his head. "Why is that?" He asks as we walked towards the gazebo with three of our pit bulls dogs walking in tow.

"Well I had to get very harsh with her the other day because Miss Alice almost quit her job. She said that Kayla was been very rude and insulting to her and refusing to pay her even though I leave her money on the table whenever I knew she was coming, not to mention a whole lot of other things that she shouldn't have been doing or saying to a respectable woman like Miss Alice."

We sat down and the dogs sat at our feet. "She got very upset when I told her that it had to stop and that I wouldn't tolerate any more of her nonsense." "And that heated argument between you and Martin on Thursday night didn't really helped did it?"

"Nope, and it didn't help that I asks her about some of the things he said when I got home Friday morning either. He actually said… that… my baby's death was my fault." "He said that?" He asks in surprise.

"Oh yeah…..and he's a hundred percent sure of it too." I sighs rubbing one of the dogs behind its ear. "I just can't shake the feeling that his feelings towards me were fueled by something she told him, but she keeps denying it."

"Oh dear, so is this tension between the two of you going to affect your wedding plans?" "I don't want it to, but with all the problems we've been having; I'm seriously thinking of postponing our wedding, at least for another couple of months, so we could work on some of our issues." "Things are that bad?" Dad asks raising his brow.

"Yes I'm afraid they are but then again we have been engaged for so long that I'm also afraid that if I do postpone our wedding it may never happen, and another thing that bugs me the most is that, she's not the least bit interested in my work and sometimes I find myself wishing I could come home, sit back, relax and talk to my fiancée about my day but I can't; trust me, she doesn't want to hear it." I sigh in frustration.

"I'm very passionate about what I do for a living and it hurts that I can't share it with her. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone with whom I can't share my daily activities? I pray that her attitude towards my work change as time goes on but, to be honest, I really don't see that happening." I said running my fingers through my hair. "Can you live with that, if her attitude doesn't change I mean?" He asks me.

"I ask myself that question every time I try talking to her about my work and honestly I really don't know but I love her dad, I love her so much that I'm willing to try and make this work even with all her faults and our issues."

Ok then but just know it won't be easy but we're all here for you whenever you need us alright." He said ruffling my hair. "Thanks, dad." "Oh and now I see; so that's the reason you've been calling me so often, not that I mind, if your girl won't listen to you talk about your day then I will." Dad laughs.

Out of his three sons, Tyler was the most open and didn't think twice about coming to him for advice about anything and everything he thought as Ty continues talking. "Then there's our sex life." Ty continues and groaned tiredly while running his hands over his face.

"Making love to her is awkward and uncomfortable; well some of the times anyway, she still rocks my world when she feels like it." He smile as he got up and throw one of the German shepherd's favorite plastic chew toys across the lawn then turn back to his father as the large fluffy animal took off across the lawn after it.

"Making love takes two but I'm the only one that's trying, sometimes I feel like I'm forcing myself on her and I can tell you, dad, it's not a good feeling." The dog brought the toy back and Ty threw it again. "I'm not questioning my love for her dad because I do love her, with all my heart, but is marrying her right now with the way things are between us even wise? Things are going to have to change or I'm afraid this marriage isn't going to last."

"Have you two been to marriage counseling since we spoke about it on the phone?" "No, because she never has the time." "Time? Has she gotten a job? Or is she attending classes?" "Neither." I snort. "But for some reason, she always seems to be busy." I chuckle.

"Can we please go home now?" Kayla asks from a distance across the lawn with her hands on her hips. "I'll be there soon," I replied loud enough so she could hear me. 'Well, whatever decision you make just know that you've my support." "Thanks, dad."

"You're my youngest son Ty, I love you and after everything that you had to overcome in your life, you deserve to be happy. Now, your mother and I do have our fair share of disagreements but at the end of the day we love each other very much, so don't give up hope, every good thing in this life doesn't come without a fight." He said hugging me.

Half an hour later Kayla and I left and for the entire drive home all she did was complain about the fact that being at my parent's house was so boring and how she could've been doing something more exciting with her day and why did they have to spend the whole day, and why did they have to ask so many questions about the baby and by the time he turned into their driveway he had a splitting headache.

Thank you all for reading

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Food for thought

With God's arms beneath us

We need not fear what lies before us.